— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154985
Horrible creatures are these “mothers.” I have encountered something similar this year. It was so. Near my house there is one district that I call the "Komsomol town". In the late 1940s and early 1950s. In the last century, they built cozy two-storey brick houses. The area is remotely reminiscent of the American suburbs from Hollywood films. Between these houses spread beautiful, though underground courtyards. Spatial, many greens, pavilions, gardens and shrines.

On weekends, when the weather is sunny, I sometimes go to this Komsomol town, taking a thermos with me, coffee, sandwiches and a good book. I did just that recently. He came to this district, sat down on the bench, poured himself a coffee shop and opened the tomic of Strugacki (decided to read "The City Destined").

Next to my location was a children’s playground. Nearby at 10-12 meters. There were five children playing in silence. I periodically broke away from the book, grabbed coffee and looked around the surroundings. Just to translate the spirit from the story tricks "City". Sometimes my gaze fell on the children who were driving on the pitch, but they were not interested in me more than the loud leaves in the wind or the car that passed far away. Suddenly I heard a woman’s scream:

Why are you sitting here watching our children?

I didn’t even understand at first who it was, what it was about and what it was about. And then I saw two carnivorous girls of the 30s coming up to me because of the playground. They move threateningly, almost stunned. One of them screamed.

Why are you sitting here? Go, go away from here! Now I’ll call your husband, he’ll break your face!

I was almost in shock. The moms were moving, shouting something about the children, about going away, about the fact that my husband is a boxer, etc. I tried to apologize, but my voice drowned in their hole. And I, feeling guilty without guilt, threw the thermos and the book into the backpack, and then hurriedly removed it.

I still go to the Komsomol town, but now I just go for a walk. To sit with a book in the courtyard on the bench or in the pavilion I am now afraid. Little of something.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154984
xxx: And I was asked by a psychiatrist during the replacement procedure if I could not hear the voice. In the corner of the cabinet stood two pots with deadly dried ficus. I said I hear it sometimes. Someone in your office is asking for a drink. Looking through the office, the doctor shaken and promised to fly flowers, gave a certificate. Am I really hearing it???? to

yyy: Capec you are brave, I would honestly not be able to joke at the reception of a psychiatrist especially about voices

XXX: The votes are not allowed.

YYY: I can’t hear :)))

This is for you to the otolaryngologist.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154983
I do repairs in my aunt's apartment, the apartment is in Akademgorodka, there is also a military school nearby, which trains including intelligence. In this same school there are a handful of students of different nationalities, including blacks.

So, I leave this apartment, the time is already dark, but the lighting has not been turned on yet. And then a kind of version of the Baskervili dog moves on me – that is, eyes and mouths, full of teeth, but all this without the body... Just the Negro actually had all the clothes black :).

I say rather from surprise:

You have disguised yourself!

The body is satisfied and

I am studying for the detective.

That’s what, and the “Dick” finally got me :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154982
I was 5. I went with my father to the garage. Go to go. My dad bought me a bowl of soda and ice cream. Something else I haven’t seen.

We went into the garage and immediately “drawed” some uncle. He knew everyone, everyone greeted him, then me. The case went to the table. Breakfast, vodka and talk. They sat down and talked. I walked through the garage, dealing with my children’s affairs. He broke the nails, twisted some bullets. Broke the grass.

Time to go home. I got instructions from my father – don’t tell my mom! I understood?

I understood what I did not understand. I will not give up my father's father, I decided firmly.

We enter home. I am I, M is my mother.

M: Where were they?

I am in the garage.

M: What did they do?

I : Nothing. I went and looked at the car.

Q: Have you drunk?

I am no.

M: What did you eat?

I am a selenium!

My father and mother laughed a long time. Mom knew why and where he went, and Dad decided to check if I would give him up. No one is a traitor :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №154981
I work in a taxi, and one night I got one interesting passenger. A man under 50 years old in a white shirt and pants. We walk silently for 5 minutes and then he calmly, in full seriousness, asks:

Q. Have you tried humans?

I am not, and you?

P – Yes I tried.

Here I, guessing he or he really has something with his head, decided to play him:

How – and how – is it delicious?

P: You know, it is very delicious. It reminds me of pork.

I heard it taste like chicken.

Q. Who told you that? Give me their names.

I heard it on telecast.

P – A, well...

After a few minutes of silence, he continued.

They went with me to the cemetery.

I – Why?

P – Why Why? Eat the human.

If I taste like pork, I will not go. I love chicken more.

Then we drove quietly. He paid for the trip and went to his house.

I understand, of course, that he is choking (probably), but it was a bit scary anyway.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №154980
At the university, there was a subject in the first course called "Science of the Earth". Couples on it went on Saturday morning, so I safely put on it and never appeared in the semester. When the session came, I delayed the visit to the last. In the meantime, a lot of group members went to transfer. When I opened the textbook, I realized that most of the materials on the subject very strongly intersect with the school course of geography (tectonic plates, volcanoes, etc.).Which I loved very much and which was given to me in principle very easily. After reading a couple of chapters, I decided that I would try to bring out on school knowledge. And the day I appeared at the door of the office, a third transfer was given with me by several group members. They sat away from the textbooks and turned around the whistle when they saw me quietly talking on the phone with a friend. At the very start, the prede looked at me inappropriately, apparently in connection with the fact that he saw it for the first time and offered to pull a ticket. I pulled out just the ticket on the subject of which I was doing a lecture in school, respectively deepened into the topic, and minimally prepared asked to go to answer. What was the surprise of the lecturer and all who were in the audience, when I calmly answered the questions of the ticket and a few additional. However, the teacher said he did not remember me at the classes, asked without preparation to try to answer another ticket. That ticket was also known to me from the school program and I began to answer what I could remember. However, after a couple of proposals, the teacher asked for my check-in, so he saw that the material I knew and there was no further reason to question me. This is how I began to hear among one half of the fellow groups lucky, and in the others a briber, although there was no such practice at our university in principle.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154979
It is a strange coincidence, but in all the countries where the proletariat was artificially separated from the people and declared as a separate class-hegemon, the real power was acquired by the parasitic bureaucracy.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №154978
A little about effective managers, and "yes behind the fence of such"

I work as an installor. We are building the bridge at the final stage. It is time to start painting. The general contractor contacts with the organization, which is professionally engaged in the painting of bridges and painted all our previous objects, and proclaims the price of 6 million. (I do not know the exact amount). Malaria, categorically disagree to work for such a sum, at least 20 million. The contractor includes the "yes, such behind the fence line" function and finds a contractor ready to paint for 6 million.

A brigade of "painters" arrives at the facility: they are enlisted elementarily by announcement, everyone sees each other for the first time, with the bridges never encountered, and... guess how many among them prof. Malaria... one that they have a type of master and then an automaker.

Well, then everything is predictable: three days they walk around the bridge, not knowing where and how to start. It starts with half grief. Techniques and tools are zero. Everything is rented from us.

Looking at their work, I wanted to laugh... a second, and then you realized that the bridge could not be painted, and the deadlines are not endless, and it was no longer to laugh.

They sanded the metal, immediately washed it, it immediately rusted, they in shock began to sand again. And so once in a while. One day, two... two weeks, they didn’t even start painting.

They worked for less than a month. Work is done zero. Construction control did not take anything. And the time is all on the brink: soon autumn and the bridge is over.

The general contractor connects with the first brigade, agrees for 20 million. They come to the facility and in two weeks made 70 percent.

Everything seemed, conclusions were made, mistakes corrected. by Her.

It is necessary to pull the lighting on the bridge, the general contractor again rows the price, the electricians naturally refuse... and when the general contractor comes to them for the second time, they want not 3, but 5 million.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154977
He says he has a company with 100,000 employees.
Passion to him. The bee holds.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154976
Working Committee was held. The psychiatrist without looking asked questions - "do you have complaints, drugs, alcohol? How do you relieve stress?” I said I was running long distances. The psychiatrist put off the pen, finally looked at me and began to ask, "and how long is it? Isn’t it hard? And what shoes to buy and where is it better to run, or is it boring at the stadium?" It turned out that he recently started running and had a lot of questions about the subject. 5 minutes of conversation. At the exit, in the corridor colleagues looked suspiciously - that so long, not more than a minute was

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154975
My friend studied at the university. Summer session, fine weather on the street, not before school. And also the exam was put to her in the last numbers of June, when all had already passed their subjects, and marked the whole. The community walked from morning to night, which did not give a special desire to learn.

My friend took books several times, but it didn’t work. Well, he thinks there are only fifteen questions, in the last day I will learn everything. Before that, you can walk. Said is done.

The last day comes. The girlfriend sleeps until lunch, then cleans, and then something else. But here, to delay the inevitable is no longer possible, you have to sit down to learn.

I got the first ticket. Behind the window a white night, under the window drunk screams of happy classmates who have already closed the session. Not the working environment.

The girlfriend breathes hard, realizing that there are 14 more questions she can’t learn. Well, he thinks, I will learn the last question, he must be the wisest.He copes with the last, decides that everything, quite hard enough, you can sleep, and then whatever will be.

He sits down, but something swells. He stands up again, takes a textbook, randomly chooses a question from the very middle, reads it diagonally, understands that now exactly everything, the forces are over and, having pulled all of the hand, goes to bed.

At the exam, she gets a ticket with the first question. He thinks he is lucky. He waits for his turn, sits at the basement and just perfectly tells him the material. The one who is untrustworthy touches her, takes notice of visits and declares, say, so he thought, in the face he does not remember her, sees that she went once a month, and the first ticket is the easiest. So, my dear, please answer a further question. He gives her a ticket with the last question. The girlfriend is not embarrassed, says that will answer without preparation and begins to tell. A little in shock. Okay, he says, he is good. But I did not actually go to the lecture, so an additional question. Ask a question from the middle of the list. Yes, the same one my friend had read before sleeping.

Again, immediately, without preparation, he begins to respond. However, she soon realizes that she remembered well if half of this question. But the lecturer soon interrupts her, says that he is stunned by the brilliant knowledge of the material, puts it "excellent" and declares that more such talented students would be needed.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154974
Yesterday at the polling station was a witness to this situation.

An elderly couple, having received the ballots, approached the cabin for a "secret vote". The first entered the cabin and voted a woman, after which, dropping the ballot in the urn, did not rush to the exit.

A man shouted to his wife:

You are where?

“I’ll wait for you on the street,” she replied without turning.

Give me your glasses!! For me, the vote will be too secret.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154973
xxx: Honestly, in light of the recent events about that rumored channel in the car, where pick-up masters are taught that girls in glasses to pour, how to track in the crowd and where to beat, I would for the time being warned on dates with a tinder to run.

YYY: Just for the sake of justice – clowns in Tinders are also enough.

Zzzz: They will meet, they will squeeze each other - even if they are squeezed :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna