— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №82685
Chapter 1: Did you break up?
Player 2: A fly, the infection in the fork flew, the cat jumped after it and in the jump dropped the monitor from the table...
Chapter 1: The Flies!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №82684
The universe is forced to write a handbook on the topic of a missed class, 25 pages. Quote from that:
The development of microbiology went fairly fast. A. Calmet and S. Herman offered a vaccine against the unpleasant church tuberculosis. And this miracle took place on the earth of men in the thousand nine hundred and twenty-first year of the birth of Christ, the Son of God, the prophet and savior of mankind from the hell of fire, unfaithfully conceived by the Virgin Mary from the holy spirit, which seems very strange from the point of view of medicine, which teaches us that conception is made by the merger of male and female sexual cells. I think everything was actually different. And my husband, the carpenter, believed. well well. Em, so this is what I am about.Method of infectious prevention..."

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №82683
The child asked the question: "and what does not depend on man at all?"
I answer: "birth, death and love"
Pause and the child on this: "A, only three things... well, okay"

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82682
The question of female logic.
We go to Dacia yesterday. The wife asks to pick up 4-5 liters of water. To my reasonable question: " Why? After all, we have a well there!" answers quite reasonably that he said we have two rottweilers, while we drive with them to the heat, they will almost die of thirst. And in the well, the water is more cold, and dogs will start to drink it greedy and get sick with angina, or worse - pneumonia. Even after spring, the water in the well contains a lot of microbes. Do I want my dogs to suffer from stomach disorders? After all, we bought a 5-liter bottle of drinking water for tea in the store. I persuaded her with her chest. I crawled in each hand through the crane of the water supply water to the country... I put these baklags in the trunk so that they didn’t flow, they went in the stream, they came. I pulled everything into the house and went to the bathroom to dissolve. I come back in half an hour, and she brought the water of the fields washed!!!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №82681
XXX: I saw the tomb of a man named Leny in the cemetery.
I should have been born with that name!!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №82680
And I wanted to ask a liter of Klinsky, and asked CLITOR LINSKY))I did not understand at first, then the turn and I began to laugh hysterically) the chauvin was upset, so I left without beer

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №82679
When social life is suppressed, there are only two consolations: vodka or Hegel’s philosophy.

[ + 31 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82678
Open space is a mathematically calculated and physiologically justified scheme for suppressing the will of employees by the employer. It combines a barracks, prison and a poultry factory.
Not all coincidentally. The talk about corporate spirit and the rational organization of space is an emptiness for the light-believers.
Where are you going?

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82677
Authorship ‏@astroaist

The destruction of vanity is the duty of every decent person. If boredom is not in an angry state, it is a disgrace to others"Landau

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №82676
Mr. Bugs
I today saw such a trick - the shorter goes from the station to the first way a man with a grandmother, they look like 45 years old, such a man is loaded with bags, they are overwhelmed. And the grandmother goes down with one bag and says: Ah, how good together!

Mr. Bugs
The expression of the man's face at this point is not transmitted!

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №82675
I am a real girl. Even on the porn site I pop up advertisements "White cardigan - buy".

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №82674
Dialogue in the building shop:

Buyer (showing something long and narrow with his hands): Do you have something for sale? These...

The Seller: The Seller?

The buyer: No. (He tries to remember the word.) These... (more quietly, thinking out loud) what a Petrosian humor... (in full voice) A! Do you have plants?

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82673
Commander: It was in place.

I hear a whispering child’s voice outside the fence – “Grandmother, can I go for a walk?”

The answer is: "No!"

“Baby, can I go for a walk?and "

"No, I said!"

" and why!" - so with inexplicable suffering

The answer killed

"Yes, because you are a d@wnuck!"

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №82672
From the forum, the topic of why people confuse right and left.

The xxx:
I am confusing too. I am 27, they say, all creative natures confuse.

I’ve heard that all people without brains like to call themselves creative natures.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №82671
Commentary on the news: "A truck that woke up filled the MKAD with asphalt."
XXX: Well, now at least there will be asphalt.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №82670
Fraser Oleg doesn’t need to explain to his wife why he doesn’t wear the ring.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №82669
Suicide is not the answer
HH: Well, it is when
If you are asked, for example,
What is the name of a man who kills himself?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №82668
I sit at work, all day I am glad that there is no one in the whole three-storey building, freedom.
Then I realized that today is Sunday. My birthday. And I am at work.

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82667
Flowers of Sirens,
It smells dumb.
Fighting disastrously
My brain and my heart...

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №82666
Oh these villagers! (from the conversation on the phone)
There was such a storm on the street, fuck! But you know, I would only want one thing right now: that if you were lying next to me, I would not care if it was rain, lightning, or lightning. Only you are there, and the rain would monotonously drum out the window.
He: Daaaah, it’s raining... I watered tomatoes yesterday.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna