— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №65713
Read the news on Yandex:

In Vnukovo Russian footballers met OMON.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №65712
I am jealous of my friend.
His wife, when it comes time to read a fairy tale for the night to their seven-month-old child, opens Wikipedia and reads in an epic voice something like "Tachion" - a hypothetical particle moving faster than the speed of light, as opposed to the ordinary particles called in theoretical works on tachyons "Tardions".
Motivating this by the fact that the brain immediately gets used to the complexity and diversity of information in our difficult world!

[ + 53 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65711
Hello, I need to register a new employee.
Admin: The girl has a name
Man will do the rest.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65710
DIMAKOVAL: guy how to see how much I have a video card?
When did you buy a computer? Well or not.
DIMAKOVAL: yesterday
ROMATORBA: aa, well means you have a video card for 1 day

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №65709
Maybe he has another, what do you think?
Idiots who will behave with him.
Even better...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №65708
I read the news:
In Pless will build a public toilet, which will be built in the area of the bus station. For the construction of the facility allocated 2 223 290 rubles."

Pleased with comments:
One is good guys! I so understood the fourth floor will be, with gasoline and TC (well where without the TC)? You have to put a million dollars on toilet paper.

2: I have an apartment that is not worth so much :'(

This is not a 2-storey toilet. Only there, instead of toilets on the 2nd floor, the holes will be on the first floor. The second floor is for VIP persons. They will strike straight on the heads of the ordinary people, so that they know who they are, so that they do not rise up and remain silent.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65707
There is a sign: to find out the gender of a child in a small time - you need to ask the older child! They often guess. I went with my husband (his name is Oleg) to a five-year-old nephew:
I: Who do you think we will be born? Girl or Boy?
Q: You will have a girl, and Oleg will have a boy!
I: O_o

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №65706
Russian footballers, in order not to upset fans with defeat in the Euro final, decided not to leave the group.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65705
ееї: I go home with my husband, I say to him, "Look, there is hemp growing in our cave!" Husband: - And actually hemp, and I didn't notice it before, hm, and she has seven leaves. This is what a flower flower!

[ + 27 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65704
Our owners have a whole yard of turtles and they are constantly coupled.
XXX: The Turtles
YYY: I guessed
Their children constantly feed them with cleansings from fruits and vegetables, they eat in breaks.
XXX: The Turtles Again

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №65703
I am glad that I am a technician.

WOW : no? And who how.
It is easier for me to indicate the type of rhythm in the fifth-sixth line and find aliteration in the fourth line, than to make an elementary scheme and make the starter work.

HH: Do not be upset
I only understood the words "do", "starter", "worked"

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №65702
New promotion from Pepsi and Leice: send 3 barcodes to the number one, and become the head coach of the football team.

[ + 17 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65701
Poop and Nastya. We have a spring, then summer has arrived. What next? A drink in autumn? Winter is burning at home.

[ + 37 - ] [21 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65700
Serega, our administrator, every day of the salary goes to the zoo and buys the largest package of cat food. He opens it, leaves it in the parking lot under the office. ))))
Zzzz: Is that he? = O
HH: He doesn’t answer questions.
He just replied, they saved his life. :)

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65699
11 Millionaires Return Home, and 140 Million Fantasies Return to Earth

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65698
MegaZoiD: I have a 78% chance of having sex today. Shoulder or not?
Aska_Langley: the ass of the main wash

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №65697
I met Zen and got married.
Q: Did you eat?
The new bush has struck my cynical brain. For all the time of work, today asked me to come for the first time - the banking gate did not start. While I was forging, she was standing behind her back and recording something. At my silent question, she gently smiled and said she didn’t want to bother me once more without a matter if it happened again. I am constantly busy. For the first time I was ashamed in the Bukhov Terrarium, I almost constantly create the kind of turbulent activity without activity. Here is a miracle. She also gave me a pack of cakes.
UUU: The insidious aliens have found a lay-out to enslave our minds. This is how we lose the best of us.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №65696
Who is %girl_name%? So interesting and fun)
Will not give.
The day passed-
Sorry for the disinformation. to give.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №65695
At the European Championship, Alexander Kerzhakov beat the goal 16 times, of which 15 did not hit the square, once even the ball.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65694
Son (7 years old): Mom, I can’t play chess with myself!! to
Mother: Why is this?? to
How do I know who won, me or me?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna