— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №98513
Unskillful treatment of a woman often leads to marriage.

[ + 83 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98512
I was nineteen. My father is Moscow. One day I went to visit relatives. I don’t remember why or why, but I’m standing on the railroad, waiting for the electric car. On the contrary, another perron. He came, stood and left. People in front of me slowly absorb... but suddenly I notice the girl. She is about 25 years old, cute, slim. It is obviously nervous.. passing men and grandmothers look at her, turn around, chick, show the finger... In a couple of minutes I realized: a problem happened to the girl. Apparently, on the road, she suddenly had women’s days. She shrugged her light coat. The company of young people, in general, she whispered... The girl was all confused, compressed, bored... pressed to the pillar and cried. Suddenly, a guy approaches her... appears to be 17-18, no more... I thought, “Well, another goat!” I decided to go to her... at least...
And suddenly I see... the guy takes off a light jersey and binds his sleeves around the girl’s waist. In short, I covered the girl... She stumbled... And I...
The boy took a good step in his business. The girl recalled in a few seconds:
Oh yeah! The guy! Thank you very much!
The boy looked around, smiled, shrugged her hand... and dissolved in the crowd.
Not a boy... a man. In the big letter...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №98511
The problem with this world is that educated people are full of doubts, and idiots are full of confidence.
by Charles Bukowski (c)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №98510
XXX: The Storm
XXX: Dark and scary
As in the Apocalypse
YYY: If there were no horsemen - not counted
xxx: they were passing by enthusiasts with a flashlight, oring in matyuhalniki
XXX: Delayed due to traffic jams

[ + 42 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98509
Some time ago, I began to notice a spot in the centre of the far edge of the toilet seat in the plastic factory. I tried to wipe it off, but it became more and more noticeable until it looked melted. I complained to my husband, to which he replied that he had the same at home and at work, and that I should not worry. And I asked my friend, my mother, no one else had that. The mother-in-law confirmed that before such spots appeared with envious constancy... That is, it is my husband eээээ protrudes the plastic with a smoker? What kind of radiation is this, maybe I’m married to a superhero, like a Man-Laser Fucks or something like that?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98508
I have never seen so many children in our playground! In the course of the action SamaraEnergo 'happy childhood'. There is no light in the area :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98507
Letter to Tech Support

I am confused, what is my name?

[ + 26 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98506
Our grandmother teaches a boy to ride a bicycle:
Join with him! These are your feet!
I swear, I swear! Such a loud voice.
I have folded!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №98505
In one of the forums about Game of Thrones. The question is whether Daario and Daenerys had anything or not.
xxx: Well he said that Danny was in a good mood, and left her in the morning, whispering.
Maybe he was telling anecdotes all night.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №98504
Pchel-Kin: We have a new employee at work, his name is Abdulrahman, a good person, but I can’t work that way, every time I speak to him by name I can’t help but talk about myself in addition Ibn Hattab... otherwise discomfort for half an hour is provided to me... and :(

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №98503
A Swedish Aftonbladet article that Signal violated the rules of disqualification: “First, he appears on the stands with all the means of communication, as if from an old film with James Bond. With hidden headphones, a microphone and God still knows what (...)"

Commentary :
He also had a joystick in his hand with which he managed the team. Like a computer game.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98502
The satellite is the world’s first search engine that, on requests of ‘moist chicks’ and ‘hot peppers’, issues wet animals and baked vegetables.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98501
Today, the first thing I read, immediately after waking up, was a stream of unconsciousness flowing out of my man at the second hour of the night.
XXX is
Pu Zoo
XXX is
XXX is
Pu Zinoviy Ondatrovich
XXX is
Pu Z.O.
XXX is
Paphnoty Ulyakayevich Zo
XXX is
University of Sibelman-Ortega
XXX is
Give me
Damn, o
The child!
XXX is
The master of Umama stuck naked
XXX is
It is surprising! A noble monkey has a flat ear! Thus, the discussion of the problem of the drying of grain crumbs had previously informed the nobles in mind with symbolic rites. It is calculated: in rabbits, the appetite has increased before, but the appetite controls the smell definitely.
XXX is
by Puzo. Everything is in your hands.
XXX is
In man everything should be beautiful: and thoughts, and soul, and pulse.
XXX is
Look at Puso

Further, references were made to the etymology and historical facts about the pulse.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №98500
I did not resist! In this fairy tale:
In some models of air conditioners are installed above the windows or in the windows themselves.
My wife is normally worried.

The salad! A new secret weapon! Targeting the salad. Something in the middle between a trebuche and a catapult. There is a significant disadvantage: hitting the enemy, at the same time supplies him with supplies.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №98499
nioliz: Have you heard the news? -- It turns out, Zhirinovsky journalist offends and was generally so evil because Zirkadin consumes =))) He apparently mocked him in terrible amounts and for life! and ;)
Kirill: The circadian, do you say? Probably a clown.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №98498
We are against the oligarchy.
Three months, Maidan said
Who will remember it now?
The Provocator and the Moscal

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №98497
to this:

What are the benefits of virginity?
and hermeticity.

and UGU. And the monthly blood of virgins accumulates until it breaks them in half. Download and read the book "Sex for Tea Tree". by RTFM!

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98496
here here :

In an inexhaustible pile from the vastness of this "forum": "we were stuck in the road from evening to deep night because of the fires".
Your disgusting philosopher.
Do not fuck! A philologist will never put a tail here after "Your"!!by 11

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №98495
Previously, when I saw stories about people who depended for some time on the form of an unusual inscription, I did not especially believe in these stories and considered them exaggerated. But today, when I saw the big-lettered phrase “RUBE BOX” on a large advertisement in the city center, it took me a few seconds to realise that it was a real product, not the name of a doll store.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98494
and nearby:


The cat, surprisingly, does not need to earn money for food, as by nature it is able (and even should) to catch meat. And the companion above hinted, apparently, that even a man (a woman), if you treat her as a cat, will not be so flattered and flattered.
Divided the shit. It has long been known:
If you pick up a hungry dog on the street, bring it home, warm it up and feed it, it will never bite you. This is the fundamental difference between it and man." Mark Twain

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna