— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154341
I went into the fifth room today, on the way from the landscape, for some products. I bought a dozen eggs, chocolate, a baton and a couple of packs of ice cream. I approach the box office, everything is done as it is in a medical mask, I look at the box office without masks three teenagers. And I hear that the boys incite each other, say ask to buy, not you ask. I think they don’t sell cigarettes because of their age, but when I’m asked, I never buy them.

I met one of them with a small look, and he had already begun to ask to buy, and I was already preparing to refuse him in the request, but he asked to buy them a pack of condoms... because in the box office because of the lack of a mask, they were not served. Well, in this request, I did not refuse them, I think young and green, I broke everything, gave the boys their promised packaging, and put the check in a package with products.

The experienced reader probably has already begun to guess that when I came home I laid out the products in the kitchen, laid out the check without a back-thinking, and at home the wife, and condoms we have not bought for several years...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154340
I was small then. I went into the forest for mushrooms. We sail, we look for. My brother and I went out to the hill somehow, looked down, and there, in the pit (from which it was easy to get out, so they did not fall there) - the puppies. Three things. They were delighted and used to smooth them. Pappa calls us, we call back, he comes, too, from the hole of this he looked at us, on the puppies and... He throws a cage with mushrooms, we under the mouse and run away from there. We were angry at him greatly – such puppies are callous, and he took us away.

The man runs past the mommy and says, “Let’s run! “Mama is in confusion with him.

In front of the car came a long-running wolf from the woods. It was here that my brother and I arrived.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №154339
I was consulted by a 40-year-old woman. I’ve seen a lot of “non-mammots,” but I’d probably appoint her president of their republic.

She worked as a seller in a private grocery store. Well, how it went... Without any of your contracts and other unnecessary problems, the shelves stood up and everything.

The day of the salary is right, and the employer says to her: the money for the salary has not yet been earned, and I pay taxes for you in my native tax of 13%. You give me 13% of the salary promised by me, so that I am not in the shortage, and when we earn - I will pay you the full, this is the cross!

She borrowed from someone the necessary amount and gave it to him. And so three times. And only after three months, during which she received nothing, but properly paid her employer 13% of her virtual salary, she began to suspect something.

It should be said that no taxpayer received anything.

The hell genius employer, whose employees not only do the work, but also pay for it, will remain unpunished - aunt and still ameba, does not want to connect with him.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154338
I work for a long time at a fairly large enterprise, we have a chief of chargers, we will call him Mohammed, and he has a son.

As you understand, Muhammad is a Muslim and I have set a corner for prayer in the warehouse.

(Prayers addressed strictly to Mecca)

After another prayer, he told me that his son (judging by the tone of bad guys) began dating a Russian girl!

I, he says, offered her to accept Islam, because God is the only God and you will not betray the faith.

I replied, you are absolutely right! God is one and your son can also become a Christian.

Why then in this moment Allah turned away from me and the chief of the burdeners sprinkled me with saliva from my legs to my head. What did I do wrong?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №154337
Russian superstars complain that they have lost their jobs because of quarantine, and the state does not help them.

And who prevents them from performing in underground crossings?

- On the backdrop of those who are already singing there, they will look like provincial self-activity.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №154336
When the eggs teach the chicken, it means they are already cool!

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154335
I read the story of an inadequate customer who wanted to get the goods at prices ten years ago, and remembered his youth. We had a small candlestick factory... well, not candlestick, a factory, in fact, an anchor, for the production of paints. For the production of banal pentaphthalene enamel, a pearl mill and components are needed, in fact, from the cost of components and equipment depreciation, a lion's share of the cost of the final product is formed. Conversation with a client, a young female voice:
Q (first phrase): Color is needed, PF, but cheaper?
I: Yes, not the question, but the minimum batch will be from 1 ton, and the enamel will not be according to GOST but according to TU.
Q: Why a ton?
I: Well you want to get a bad paint, so I will need you to run a line on making a bad paint, the minimum load of the line is ton.
Q: I don’t want a bad one, I need a guest with a certificate.
I: Yes, no question, minimum tar 50 kg, price on price, no discount.
Q: I need 2 kg of PF-837.
Here I was slightly sluggish, the client did not say a word that he needed the 837a, the most moving 115 and 266. We are ready to make 837, but order from ton, and if with a certificate, then a minimum period of 3 weeks, and the cost +10% to the price. I explain this to the clown.
Q: But I only need 2 kg, I need to paint the door.
I scare even more, because 837 is benzo and heat-resistant enamel, and 2 kg is definitely not enough for the gate (in two layers, at the expense of 80, and de facto 100 grams per square is just ten squares), and in general, it is a gateway to hell what if they have to hold up to 300 degrees? But the customer is crying, and says that nowhere can get 2 kg of this enamel, which is true, at that time such paints were not sold in retail.
Help me, very, very much needed.
Please hang on the line, I call the warehouse, the neighboring hangar with the hangar-factory, I ask if there is at least one barrel from 837. I found out that there is a barrel with 30-40 kg of base, left of some long-standing order, it would be necessary to mix it, and then it will go well.
I: Let’s come to the office (time between hangars) at... an hour after two.
The girl forgets to ask for the bill and apparently already runs to the car. I give the command to shake the barrel, find two pots for samples under the enamel, and a bowl under the powder, fill it and deliver it to me. I pack in a bag, because the banks are dirty to impossibility.
A beautiful girl who is 18 years old. I politely wonder if she knows how to use this paint, with horror I understand that the girl is going to paint something herself, it seemed to me, I give instructions, I understand that everything is useless, I breathe, and I give banks. I didn’t take the money, I didn’t raise my hand. Then I realized that there was clearly more silver than needed, I told the workers two banks of enamel and a bowl of powder, they were filled with souls, and I didn’t have the girl’s phone, to warn that less than a third of the banks needed to be filled. I breathe.
This would have ended if the maiden, already accompanied by a solid uncle, did not appear in the office without a call.
Uncle stretches the business card, a company for the manufacture of metal products, and on the go offers to conclude a contract for the supply of 30 tons of all kinds of enamels and soils, from PF and to CO and EF. It was our biggest contract that year. Then Uncle split up, he gave his youngest trainee a task to find 837, and we were the only ones who did not send a young girl with her 2 kg, and they did not get scratched, just gave a little bit, said that he often helps, that for his office a little bit, then for some kindergarten to solve the problem with street slopes and slopes.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154334
Russian superstars complain that they have lost their jobs because of quarantine, and the state does not help them.
And who prevents them from performing in underground crossings?
- On the backdrop of those who are already singing there, they will look like provincial self-activity.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154333
XXX is yes. Now I have the same feelings as after my father told me that Santa doesn’t exist.

YYY: My parents told me this too, the biggest disappointment in my life... And they had to do it on my birthday! I then couldn’t sleep for half a night and looked dullly out the window, hugging my knees... It was probably the worst thirty years in the world.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna