— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138011
In the last six months I was invited to dinner twice...and for the second I even had to pay myself.

It’s like a wind on balls – a lot of meaningful shades. The secular people know the difference between “Let’s have dinner together” and “I invite you to dinner.” Maybe the problem is that.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138010
To the surprise of Avon, the most popular answer to the question "What soap do you use?" turned out to be Gmail

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138009
xxx: mac / osx / os x / win
How does Android usually shorten?
Tagged: r2d2

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №138008
In the Google maps, it is in Kaliningrad, on the Soviet Prospectus instead of the FSB headquarters indicated the Gestapo headquarters. I cried out:
How to find McDonald’s?
Look at the Gestapo..."

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138007
I was scared in theaters. They are shared with the neighbor on the left and right. If you want to put your left hand, you’re busy. Right is busy. I watch movies at home.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138006
During her student years, she underwent surgery on her throat, after which for several months she could not speak normally. The oral exams were passed in writing.

As it turned out, in many teachers by default works the logical chain " once can not speak, then deaf". In general, the most brilliant phrase I’ve ever been addressed is this: “Oh, you hear well, you just can’t speak?” So why didn’t you say it right away?and "

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138005
# ridiculously

>>When will the law for the protection of thinkers from the feelings of believers be invented?<<

Never and in no country will a law be adopted that protects the thinkers from anyone.
Here it turns...
It is hard to be wise, but foolish is bad. I need something medium, but where do I get it?"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138004
Okay well :

Childfrey must remember that their old age will be served by other people’s children. Children will remain a priority. They will go with their parents to a cafe, cinema, etc. Refusal of childbirth does not give Childfrey the right to hate and oppress others. Let them cover their mouths and do not argue that sluggish children are preventing them from living.

On the other hand, the childfries are those who will give your puppies a job of caring for them. Not the most prestigious worker, but is well paid.
"Refusal of childbirth does not give Childfrey the right to hate and oppress others."
Chilfries are just those who decided not to have children. There are fools among them. Among the child fools are those who oppress the child freezers, as well as other children! I say, my necklace can do anything, and my ones are locked in chubas. How many times have I seen it with my own eyes?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №138003
Why don’t the cashiers like to sit the spectators through the place? Elementary - if you plant the whole hall through the place, and then a couple will come, or the company to plant them together will not work out. Therefore, the cashiers and try to immediately carry a dense packaging.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138002
Aunt Chelfrie at work.
So she always tries to get her children free of charge.

The Cho-Cho What is this help from children? Tell me if I have to eat? But if you talk about adult people, then with each of them you need to build your relationship. Maybe it’s free, maybe it’s not. It doesn’t matter if you gave birth to them or that aunt. I know a couple of children whom an adult child doesn’t want to drive to the country in their car. But here your friends, coach, close people are easy. They are confused how. And it is not surprising: all their lives treated children as a servant by default, and then at some point it was tired.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138001
In both cases, the dinner was purchased in the store/order, and for the second I even had to pay myself. Only one of the massages was made, and Martini had to buy me too. What am I doing wrong?

The most obvious thing is that you don’t choose men that way, madam.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138000
XXX: By the way
X: Do you want a good story?
XXX is [link]
xxx: Here's this code drawing a triangle on the screen through Vulkan
Xxx: 900 lines
XX: To draw a triangle
XXX: And I try to make it work for myself.
YYY: 900 lines
Tagged: fucking
YYY: So much
xxx: Because it is much closer to iron than OpenGL. If before it was enough to create a context, attach it to a window and draw in it, then now the whole process of initialization is carried out manually.
XXX is. You used to just tear off a piece of toilet paper and chew yourself, and now you have a robot that rubs your ass to the mirror glare in five hundred seconds, but he needs to give an accurate set of instructions, and if you at least somewhere go wrong, he will at best scratch your ass, and at worst will tear your eggs off.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137999
The xxx:
>"The Russians continue to answer me in English when I try to speak Russian"
And I was offended when the foreigners in the D.S. first asked the road to Tretyakovka on the surzhik, and then apologized and fucked up when I began to demonstrate my knowledge in English.

Imagine how it looked.
Where is Nahodutsa Tretiakovskaya gakererya?
-Hello, komrad, the Tretyakov gallery yit bin right zen left a little bit right in front of the wall. of Twerkhstein?
-Prostite us, we don't ponimaem that you try to tell us
Are you fighting there, Facking Pindos?
Oh, sorry, we needn't pomosh, disvidania, have a nice den

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137998
I have a place near my home where civilians try to walk less often – an abandoned building – the hospital moved into a new room, and the old walls remained. There are those who get there, from harmless schoolwalkers to drug addicts, who for the sake of a dose can rob, or even blow a knife (there have been cases). Neighbors, gently speaking, are not pleased, they write to all possible instances with requests to do something, no effect yet.

A couple of months ago in our house settled a wonderful neighbor - such, you know, advanced, conscious and so on. The neighbor who came with the request to sign the next collective letter learned from him that we are all angry, we are taking away from drug addicts the freedom to be drug addicts and we should be ashamed. Say, if I wish him to cross up with free drug addicts soon, I’m very evil, right?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137997
C Habbra
Q: Can I release without bugs after a meditation course?
WOW: No, but you can stop worrying about it.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137996
These pseudo-thinkers need protection from believers.
The man who thinks and understands knows that he is not the pope of the earth,
bla bla bla
... and disruptive health problems make it impossible to realize that around you can be people with different views, priorities, life experiences.
and ==
That’s why the “believers” themselves don’t understand the above. Your faith (who in Muhammad, who in Allah, who in Jesus) is your personal affair. Do not try to vaccinate others if they do not ask for it.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137995
Just to burst into the mouth:

I’ll tell you more – not all Childfreys are childless.

You won’t believe it, but that’s all. The term is English-language, has a completely unambiguous meaning: no children. Sugar-free without sugar.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137994
Zzz: How do I get to the first room in the arbitration court?
XXX: The first room is on the first floor. To get there you need to go through the entrance, pass the guards, climb the third floor and go to the end of the corridor. When all hope leaves you and a dark grief comes, a staircase opens up on the left of the wall. On it you need to go down to the second floor, there go a little forward to the other staircase and go out to the back entrance, near which the first hall is located.
Zzzz: It is clear. I will need a fireman, a magician and a thief.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137993
And to the phone they now approached their grandfather, the master of the art word.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137992
You built something.

You know, the flu. The press hit for a week.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna