— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128038
xxx: How can I explain to my mom that I will not sit in the same field with any sharply mature after my weight loss of 20 kg?
How to become a single mother: lose 20 pounds, get married, fly.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128037
No matter how many times you cut your food consumption by 25%, you will always have a little food left. In other words, Achilles will never catch a turtle.

Zenon Detective

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128036
That everyone should know the rules, regardless of whether you have a car or not.
How to teach the mother tongue of everyone so that they can write without mistakes.
zzz: Well, it is necessary to introduce a system of fines, up to the deprivation of the right to write in the mother tongue.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №128035
Sasha gets upset every time I leave. He sends me ugly messages. This straight killed: the rabbit was abandoned by the mistress, the rabbit left alone, the baby brings, the beer drinks, the cowboy lives well!

I asked him, does the rabbit catch the rabbits?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №128034
The bosses
Such bosses
May has begun, our has already requested a report, which is always made to the 27th of the month.

I explain, the month is coming, the numbers - where to get?
Speaking with a smart face.
Try it, you have to do it.
I say
Please try to pay me your salary first.

The question fell sharply.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №128033
Bojan: There were times before, and now moments.. I remember once, leaving a girlfriend after her whining, with a comment "aaaa! Peggy of wool! On a beautiful trajectory in the closing door he threw her into the apartment of someone else's cat.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128032
Only when you go to the public toilet can you see how disgusting communism is.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128031
My 90 year old grandmother can no longer walk, unfortunately. On May 9, she visited the tomb of her beloved grandfather. The roles of a uncle and a grandmother.
Mom, let you sit on the chair, we’ll bring you.
D - So let me bring the wearers, on them even better.
B – It doesn’t eat, they’ll say they’ve gone crazy, a living grandmother on the cemetery is dragged.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128030
Residents of St. Petersburg! We are all shocked by the appearance in the sky of this huge glowing ball. Please keep calm. There is no need to buy grains and supply drinking water, stop making a will and fall into religious exaltation. Scientists claim that the object is called the Sun and does not pose any danger. Soon, our city will again be plunged into a cozy rainy darkness. Hold on, my friends.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №128029
Calls a girl from an internet provider, starts advertising her products.
I: I have a good provider right now, but there are times when the whole day is troublesome and the ping is high.
D: You are lucky! We recently delivered new equipment - there are no ping customers at all!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128028
Join me to:
>> On my SUV quite thick and strong power buffers (with certificates and marks in the PTS). 3 tons of steel with such pieces do not leave a chance for the jumpers. When I walk, it is not easy to cross the road. Because I know the difference between "I have a right" and "he must". <...>

1st My car is an ordinary mass sedan... with a loaded weight of 1.5 tons. At the same time, in general, a pedestrian can be enough and a bicycle with a full weight of ~80 kg, if the cyclist speeds up to car speeds.
2nd I am a beginner driver. I need about two seconds to react to the sudden change in the situation - this is said in auto schools, they write in explanations to the PDD, this is confirmed by the experience of many.

These two points lead to the fact that I always quote the statement: “After I was driving, I became much more careful crossing the road.”

I just want to live, strange as it may be.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128027
This is "The Sun" Why is it "L"? In life someone says "Sun"? No is.


All my life I have been speaking "Sun". And also "traMвай", and not "traNвай", like some.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №128026
Flying is an art, or more precisely, a skill.
The whole focus is to learn how to swipe your body into the earth’s surface and miss it.
Try to do this on a good day, the “Guide” recommends.
The first stage is simple.
One thing is required of you – to rush down firmly without fear of the physical pain that awaits you.
That is, it will hurt if you can’t get past the ground.
Most people fail, and the more effort they put in, the greater the likelihood of a collision with the ground. Of course, all the difficulty in the second phase is in failure.
The main thing is to get past the ground by chance. There is no point in trying specifically to fly by, because it is simply impossible. No, the whole thing is that in the middle of the road to the earth you have to get distracted by something, forgetting both the prospect of falling, and the ground, and how you will hurt if you can't miss.

(c) Douglas Adams, "The Guide to the Galaxy Traveler"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128025
They ate a snack in a race. The main thing is not to pass.
We have a train in 30 minutes.
Going to the public toilet?
He is paid!
I am catering!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №128024
You understand, because nothing really has changed in two years.
I now have work, money and sex.
XHH: Something I really did.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128023
I read about swimsuits. I found my old swimsuits. and died. The great. Are you paying?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128022
Thanks to Nixon’s legacy in Idaho, the rule remains that a person who believes that prayer heals is not subject to the Child Abuse Prevention Act if he leaves his child without medical care. As a result, in one of the religious communities of the state the child mortality rate is 10 times higher than in the state as a whole. And, say, a seriously ill girl, who is now in need of a heart and lung transplant, cannot file a lawsuit against her parents, who prayed over her as a child, instead of taking her for a much safer operation.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №128021
My girlfriend is a genius! Wanting to lose weight, I decided to eat celery. But empty does not taste good. She eats it with mayonnaise.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128020
Laughing or crying:

"Minstrud began discussing the introduction of a tax on tuna"(RF)

Back to the future?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128019
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY You can help me with the course.
Xx: If this is an assertion, then yes, and if the question, then no.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna