From today on, the song “I am a chocolate rabbit, I am a gentle coward” is recognized as anti-government propaganda in Ukraine.
What about the XXL application?? to
Hanging on the department.
In the application they wrote, “The problem on our part has not been detected, because we have convinced the customer that the problem is in him...”
What to expect from a department with the short number 666
We fly abroad for the first time, passed registration, sat on the plane. He planted his wife near the illuminator, the child in the middle, himself to the passage. Wife, VO in the technical university, is not a blonde at all: blaaaaa... Why took the ticket taken by the window - the child is selling!!! to
I found nothing to answer...
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Sun, it’s you... call me the next time you’re sending a guy to work. I have employees... a criminal element in pure form...
Or the son rides to his dad's car salon, parking not at the entrance but from the end, where the deaf and the people are not. The whole rapper comes out in a white cushioned suit and what he is trying to present to the three hopars (my sales managers at the smoking store). In a moment, he gets on the couch, loses the keys.
As a result, a set of docks for the resale of the car is already ready (a lawyer three times convicted for fraud) barely had time to stop the marketer... he already sent the layouts of leaflets about the special action to the press...
Maxim is okay, his nose is no longer bleeding... he has been hanging out... In the summer for practice, I will take him to myself, let life learn...
I remember, I was eight to nine years old, and we were stuck in the road from evening to late at night because of the forest fires, and I didn’t run out, but yes, I went up, and my uncle said that if it was a military situation and we were a refugee column, I would be left on the road. It really motivates.
The lake at night.
There are no mosquitoes...
My working day is over :)
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Money is not people – money is not superfluous.
When Rostropovich began to hide the opal Solzhenitsyn in his country, the Minister of Culture Furseva called him to her and said in a sharp form:
Mstislav Leopoldovich Your action is contrary to the state policy, and we are forced to respond accordingly. We will not send abroad, you can tour the country. Roosevelt was surprised:
Do you think concert at home is a punishment?
Tomorrow you will not like that you are not sleeping today.
It is naive:
The problem is that very rarely at the stage of choice potential wives behave as they begin after the wedding. They are two completely different people often.
Seeking to necessarily marry (for some, forgive me, hero) out of the skin to depict what a potential husband needs, not thinking that they will not marry her, but the one she depicts.
We do everything, yes.
By the way, on the "test drive" of the "living a couple of years together, and then signing up" also most ladies do not agree exactly from what they understand: so long comedy can not break. Consent does not always help.
Any more or less mentally healthy person has the desire to be good in his understanding and to have a positive reputation in significant people around him. Probably your girls are showing you. And the fact that they do not agree to a two-year test drive suggests that you are not so attractive to them to spend so much precious time on you without a guarantee of results. This doesn’t characterize your girls very well and makes you foolish as a person who repeatedly chooses such girls.
As I can see, you are not talking about feelings, you understand your ladies as a covet on articles and judge them selectively. Why are you so surprised by their cynicism?
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My colleague (k) was pleased:
Q - Tell me, richer of the Russian land, do you have a stock of overseas smartphones, and with an apple, that the idol foreign bite his American bite?
I, in my confines, left two barks with an Adam’s apple imprinted on them. What is Barry interested in?
K - I have a smartphone, and there is a problem with it - whether it's awkward or not, the overseas barina doesn't recognize without a word of secret. And the word is not simple - the letters in it are overseas and the numbers are Arabic. My priest says the number of the beast in the word is hidden! So I soaked my finger into the glass, thirty times a day. And it is okay if you walk the way, but you are baptized on the worm of Satan's iron under the ground - it is also tolerable. But if you are rushing around the center of the capital on a chariot that moves about 150 horses, then you can scratch your chariot unwise about the hologram. And it's okay if you have an Uzbek holop on the ishak, then you can be a fan of the German baron.
That's why I ask you - can you not change the glass of the devil with an apple without a peripheral to the same, but already with an Orthodox peripheral?
The problem with this world is that educated people are full of doubts, and idiots are full of confidence.
The child is watching the advertisement "Bounty".
Q: Do you want to lose weight like this?
I : Yes
R is bad!
I : Why?
R, dumb looking at the model: there is nothing to kiss at all!
Elena (19:12:00 26/05/2014)
We have a rainbow.
She jumped out of the door - in shorts shorter than a coward and a maid
The passing man almost turned in the wool.
Alexander (19:12:52 26/05/2014)
and ROFL
Elena (19:13:01 26/05/2014)
And in the valleys.
I’m going to run in shorts.
Maybe not because of my beauty.
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I’ll give you a kilogram of uranium and you’ll realize how explosive my love is.
WOW: Who are you? O_O
In general, always (in normal people), under the female "beard" was understood vegetation on the female genitals.
==== is
The fucking. I’m glad that I’m "abnormal" in your understanding.
I feel in connection with the victory in / in Ukraine Poroshenko, on the next Maidan people will stand with tablets "Powder, go"
My husband and I sit on the couch at night.
M: You have such bottomless eyes!
I: Oh, yesterday I saw a sluggish video of how eye protheses are done. Very interesting!
M: Ophigete, you are romantic with me.
My baby is 4 months today.
YYYYYYYYYYYY Congratulations
Did you buy him a cake?
We gave him a festive breast.
YYY: Is the feast a sergeant?
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Article on the Japanese game:
XX: In what language does he write the proga?
yyy: I would rewrite to Go banally for the sake of stylistic integrity.