— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147130
to :
Oh, we know this: I'm a kinesthetic, I like when I'm touched, and I'm calling you only coffee to drink, I didn't hint on sex and I don't want it at all.
Here already wrote a girl who was very surprised that on the dances they still meet.
Women and Girls (Surprise) It belongs to the category "people". And suddenly! want different things, even at different times the same girl may want sex, or meet just to talk, or self-affirm because of your attention to her person, or not want to meet anyone at all, but only to dance, or personally here with you do not want anything... Or maybe five minutes ago sincerely and fiercely wanted to give in person to you, and you suddenly said or did something that distracted her from this thought instantly or there grandmother-dead remembered suddenly, no little... There are some spherical women in the vacuum to which you can pick the universal key for each situation, unfortunately, only approximate recommendations that work on many, if lucky and if you are not too scary, bad smell or something else

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147129
XXX: The first day of moisture in the lounge
In the morning of the second day, the sores appeared and the throat broke. But that did not stop me on my way to work. By the evening, I was taken home from work in a half-blind state.
By the evening of the third day the temperature slept and finally came a pleasant healthy sleep.
By the evening of the fourth day, the body said "no" to this healing sleep and demanded a restorative night's drink.
On the morning of the fifth day, the body gained strength for a new twist of disease and the temperature again rose to 38.7.
On the morning of the sixth day the restorative nocturnal dojo of the fourth day made himself felt by sitting for one and a half hours on the throne of Faians.
On the seventh day I woke up at lunch as if nothing had happened.
In the end, the question is, what was it – a cold or flu? The flu usually lives for a week and then disappears. If he was, why were the slugs on their knees?

YYY: Judging by the style of your narrative, you just tried to resemble the Creator and create a new world within yourself. But, like most initiatives without proper information support - all your initiatives are just!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147128
And your words sound like "I love cooking, but I don’t like food"

So well happens. I work in a confectionery, I work in the sale of cakes on order, I love to cook sweets and do not like to eat it.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147127
A few months ago, the company asked employees where to open the next office.
The people amused the poll by voting for Cyprus.
Today began to collect a list of employees wishing to work a year+ in Cyprus.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147126
#cats+tablets #everyone angry

With your untouched consciousness, I really feel like a starper:
The Soviet anecdo-
They gathered (as usual) a Russian, an Englishman (formerly usually a Frenchman) and an American. The task is to feed the cat with mustard. The American, (like some forums) grabbed a cat under his mouth, grabbed a couple of tablespoons, our shouts “protest, it’s violence!”", well the second grabbed the sausage, gave the cat, our again – “protest, it’s a scam!”". The other two are waiting for what the Russian will do. And he just smashed the cat’s ass with mustard, the cat with the bow began to lick, our, proudly – "Note, voluntarily and with a song!"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147125
Even more interesting
to this

A woman needs 80 kg of hairy creature nearby. Depending on its beauty and conspiracy, it will either be a male or 10-15 cats.

If the hair and weight of the male is not enough, is a pair of cats allowed in addition?

If my weight is 100 kg, do I need to have cats with a negative weight and/or baldness?

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №147124
A woman needs 80 kg of hairy creature nearby. Depending on its beauty and conspiracy, it will either be a male or 10-15 cats.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №147123
She sent her daughter to the sanatorium (she is five years old), when the doctor, a serious man, asks her:

Do you know how to write letters?

I know, she says proudly.

Can you write your name?

I can.

He gives her a blank, she brings Masha out in business. And then he reads to her that she has signed a document on compliance with the regime (not to noise, not to battle, and so on). She had such disappointed eyes... And I told her, “Before you sign something, you have to read it.”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147122
Julia: well, and I provide a photo video, that is, the preventive measure she has violated real and repeatedly, I say that the article is a scam, I request that her guard be charged
Molot is?
Julia: the hell there, the judge did not see grounds to change the precautionary measure
Molot: When is your next birthday? I’ll give you a football ticket.
and Julia?
molot: well, there you can publicly and loudly chant "JUDGE-PIDARAS" and not be at risk of criminal prosecution:)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №147121
We had a very hard technician at work. He pulled a fresh cartridge from the neighboring table at Sisadmin, and tried to integrate it into the coffee machine, which he opened for repair shortly before. Apparently, the procedure was a certain success. As the matter ended, the story silences, but the presence of the wrong powder on the output was discovered by the administrator, who knew the taste of the toner well.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147120
Well, of course, give one pill to a cat such a problem... I need to smash the cat’s gums with a gel, and she, you know, such a trouble, for some reason doesn’t want it. As a result, the gums are still treated, the whole kitchen is sprayed with a gel, I spray my scratched hands with miramistin, and the cat walks dark, looks bad and smells pleasantly of menthol with medicinal herbs... Invisible to the world tears...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №147119
Honest people usually sell only through realtors.

And what technically prevents dishonest people from hiring a realtor? The realtors are a special high moral caste, among which there is no place for deception and trick, or how?

There is absolutely no connection between honesty and real estate.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №147118
Cats are like flies in the Middle Ages.

They are found in cats because cats walk their legs on the floor, and then these legs lick. Everything on the floor, everything. Rarely anyone does a complete disinfection, coming home every night.
In small children it starts from the same, by the way.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №147117
I have a 23 inch monitor.
I have 26
Zzzz: and the horse still has more

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147116
Fuck, why do you dance? Usually they do this to grasp each other and understand if it’s worth continuing the “communication” at a closer level. And your words sound like “I like to be excited, but I don’t like sex,” “I like to cook, but I don’t like to eat,” “I like to pour alcohol into a bowl, but I don’t like to drink.”

Wow, guy, and all kinds of dance sections are a prithon of corruption? And if you watch a dance marathon, are you trembling like porn?
Sometimes dancing is just dancing.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №147115
XXX: When I was a child, I was fascinated by cartoons. When my parents asked me who I wanted to be, I proudly replied, “Skyer!”
Years have passed, I have grown up, but skiing is disgusting. A childhood dream is fulfilled...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147114
She went to invite a male person, not looking carefully. We were willing to go, we danced. The individual immediately plans for wine-cinema and friendship with bodies. I did not hint about it! I love to dance! And men are not.
How I understand you! Also tired of explaining to my friends that I love sex, and getting married is not about me. What prevents them from just fucking, taking a shower and going home? Some of them are already married!!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147113
here here :

And how it is boring with the erudite, you would know - it would be time to go to bed for a long time, and he blows up everything with his erudition.

It’s obvious in your head that it’s time for you to go to bed". In fact, it’s no shit. If a guy likes - well, fuck, take at least some steps towards me! And, foolishly, without these your sinister hints, which no one will ever understand in the common sense.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147112
And purely theoretically - if you regularly feed the fish while the engine is running, will it then swim to the hole, hearing a familiar sound?

Yes is.
Moreover, she will accept the losses and will hope that someone else will knock the hook, but we’ll eat it traditionally.
Just like people.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147111
And how it is boring with the erudite, you would know - it would be time to go to bed for a long time, and he blows up everything with his erudition.

Maybe falling away?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna