— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №150594
WM 2018. The long-awaited meeting of the best footballers of the world Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi has taken place! They met today at Sheremetyevo airport.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150593
As long as people are patient and silent, you can’t think about it.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №150592
Everyone told them they were not a pair because they were completely different. But Leha still filed an application to marry and on the same day went to the production practice in Tambov to the Pigment factory.

From the very beginning, Lehe’s practice was not lucky. He had to fall shortly before everyone, in order to have time to get married before September, and fate tried every way to prevent it.

On the second day of his stay, Leha knocked his hand on the door of the dormitory, the door was painted with oil paint window glass, which no one suspected, Lehe cut his hand so hard that he had to call an ambulance.

After Lechka was released from the injury point with a tailored arm, he was taken into a shake.

He healed his hand, he used to swim in Tsnu and cut off his leg in 27 places with a rugged bark at the bottom. An ambulance, a trauma point, a shaker. They are there as guards.

Then he caught the inflammation of the middle ear. Lie for a week. It was very painful. Within a week he stopped sickness, in connection with which he was bitten by a snake, but immediately lucky - it was already.

Finally, a rare day, I went to work. The practitioners carried a polyisobutylene workshop full of various chemical equipment. And here is Leha sitting at the door of the shop on a barbecue with the girls. In the casket, as required. And his head shrugged. He removed the cascade. At the same time, someone found in another very corner of the shop, meters in twenty, a very beautiful Italian screw M12. With English arrows to open and close on the head. All in brilliant chrome. I found it, looked at it and threw it out so as not to bother. Behind the back where no one was.

Bolt funnyly scratched ten times from the equipment and pipelines, the last time somehow skillfully pulled off the stainless steel pipe, flew out of the workshop and fit Lehe in the forehead, a second after removing his protective headscarf. Leha breathed and put on the helmet back. Therefore, no one immediately noticed that the swollen cushion clearly read the reversed English letters: “open-closed.”

When Leah arrived, he married. Forty years live soul-to-soul, although they both said that they were not a couple completely. The strangest thing is that in these years, Leha has not even cut a shave once. Although it’s okay, it’s not in the account, it’s electric.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №150591
Give a man a fish and he will be full for a day.
Give a man a snack and he will be satisfied all his life.
Give a man a religion and he will die of hunger, asking God for fish.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №150590
Dialogue with the Brazilian:

Are you in Russia for the first time?

- Yes

And what impressions?

I expected it to be colder.

How is it in Brazil now?

It is winter there.

And what she is?

It’s like a summer in Peter.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №150589
A gentleman will not reject a lady, even if she does not yet agree.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №150588
When my daughter was 3 years old, I put her package of her favorite candy under her pillow one evening. She found them in the morning and asked, astonished:
This from where?
Without thinking, I whispered in a wakeful tone:
The elves brought.
I liked responding creatively at the time, and standing on my own until the last, adding convincing details to the fiction.

This story lasted for five years.

Who are the Elves?
All children have elves, they fulfill desires, they help, they give gifts.

- Mom, and the other children say, there are no elves.
Every child has an elf. But if a child does not believe in elves, they do not come to him.

How do they look?
Write them a letter and leave it under your pillow. They will tell you themselves.

In the beginning, the elves brought gifts themselves, their small puddles caused a storm of emotions. Then the daughter began to draw elephant pictures to tell what she wanted... then to write, rewriting letters from my mother’s draft, then to write independently in secret from her mother. Sometimes the elves brought the ordered not immediately, sometimes they brought something else, sometimes they wrote letters and told about themselves. And the older the daughter became, the more she liked the letters. When the mother and daughter were arguing, the indignant threw her in response that he would write the elves! ...and asked for them a good mom and 100 sweets. And even if my mom was angry, the elves always responded and reassured.

Once a daughter asked the elves for beautiful animals, just like in a magazine, which comes out once a month, with one toy from a whole collection of consistent marvels. And the elves just had a set of elves at school, and they commissioned small elves to make animals as a test task. The elephants overstated, first, they made the dragon, second, they accidentally revived him. The dragon broke up half the villages, and all the forces were thrown to rebuild the houses first. In the evening, the elephants, quietly whispering, locked themselves in the workshop, because they wanted to make a gift themselves, without the help of adults. Their business went slowly... generally, two months later, the package arrived from China, and this chapter of the fairy tale ended.

In 5 years, a lot of fairy tales were written, elephants and their names were invented, the description of the island and houses, the presence in the village of the main fairy elves, diseases, holidays, school, holidays. The daughter made gifts to the elves: one candy was enough for the whole village, and from small boxes the elves made themselves a whole house for guests, and yet they did not know what sugar is, and called it a sweet stone... The elves could not be shown to people, it is absolutely impossible, as in the tale of the Black Chicken. They would have to find another place of residence. But the elves still asked the main fairy to let them bring the girl to the village and teach her witchcraft.

And then my mom realized that it was time to end the fairy tale so that it would remain a fairy tale forever. The daughter still believed in elves, but was already o-o-o-very big. Do you know what people believe who just want to believe? How do they not notice the obvious little things that contradict their faith? All children will one day learn about Santa Claus, about the tooth fairy, about... and the elves should have remained a fairy tale.

When her daughter was eight years old, the elves brought her three wishes as farewell gifts:
You just have to start doing something and it will succeed.
You will smile enough to make friends with another person.
“When you become an old grandmother, we will take you with us, we will turn you into a little elephant, and you will go to our school.
And they also promised that they would trick mom and dad so that they would be kind and sometimes hid her gifts under the pillow. It should be noted that this last wish was fulfilled immediately, even before the appearance of any gifts from parents. Great power of conviction.

No, the daughter did not immediately accept the fact that the elves left. What do these mean: “You’re already big”, “You’ll soon stop noticing magic”?
What if I write them?

And in the house, there are still a lot of toys that the elves brought. The elves still exist.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №150587
The best player of the match Nigeria - Argentina was recognized Diego Maradona, who scored two squads on the court.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №150586
If we get pleasure from work, it’s a signal to the boss that we’re not working hard enough.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №150585
If Andrey Malakhov is thrown a dark patch on his head, he thinks it’s night, and he’s silent.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №150584
How do you explain to a child that France is not in Africa?

[ + 49 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150583
“Successful some Putin this time got,” Ivan Petrov told his wife Lyudmila. "The past was nothing like that - one Chechnya was destroyed, the other Crimea returned. And this... Pension wants to steal, prices are rising...
He breathed hard.
“Don’t worry, Vanechka,” his wise wife comforted him. God will give, the next Putin will be better.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №150582
In the mid-1980s, a kindergarten. To play with a toy, you had to show it to the teacher and ask for permission. And here I chose a racing car that, when you ride it on the floor, makes such a fierce wave at the expense of some internal mechanism. My fingers are pulling to take her, and one girl is shouting, “Don’t take it for Christ’s sake!” I thought “Christad” was the name of this toy. A few days later, I approached the teacher with this machine and asked, "Can I take the christarad?" The teacher made such round eyes: “You can, of course, take, mother!”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №150581

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150580
I call my voice, I feel like I’m not sober.
You are where?
“Sweet, sweet, I come home, it’s too late.
is exactly?
Well yes. You don’t believe me?
Turn on the TV...
Okay you...
Include it, I said.
It includes.
Okay well. Water in the bathroom?
It includes.
And now jump on your whirling bed. Not so loud. Are you a herd?
A scream is heard in the telephone.
Okay go to sleep. I love and kiss. You are smart. Not that your fucking ones are turning somewhere now!

As it turns out, it was actually:
Bar, football, beer, man 30-40 The body runs out into the middle of the room:
My grandmother is calling!
And silence... Switching the cell phone to a loud communication.
The guard turns on and turns off the TV.
The bartender puts water in the glass.
Three fans jump on the couch.
This is how 40 people can understand and penetrate!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №150579
Interviewer: “How do you think the 1970s Brazilian team would be able to beat today’s Argentina?”
Pele said “Yes.”
Interview: “With what account?”
Pele: “1-0”
The interviewer: “And that’s all.”
Pele: “Well, most of us are over 75 years old.”

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №150578
and Taxi.

Take the girl young today. He sits in front of the smartphone. We stop at the light. A very beautiful girl, twenty years old, crosses the road with just a charming poppy. Short stretching shorts... All the male drivers accompanied this Empress of Pops with their eyes. The ass is right. They rarely meet. The perfect ass without a single defect.

My passenger makes a comment:

- A young man, so unceremoniously watch over the girls - мовеton. It is very low and not respectful. You insult this girl. This is pure water sexism.

In general, she read me in full.

And you know, I was so ashamed... Actually, we are watching like a prey. Not very beautiful. Women are first and foremost individuals. And they need to be appreciated for the mind and actions. And I apologized.

And when my passenger came out, I understood why. She has no ass. at all. The level. The board. I even felt that she was a little stunned. I did not watch. It is not decent.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150577
I decided to go to the medical committee. For this reason, I went to the clinic.

The turn here is huge. No less than two dozen people and everyone needs to go where I am.

The lady came, tried to go to the doctor without a line, was stopped by three grandmothers. He tried to get into the middle of the line and was once again besieged by others already waiting. I decided to try my happiness standing in front of me.

Don’t go out of line, I’m upset.

“But I just have to ask, and I’m in a hurry,” she said.

Where are you in a hurry? The guy asked after me.

How to Where? I have a manicure in half an hour, she answered, as if it was a question of life and death.

In the end, they sent her to the end. While she argued with those in front of her, the place where she could have stood was occupied by four others.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №150576
In the struggle for freedom of conscience, the most unconscious have won.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №150575
Yesterday told: Students of the medical institute were sent either to classes or to practice (I don't know how it happens to them) in a dude and on the first day they were spent in the chambers to get acquainted with the situation, they enter the same chamber and the doctor with the screams "Asa, Opa!" He begins to knock on the palms and dance the lizhinka. All the sick in the chamber are immediately undermined and begin to burn with him, like at a wedding. The doctor danced for a couple of minutes, then went out with the students from the chamber and said to them, "Well here, outside people are somewhat serious, too tight, and here I rest my soul, there you will always be supported.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna