— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 17 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138767
Subsequently Pototsky said to me:

I am a writer, shit, like Chekhov. Chekhov was absolutely right. The story
You can write about anything. Stories of Naval. Take any profession.
For example a doctor. Please please. The surgeon, fucking, does the operation. He will know the sick.
The rival. The man with whom his wife changed. Before the Surgeon
A moral, a dilemma. To save a man, or to cut him off.
No, it’s too much, it’s fucking, curvature... In general, the surgeon hesitates. and then
Take a scalpel and do a miracle. End, fucking, such: "The nurse long, long
I looked after him..." Or, for example, about the sea, — said Pototsky, —
The sailor, fucking, is retired. He leaves his native ship. On the ship
His friends, his past, his youth. It’s dark, he goes
The beach fountain. And you see, fucking, the boy is drowning. A seafarer without thinking.
He throws into the ice. Risking his life, he pulls out a guy.
And "I’ve always remembered this hand. A large hand with a
The blue anchor on the wrist..." That is, the sailor always remains a sailor, even
If he is, fucking, on retirement..."

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138766
The phrase "the girl freezes" causes me only one, very clear and stable, association: winter, minus a few degrees, optional snowfall, and... There is a blue shaking thing, without a hat, dressed in a jacket on a frog fur, the shirt of the system "bought on occasion a wide belt, and nothing suited", thin socks and shoes on the heels of the kind "shared in an elephant hole".
Someone under this phrase meant something quite different.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138765
XXX: What are you busy with?
I drink beer and watch anime.
XXX without me.! to
YYYYY: Yes At least because you don’t drink beer and don’t watch anime.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138764
The funniest thing about this story with unsuited inadequates is that if a guy were adequate, he would understand the simple “no”, but the very necessity would most likely not have arisen. In our sad times, simple adequacy is enough to expect something, at least for a short time.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138763
I will call you a poncho.
XX: Because you are sweet and with a hole ^_^
YYYY: ^_^
XXX:...not because you are fat and sticky

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138762
We showed colleague Mazerati Quatroporte, asking about her impressions, she says:
- The car is somewhat unmade, on the outside it smiles at Hendaya, and inside it looks like the Volga.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138761
AutoClaw: Lechchenko is a folk artist.The people recognized, and Mikhailov who is yours?! to
One: Two comrades of children to the same school lead and gave the task to all parents of bird feeders to do - the best to the city competition will go. Well, the men strained and fed the children: one pyramid blue with the other cylindrical with the eyes! All the caregivers, and their dozen 3-4, the management of the school hanged on trees in the school palace along a gentle street - crowds of people from morning to late evening pass by. One morning these two meet and one of them joyfully says, “Hello! We participated in the city competition!!And the second was so astonished and no less joyfully: "Our sleep** or!!This is all you need to know about popular recognition.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №138760
Loan 22647, I think somebody eats an entire pot with an ear. That is, the girl works fully, contributes to the general budget, found a job for her hobby, and is preparing and cleaning for an adult uncle?

You know, I just have no words. The simple term “eaten” is not able to convey the full extent of your phallomorphism.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №138759
Before a tennis match, the musician confused the words and accidentally sang the Third Reich anthem.

German tennis players fell into a stupor and then accidentally captured Poland.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138758
It was...

Oh you suicides! And you can’t do the society a silence any corrupt before you give up???! to

Grandfather found a grenade in the field.
I went with that grenade.
He pulled the ring and threw it out the window.
The old man doesn’t care.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138757
I have been renting housing for 2 years. The housewife is a normal woman, without a whimper. Sometimes, we talk to her about it, we drink tea together with plushes. But yesterday, we also sat down, we talked, then a little pause and she asked me, “Listen, what’s your name?”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138756
And so he will start breeding the nuts, asking why not, persuading to think again and it will stretch for much longer than a week. Because you, dear ones, do not understand polite refusal. And when you freeze, it becomes clear to the fool that nothing is lighting.

And after just five courteously refuse, transitions to insults - affected self-esteem requires, the prince was not appreciated (you are dumb, scary, fat, legs curved, etc. (need to emphasize), Yes, you generally saw yourself in the mirror, but I would not meet with you, so a couple of times, and then I would still think) and other scratches of your crown and insulted selfishness, the simple understanding that you are not a copper redhead and you can not like absolutely everyone just not.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138755
I decided to go to the car store to clarify the price and delivery time of some spare parts. The owner of the store is a good friend of mine. He went and by chance, he replaced his vendors today.
Hi Kyuha! How is it?
Thank you normal.
What was broken?
Yuri, are you married?
– Yes
- Then: I have antifreeze from the system drives out...there is the assumption that the pad under the head. Tomorrow the master will look, they will say more accurately. I was already looking for.
(Yariq's face was stretched so that his jaw reached to his knee)
If I said I wasn’t married, what?
Then the answer to your question would be: car.)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138754
DDD: How are you?
PVV: It is disgusting. Pelevin could have written a book about me "Vitaly and nausea"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138753
Find out how much weigh:
I am stable 85, I am normal.
I am 69 a lot.
Zzzz: Should I be hanged?
xxx: on a rope with a sensor.
YYY: No overweight – the machine breaks.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138752
You are writing about the "comfort zone"! The feeling that you live in an environment for bacterium seed - warm, moist, nutritious solution! Look at the people who earn themselves! Especially those near you who feed you! The parents.
I write t.k. The comfort zone is everywhere except the comfort zone.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138751
>> The author of six books on how to save a family is sentenced to life for killing his wife.

What is the problem?
"Until death separates us"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138750
If you do not have money, then separation from the homeland does not threaten you.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138749
“Some were afraid of Pew, others were afraid of Billy Bons, and I... he-he... I was afraid of Flint himself!
Who was so scary?

The only person Flint was afraid of was his roommate John Silver, who later even called his poppy Captain Flint.

John Silver was an apartment master. Flint was afraid of him. Unwise - John is an exceptional personality. What is the job of “apartment manager”? In the note to the Russian translation is written: "manager of food". What is not so at all.

In the original Silver was not an apartment master - he was a quartermaster, i.e. a master of some quarter.

On ships, and not only pirate ships, but English ships of the Renaissance in general, the master is the head of deck. A deck or deck is a horizontal surface covering at least two-thirds of the length of the ship. Each deck has a master. If there are guns on the deck, the master is an artillery, if it is the lowest deck, then a trumacher, I don’t know exactly how it sounded. By the way, it was the trumaker who was dealing with food, closer to him.

The only deck for the order on which the master was not responsible, it was the top deck, there was a bosman. This in no way infringed on the rights of the captain, who commanded the ship as a whole. Botzman provided only due performance by part of the team occupied on the bridge of his duties.

But there was another deck, often virtual, sometimes temporarily built – the quarter deck, named so because it did not exceed a quarter of the length of the ship. The quarterdecks included scans (a bridge or deck in the feed part of a sailing vessel, one level above the closet, where the captain was, in the absence of which - watchmen and guard officers, as well as compasses were installed there) and a temporarily built over the bridge, usually assembled before the attack and more often on combat or pirate (private case of combat) ships.

There, on the scans and quarter deck, there was an abortion team, the naval infantry of that era, a team of desperate heavens with a high probability of death in the attack. In short abortion battles, the team that acted as a unified body won, i.e. was assembled, prepared and organized by a skilled and strong leader - the master of quarterdecks, or quartermaster. Thus, John Silver was not involved in the manufacture of Flint's pie, but an ataman of the Marines.

Cooking is his type of hobby, remember the similar character of the professional amateur chef John Casey Reebeck in the performance of Steven Seagal (films Capture and others). and. Here everything immediately turns into place, Flint would be a fool if he wasn’t afraid of such a man. I think that any captain, unless he combined quartermaster’s duties with his foundation (Black Beard), was afraid of his ataman. Something had to be opposed. Flint opposed it. On the pirate ships only one person knew the navigation science, the captain. In the sea, the death of the captain meant the death of the crew, only this deterred Silver from attacking Flint. Interesting is the fact that when captured by the pirates, they could leave anyone's life, but a person with knowledge of assault and navigation had no chance of survival. Killed so that there was no temptation of rebellion and displacement of the captain.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138748
I just asked my husband if he remembers what day it is... It’s so easy to scare men!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna