— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138051
Closed the skiing season with a complicated fragmented fracture of the leg with a shift, somewhere in late March - early April. A month spent in the hospital: extraction, then surgery, another month in the hospital, after almost six months in the shells. Now the picture: summer, the month of June, the heat, I meet my acquaintance on the coasts. The question is "what happened"? Without thinking, I answer: “I ran on skies, broke my leg.” Dooooolgaja pause, then a very cautious (seemingly not to upset a mentally ill) question - so summer? had to explain.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138050
The age marking x+ does not mean a legislative ban on a person under the age of x to attend an event or read, listen, watch marking products. The marking is intended to inform parents about the approximate aggressiveness of the content, and the decision remains for them. If someone thinks that their 11-year-old should visit a 12+ art exhibition, there is no legitimate reason to prevent them.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138049
The Parenthood

I have a mother of those relatively adequate personalities, with whom we together in the 80s and 90s got a powerful vaccine from growing anything on the beds. Now in the country a few fruit trees, up to three beds under the cucumbers-tomates-clumber, and a few pebbles, to which the mother does not allow anyone to a gunshot. People like to grow flowers. At the same time, I dig these unfortunate beds at will, I can pay a special person for the excavation - the result is more important. And the individuals who through the splashes of saliva are obliged to dig the parents beds!" cause only one desire: to take and fuck. You are obliged, you and dig, and do not go to others.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138048
Sberbank is Sberbank. My mother decided to give me 2000 for the new year. She did not know how to go to the bank with the computer on you, so as not to suffer. Yes, 2000 was transferred, but not to me, but to her credit card, which she did not use at all (she was sent back a year ago when issuing a salary card). We found it a week later, my mom went to the bank: no, you can't transfer back, even if it's a mistake of the bank itself, you can only buy something with a credit card (cool what!). My mom is very patient, my mom is very patient. and further:
OK, I will buy it. I forgot my password, can I restore it now?
Q: No, we can't restore the credit card password, you need (attention!) Apply for a new credit card, transfer money to it and only then with a new password.

The graffiti with a disabled costume clearly controls something wrong.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138047
Preventing is their slogan, but not their goal.

The girl from 112 asks (anxiously) - What is the big field?
I say: O wiennoe
The girl is leaving, thank you for the information.

Moral... yes, he knows what morality is here, they change clothes when they remember responsibility, apparently this is the morality here...

Our garage burned. by autumn. And in the spring, I see the fire right in the same place from where the fire started last time. I called 112. They say, “Why do you not destroy yourself?” No, otherwise I would not have called. The next day the fire again. And a aunt from her site pulls a brahlo to him. It turned out that she didn’t want to burn on her site, but wanted to near our garages. I called the police, she. They were supposed to come and explain, but the next day the fire again. I called, I said so, and you did work at all? Or we know last year the garages burned, if I call you and tell you about the application and how you worked it. There were no more fires.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138046
Cactus "from radiation" in front of the monitor is still fine.

In 1993, we started computing on the IBM PS/1 (such as they were called). A schoolgirl forced her to take a change from her legs and walk on a computer class in a shoe! So that the dust from the shoes does not damage the precise instruments.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138045
At the Pastepharian baptism, it is customary to eat cold pasta with frozen plates.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138044
Zzz: Guess what I painted?
XXX is bad?
The hill?
ccc: an elephant in the dungeon?
ZZZ: It is almost. This is a member who has eaten his annual budget in a month.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №138043
In the comments under the video, where in a table sheet of three-layer glass, the middle layer is specially split so that it goes with small cracks and looks like broken.

WOW: Is it planned? Or who just stumbled?
XH: The Design Course
xxx: well so for yourself)) the move is like a broken car in the salon will be sold)
xxx: I design the interiors myself, no customer will agree on such a table)
Yyy: Well, I would buy something, at least not like in any furniture store.
xxx: Imagine the guests in the house)) how many stupid questions will be asked from them)) Tipo " Why did the broken table not change?" "I will not cut myself?" " What the new table has broken?" " That’s why I didn’t want to take the shot table, out of my look";
yyy: Just don’t need to bring stupid guests) and there will be no stupid questions)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138042
Lumix77: Do posts have side effects?
bald_eagle: There are some comments.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138041
Experiments with rats:

When I once again saw how on the street the parents cried out on the child, I realized the deep problem of our society: the rule is considered the right of the elderly to violence against the younger, physical or psychological. Parents torture children, old servants - recruits, chiefs - subordinates, officials - applicants, etc. The seniority is considered by age, rank, position, etc. The focus is that this right to violence seniors receive not for their merits, but for the time spent in the corresponding system: family, army, institution or corporation. When the elderly were younger, they were tortured in the same way they are tortured now. The position of the elders: "We suffered – now you suffer". That creates a vicious circle, from which only gifted people are chosen, through long reflections on themselves and society. Their children have a chance to grow up with fewer complexes. On the other hand, the upbringing of the younger is a difficult work, and it is easier to conduct it with the help of violence than most do, similar things produce similar, unhealthy individuals raise the same. In short, we are almost no different from rats, biologists believe that humans are 99% the same animal with a slight plaque of mind above.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138040
I came to a new job, took the affairs of the previous admin. I understand that there is complete chaos, and we need to rearrange everything. Half a year later, I reached the mail server. On Friday, at the end of the working day, he updated, trained, adjusted the rules for handling letters and with a clear conscience went home. I go to work on Monday and my phone is broken.
My mail does not work.
Fuck, I didn’t check the mail. I send a letter, everything is OK. I clarify:
How did you know that your mail doesn’t work?
- Well, before I came to work on Monday, I had no less than 20 incoming letters, and now no one! Do it faster!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138039
Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights. and c)

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138038
Add to these advice:
Advice of an experienced eicker 1:
At the interview, always answer the truth to the question "why did you leave your previous job?" Because the reputation is false or silence plays against you.

Advice of an experienced eicker 2:
At an interview, never answer the truth to the question “why did you leave your previous job?” because the reputation of a whistleblower who simply tells the secrets of the boss (even the former), plays against you.

Another one is no worse:
In the interview to the question "why left the previous place of work?" answer "I will only speak in the presence of my lawyer";

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138037
And in your company, BDSM is also deciphered as Business Development, Sales and Marketing?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138036
Spanish police detained a Russian programmer at the request of the FBI.

Azzas: From my institute, from my community, from my floor... I knew nothing about him.
Areso: And he was supposed to wear a T-shirt with the inscription "Hacker" and hang on the publicity ads about the theft of mailboxes on soap for 500 rubles.? to
Kenya-West: *Popped up, took off his T-shirt and left to break his ads*
Geisha: A trip to Spain is also worth a delay.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138035
xxx: Most about the benefit of the army in terms of developing discipline and order in our department are two only serving employees, one of whom is constantly buoy, and the other never came to work on time.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138034
Q: Remember what compatibility did you offer? The 95th wing?
No, I did not show any compatibility.
I am a fucking (
Okay well (
I'm just going to go crazy rather than get the morrka to work normally on my car
Well, I have seven, not 8.1
If I had seven, I’t have been such a man.
It would be a fiery fire of the 40th level!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138033
When our cat was still small, growing and ripening, it needed a crazy amount of food. He ate everything, even with garlic and pepper, because of which the freshly cooked cocktails and all other unhealthy food for the cat had to be hidden from him. Whoever did not hide, could observe the other time glowing green hungry eye of a cat hanging over a bowl with cocklets, like a whirlwind over a dead man, and whirlwind - the cat disappeared, as if there was no one. Sometimes, indeed, he slipped into the corridor from the shell.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138032
Hicks, discussion of the article on the arrest of the Russian Aitishnik in Spain.

xxx: From my institute, from my community, from my floor... I knew nothing about him.
YYY: And he was to wear a T-shirt with the inscription “Hacker” and hang on the shelf ads about the theft of mailboxes on soap for 500 rubles.? to
zzz: *Popped up, took off his T-shirt and left to tear off his ads*

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna