— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №106788
If a person works quietly, no one notices him. And if it doesn’t work, but says a lot – then, always in sight, and like, in action.
Joseph of Egypt

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №106787
I worked in my own time... Well, we don’t even enike, but “save death” in a large number of offices. Where to go, money is needed.
Girls from the Jeans wholesale warehouse:
We cannot change the cartridge in the printer, but we must.
I come. Worth the printer "Canon" - I don't remember how it's called, almost the HP LazerJet 5 clone. It comes with a softin, which can even be in Russian (it was at the time when LazerJet 5 was a modern machine).
So, as soon as the printer’s lid opened, a strict voice from the computer columns said:
Close the printer!
The girls whispered and struck her.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106786
What would you change if you could go back to the past?
and rubles.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106785
Again, "for the jeep to spit" - this is the same thing
A straight line that needs to be placed. But all
The trouble is that they can plant (and plant) on this.
for completely harmless things, for example,
for what you said to a nice colleague: "you today
You look good" You wanted without any subjects.
Make a man pleasant, and you have a time.

by *****

25 again. People, you don’t have to be so ignorant! What, to hell, is the deadline? Yes, if you beat someone at work with your compliments after being polently asked not to do so, you may be removed from work or even fired. But what kind of timing can be discussed, when they are not always given even for murders. Don’t be ashamed, the hell knows where the bell is heard, right...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106784
Meanwhile, the West is gradually moving to the next level – asking a woman what evidence she has that she was raped is practically a crime.

Proof please. There is another crucified boy.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106783
On December 13, Michael Glebovich Uspensky passed away. Eternal memory of Father Zhikhara and the creator of the Paradise Machine.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106782
My girlfriend told me. She once worked as a guide on the train "Moscow-Vladivostok". When the train went along the coast of the Baikal, sometimes the driver slowed down, giving the opportunity to quickly plunge into the Baikal brigade.
– – – – –
You are like children. Sometimes the train (not fast, simple) stands in general in a clean field, in the middle of a race. This is called "pass the meeting fast", for example. Further roads will be single-rail or bridge, for example, and this parking is specially included in the schedule. And it happens, the driver is ahead of the schedule, but on the next ride, no one will miss it outside the schedule, and it slows down where it is possible and pleasant. He may be specifically ahead, but never at the expense of the schedule. For the breakdown of the schedule without very serious reasons not dependent on the railway, the locomotive brigade will hardly appear.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106781
First, such behavior of children with pets is quite typical in any family with any upbringing, even in the most loving and caring. honestly and honestly;

Secondly, these animals are still not stupid, there would be a cruel treatment to them - they would leave the house, and not tolerate, so not so bad;
= = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
Everything is even easier. If the cat does not really want to be pulled out of the couch, the child will not be able to pull it out. Cats regulate their relationships with children themselves, with the help of a toothpaste with sharp teeth and up to 18 sharp nails. I know what I say, as a child I went "in the cage". And there is nothing to bother the cats and try to wrap them in diapers.))) Games with bats and bats they perceived positively, but in the "daughters-mothers" for some reason they did not like it.)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106780
The commentator burned out." Yes, this is not a Moscow lawn, it is a real Dutch grass!"

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №106779
An incredible exclusion! 1792 to 222.It is 256!

A rare puzzle. 256 cannot be in nature, for 255 is the maximum.

Very uncommon, and very even a common fool, who considers himself the smartest of all.
There was salt in it - that IP managers allocated to man who did not understand it.
And the author of the quote perfectly understands that 255 is the maximum, so he wrote "unbelievable exclusive". Sometimes you have to think with your head and not think of others as worse than yourself.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №106778
Everything is even easier. If the cat does not really want to be pulled out of the couch, the child will not be able to pull it out. Cats regulate their relationships with children themselves, with the help of a toothpaste with sharp teeth and up to 18 sharp nails.

Oh, here's only the ovulations of both sexes help infants, 'kill' and punish if the cat'masica' offends the devil, cut the phalanges (operation'soft legs')... Adequate people who can slam the child himself (at the back of the neck or back, not to death) for causing harm or pain to animals of other species, unfortunately, in the minority.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna