— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127978
At Krugobajkalka, a couple of kilometers from Port Baikal, where graffiti, rocky drawings and others are found on the rocks, there was Vasya, quite high painted someone's name, "1985" and a symbol of the festival of youth and students. Brightly, clearly, has not been washed off by rain, not a drop since then! The buildings painted in 1985 have been repainted many times. Or left irrevocably.
Someone in 1985 knew where to get an untouchable paint.
And did not tell anyone.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127977
A year for two (+70% +80%) only in the Zapolyaria and in the areas of hostilities (well so for understanding)

No, not only There were still people who could work in any city of the USSR and they were charged a guard for two years - workers of the counterchummy. You’ve probably seen in the movies of the pedos where they shout "call the CKZ!!!" and people come in special costumes and cover everything up to the squirts? These are only real diseases (pest, cholera).
My grandmother retired at age 57, with 74 years of experience.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127976
They say, happiness is to find the one who was looking for you, if it is not a criminal search, a collection agency, distant relatives, about the existence of which you did not even guess, or the husband of your mistress, who guessed about you.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127975
Q: Am I registered with your team? You know I’m not against, but you can be against.
It is like what our foreign friends say.
See also: OOO
Tagged with: Velka
The valleys on Valaam are very strong.
The phone helped as it could.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №127974
Sold by 20280
The quote:
You can "read" while doing homework, walking or taking the subway.

Fucking seriously? No time now in the claim to the meaning of the said, but, modern, you completely lost the shame? In one phrase missing a few cracks is already something. Not even the generation of the EGE, as they like to say now, but it seems like a generation not allowed to the EGE. Pizzas, there are no words.

[ + 26 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127973
In the Cyrillic alphabet, the letter X (her) has a numerical value of 600. => the expression "to her" is "to 600". This is all you need to know about Cyril.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №127972
From Habr:
One of my acquaintances, the chief engineer of the water channel, removed the breakthrough of the sewerage for the New Year. Since NG, the people are worried - the materials were given in quantity, and repaired well. As a result, the "holy source" closed several hundred meters nearby.

Causal and consequential relationships are...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127971
I was on the bus. The grandmother came in at the stop, all trembling, barely standing on her feet. Naturally, all the buses were seated on her, the place was ceded. Together with some man, they brought her under white blades and looked with round eyes, as the grandmother, pushing back with a clamp, jumped through the high hills (the case happened in winter), quickly across the highway right into the red light. Lovko curled from passing transport, she escaped on the opposite side of the street.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127970
> Perfectly on the machine I pretend the distance and probability of a sharp set
> the speed of the ashes with a trajectory intersecting with mine. Options may be
> many: fucking under spays, heart attack (any other)
The problem is, and I am not a cat and I have only one life. Another stupid habit.
> remained - constantly monitoring the roof on the subject of snipers and the road under the feet of the
> the subject of stretching mining.

Despite some echo of war, thank you for your healthy assessment of the situation, dear pedestrian who does not consider himself an immortal cat. Without any irony. thank you.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №127969
The Falcon 9 landing:
xxx:How they wrote on Twitter: "Normal modern news headline: a robot rocket landed on a barge robot after bringing a space robot into orbit"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127968
Girls tend to pay attention not to beautiful guys, but to guys with beautiful girls.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №127967
When my grandmother brought my father from the nursery, his brother was 4 years old, and they lived in the village. Naturally, the farm-garden house required no less care than a child, so going to feed the cow, the grandmother said:

“Sasha, look at Misha so she doesn’t cry.

She sits down, pains herself calmly, and sees Sasha walking in the yard. She is him:

Don’t you look at Miley? Suddenly he is crying?

“No, Mom, he won’t cry anymore.

Why is?

He cried and I covered him with a pillow. He will not cry anymore. never ever.

As it follows from the fact that I am writing this post, the pillow was removed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127966
Buy a favourite (L) electric boiler. The seller (P) is filled with a slang about the "best product".
Q: And we also have a 17% discount for those who have a birthday this month!
L: (with a trick in the voice) How good, dear, that you have my name. In general, it is beneficial to have twelve favorite men as a complete year-round discount card.
I: It’s frustrating to have eleven more competitors, but am I at least the favorite of all?
L: Of course my dear!
After a pause, he added:
It is the month of May.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127965
That is Grisha! In him, even if he will try to lubricate or calm, something will come out like: "no, nothing, everything will be fine, you are a brainless creature."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127964
Commentary on the program:

It does not start. Click on the tag, and in response silence... windows 7 x64

Added after 5 minutes and 30 seconds:

I remember my hands from my ass. Repaired and worked.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №127963
I buy a sausage, I give a cat, if it eats, you can eat! I began to notice...that wooled cattle is watching if I eat!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127962
I went to a neurologist with complaints about headaches. She says she needs a neck massage to relax the muscles. (Looking at the right hand, I saw the ring there):

Good that you are married, there is someone to massage your neck!

In the evening, my husband told me why he really needed him, so that he didn’t know.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127961
XXX: So why does the screw on each flash drive create a folder called System Volume Information? She knows it’s not a hard disk.
YYY: the territory targets

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №127960
Mom wrote today:
I tell you: runs through the courtyard, bending the back of a bunch of cats - six pieces. One of them is strangely jumping. I look at it and only after five seconds I realize that the dog is smaller than the same cats. Just wandered, as behind the back of the male bass is spread: "Anatoly! Anatoly, stay away from cats! I told you for a long time - you will not die by your death!"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127959
Sometimes in self-activity there was a certain room in which they used cartridges and foam bricks, throwing real ones to each other, rushing to the stage, then to the hall flew butaphore - screams, whispers, scare, choking.
So, my friend, let’s say, with a far from good-hearted face, then carried this brick with him and everyone around became kind and polite, the cars slowed down for a quarter and the police greeted.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna