— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №127958
In the wedding mess the bridegroom managed to isolate with the witness and the one caught from him the bouquet of the bride, which the bride caught from the boy on the girl.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №127957
The Female Logic:
My girlfriend is an adult woman who has worked in a good company for a year.
I started complaining about headaches, stomach problems, etc.
Porzhala, I say, dear, it is toxic )))
I came in a couple of days from the doctor in hysteria and let me scream that it was I who licked her and smooked her!
Not that she sheep is dumb and can’t protect itself, and I’m squeezed!!! to
He has not spoken to me yet.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127956
>>>It’s not you have succeeded...It’s I slowed down.

It reminded.
One day, grandfather Lenin sat next to the shale and scratched the branch with a knife. A little boy approached him and asked, “Do you struggle, grandfather?”
Grandfather Lenin shut his eye, smiled cleverly and replied: I struggle.
A good man, but he could wait a while.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127955
tn: Barvikha luxury village sounds like the Fedot fashion hole.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127954
Then she walked from Utha to Intu (Usinsk).
And its price was just 2.5 higher. I always dreamed of sitting in these cities and seeing those people.

by 1988+
Usinsk is a city of oil production, but with extremely poor supply. There is a lot of money, no goods, prices are horse.
Alcohol deficiency, a bottle of vodka 50 rubles (in Russia rarely anyone has 150), the bloom of self-infestation and the fight against it.
Turn off the cold water at 3 p.m. The calls start to come to the water channel, say, which... you... the water... turned off? There they apologize, ask the address, say, the brigade will be sent and repaired. The brigade is being dispatched, but not the repairmen, but the ments. Because at three o’clock at night, cold water is only needed to cool the snake in the self-propelled apparatus. Well, in most cases))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127953
Do you know what the problem is?
Drivers, knowing that the pedestrian is obliged to ensure the safety of their exit to the roadway, do not deliberately brake, so that pedestrians are scared and do not even think of the roadway.
Pedestrians, seeing that no one wants to give in to them, although they are obliged, start to risk their lives and run out to the roadway, so that they are still willing to give in. Otherwise, in anticipation of the "grace of drivers" you can stand at least the whole day on the road.
And the solution here is very simple: drivers should follow their own rules and points, and not squeeze their long nose in the rules for pedestrians, indicating what to do or not do, and also "no matter" threatening disability or death.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127952
17 degrees of shame.
I noticed one thing long ago. We actually confuse two concepts: breath (defined by the excess of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air) and heat (defined by the temperature of this air. They say "as a breathy" and instead of replacing the air with a buffer, on the contrary, they clog the room and turn on the air conditioner. Understood by “fresh air” the air is cold, but just as cold. The air conditioner drives the same air around the circle, but does not produce oxygen, and does not absorb carbon dioxide.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127951
Oh yes, finally remembered that the air conditioner not only cooles the air, but also dryens it.

I belong to the freezers. No, it's easy for me to come to work in a maid, and at work to wrap up in a warm wool cloth (although the illogicity of such an action is outrageous). But when it blows out of the air conditioner on me, I get cold to breathe. Formally, of course, I can breathe through the same cloth, it saves a little, but it’s wildly uncomfortable.

What to do with low humidity? With the mucous membranes that dry out, with the skin that crack? Constantly lubricating the cream at work and tapping everything with fat hands? Or constantly dropping in the nose? Don't you, dear morgi, the first to shout that you are uncomfortable looking, smells of cream, and something like that?

One of our bosses has long said: you need to plant people together not on the design principle, but on the temperature. Morgeys to freezers, and freezers to freezers.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127950
I make repairs without disconnecting the electricity, singing: "I will kiss the wires and I will not be hit by electricity," which causes horror in our ladies.

by Scuco! I walk and sing for 3 hours.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №127949
Do you want to go to courses? Training of persons on the right to work with hazardous waste I - IV classes of danger.
So far not. Life will show :)
You will be certified in someone else’s shit code.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №127948
How is Dylan’s weekend?
As usual. He hangs on the couch and lies, chewing the digestive vacuum with a false foot.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №127947
This whole night the cat did not let me sleep, then jumped on the tables, then the taburets moved that I almost sat down.
Yyy: The Crazy Creature
XX: In the morning, I sneeze, sleeping with a crack, here is where I revenged him. All morning I was running and jumping around the apartment. He will know how not to sleep.
The cat seems to have found its master.
XXX: The Nenuachon

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №127946
>>> is logically associated not with the sign of the cross and not with the burial in the grave under the cross, but simply with the sketching of something cross-cross.

Hence the etymology of the word “to spoil”, i.e. It is the equivalent of the letter Ha in the modern alphabet.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127945
Life will be better if you become more fun.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №127944
I am driving now in a bus ride, behind me are two guys from the Middle Asian weak Russian-speaking outdoors. One of them apparently met a girl and is re-writing. The men held the following dialogue (without taking into account the accent).
How do you write: are you my sweet sheep or a sheep?
Do not send! It is not a compliment!
The poor girl.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №127943
I bought a kidney surprise with the princesses, and there was a dinosaur.
Now I understand what my mom experienced when I grew up.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127942
Andrei Yeremeyev, a resident of Chelyabinsk, brought to his apartment the first beer pipeline in the world.

In the harsh city, everything is stable.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №127941
On Saturday, the router died... Well, and Google with it, I think, until Monday we will sit without the internet, we will bring diversity to family life.
The little ones cheered, but nothing to do - pulled out the toys, began to have fun in the old way. I see - the guns found plastic, as if they were arranged in a battlefield. They are worn around the apartment with "piu-piu" and "peach-peach". I have even noticed that a generation is not lost.
Until now, one of them has fallen "injured" on the couch with a cry of "Doctor! The Doctor! I only have two HPs!and "
Hell there warrior... Just an off-line shooter.)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №127940
<placher> yesterday went to the First Avenger and met for the first time by-logics >_<
<placher> in the back were sitting beaded guys, the type of "chōchōbōba seeds are?", but at the same time they knew all the heroes who came from.
<placher> I didn't know half of these heroes

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127939
If anyone did not know

The case of condom was a year ago. And I wonder why are the Morgi referring to SanPin After all, he is just on the side of the freezers) There the Russians on the white are written that the optimal pace is 22-24 degrees. (We are talking about offices with sitting work, of course, and about the summer period) Moreover, the Russians in white are indicated the lower limit of the permissible pace - 21 degrees. I, as one of the furious freezers, assure you that at ~23 I will not freeze! Well, and the morgians, based on their own posts in this barrage, prefer to temp-ru in 17 (!!!) cities. I understand that you have problems with the thermoregulation of the body, and I sympathize. But I don’t understand why you refer to a document that openly confirms your wrongdoing? Did not read?

The temperature on the air conditioner and the temperature in the room are two big differences. Another thing is when a person sits directly under the air conditioner. We planted the frost under the stream of air and the problem solved itself. Morse became warmer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna