— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107239
Like the children of God.)

For the composers:
> and >
xxx: I went into a white jeep today, whipped the wing.
A girl came out of the jeep and said sadly, “You would know how long I’ve been sucking on him!”
XXX: I was ashamed.
XXX is a good girl, honest.
< <<
No girl in the adjustment would say that. Make it more credible.

Girls have a sense of humor too! :) Can’t you be good and laugh?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №107238
All advocates of the name "Belarus" I propose to roll on the Japanese websites and teach the Japanese to call their country not Beraruši, but somehow differently.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107237
Well yes :
to this:
The essence of the text is that in the spring the mouse nurses flooded, the mice flooded, and the birds began to throw stones on them from the clove to get a blow.
Well, and the heroes of the text, say, caught the yoghurt out of the water, planted him and he was still sitting in the boat.
A lovely children’s story.
Did you read Bianchi when you were a child? "Mouse Peak" - you are here and the genocide of mice by children, and goats, knotted on branches, and mice with broken ribs at the owl in the hole, flesh-blood-intestines.
If, of course, look for these intestines specifically and pay special attention to them. And if not to look, then this kind of childhood story about the living nature is normal. Sabbath is the same.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №107236
by Marinalevy
I hurt. Bronchite, accompanied by just a fantastic male bass. I get upset when I start talking.
Called on the home phone.
“Allow me,” I said with a chubby bass.
I asked to call my wife on the phone.
“I’m a wife,” I answered by bass.
They were silent a little while on the phone, and then they said they didn’t condemn my way of life.
This conversation was interrupted, as I began to roast (by bass) in a completely uncultural way, and then to cough wildly.
I never knew what they needed from my wife.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107235
Sauron’s Eye banned in Moscow because it’s burning

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №107234
Do not think of advertising. We have a dendi in the METRO, the same console))) While my wife is gradually walking with a cart, I and some uncle like me play, rug, psycho, and then we break up as childhood friends.
Sometimes she looks like a fool.)

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107233
to there:
to this:
Who will make you a priest?
We need to build a zigzag!! to
Zikurate is already there. Standing on the Frontal (Red) Square, built into the wall of Kromlech, it is called the "Mausoleum".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107232
XXX: Let's Watch a Japanese Movie
Are there tangles there? Or is it not about love?

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №107231
I decided to surprise my husband. While he was washing, she grabbed her trousers with her tail, cat ears on her head, and seductively went to bed, took the pose of a playful cat...Wake up from the fact that the naked playful cat was wrapped in a blanket, scratched behind her ear and said, “Sleep, bleachy.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107230
Teached colleagues the label%) now instead of being healthy they say: you hear, you know that by the label it is inappropriate to sneeze %)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №107229
Shit what I remembered! A hundred years no cry is heard "Zoi, we remember you!!11th Anniversary"

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107228
This is:
I... just like the Russians will write "in" or "in", "Belarus" or "Belarus". But once you started on logic... here is your neighbor, for example, Ivan, you call him "Vanka", and it irritates him. And he asks you to call him, well, at least "Vanja". Will you send him? Are you disturbing your relationship because of nothing worth the formality for you?
The example is false. is
You have been together since childhood, in kindergarten, in school... then you grew up, your ways split, but you remained good neighbors. You’ve called him Vanessa all your life. And then at the next meeting he rattles all the time and suddenly says, “Listen, don’t call me Vanya anymore, call me Basilio now.” He asks, okay You call him Basilio in his eyes, but with his parents at home, you call him, of course, Vanya. And here he comes to you home and declares, “I have heard that you talked with your mother and called me Vania, I am Basilio, you must call me Basilio at home, or I will be insulted to the depths of my soul.”
I understand that the insult is your "Ukrainian" and "Belarusian" past. However, Soviet survivors are strong in the people. Are you tired of destroying everything?
Z is. And, by the way, not "Belarus" but Belarus. A delicious cactus?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107227
From Habr:
I went to Moscow for a couple of days. Just so, to walk. to see the temples. The square...

In the middle of January, it is beautiful.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №107226
XXX: It’s not good to praise yourself, of course, but thank you for a great dinner.
yyy: Here, guy, straight up the continuation: "... and for a magical night - I was magnificent" )))))))
xxx: Ssssss!!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107225
Comments on Router antennas
Can Egyptian pyramids be rope antennas?
YYY: You can connect a wave to the tomb.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107224
Many people then ate very poorly, most had no money at all for meat, fish, fruits and vegetables.

Yes, the parents barely found the chicken! at the New Year's table, and I, standing 1.5 hours in a row on the street for 2 dozen eggs, then poured another hour, heating my feet near the battery... But at the same time, we managed to celebrate the holidays! My DR in April 1993 was especially remembered by the fact that my mother and I managed to smash 26 portions from two blue chickens... and nobody left hungry and sober... But yes, the times were terrible, especially for girls - probably not all remember this, but one was dangerous to go out: the car and the girl could easily get stuck in her in the middle of the white day and take her away.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107223
Siddhartha set up the program. He looks at the window and asks:
Is it XP or Win7?

He doesn’t seem to set the program.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107222
Everyone is raising prices and we are lowering!!!* is

• Quality

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №107221
Europe is proud of what has been, America is proud of what is, Russia is proud of what will be.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №107220
Do you remember the movie “With Me, Mukhtar”? His story began with the fact that a man with a dog appeared on Mosfilm and offered to make a film based on the script written by him. The man came from somewhere in Siberia. The script turned out to be extremely weak, but the dog was really trained just amazingly. It is apparent that a hole was found in the plans of Mosfilm, as the man and the dog have been sent back to Siberia, and the script has been handed over to professionals. Four months later, the dog and the owner were called back to Moscow and began shooting.

The main character - a police officer played Yuri Nikulin. It is clear that the dog did not perceive him in any way, so during the shooting the dog's owner stood behind the frame and gave commands such as: "Go to Yura", "Give Yura", "Find Yura" etc. Yes, and they lived at Nikulin's house, he himself offered it, so that the dog would get used to him. And now the shooting is over, Nikulin accompanies them at the train station back to Siberia and proudly says to the dog’s owner:
Your dog loves me more than you.
Why did you decide so?
So he came to me every morning and asked me to take him out.
Well right. He came to me at first, and I didn’t want to get up. I said, “Go to Yuri.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna