— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №122877
It is your own matte!! We at work at one time raised 40 286 pieces, under a hundred 386 and the same 486. Even two RPGs. Such a glove could be fun for nostalgic dinosaurs! Digger on HT in 1991 - the first sex fuck! A word on the spot on Friday! Oh...
And how I installed the demovirus in the autozapus to a colleague who constantly changed the deployment. A colleague first turned all the fingers behind the monitor for a couple of days, then psychanul and used a screwdriver to turn off the cover. I stopped it then, split up and we have already shared such a figured to another frame, which from time to time turned the image. and rarely. The monitor turned his feet up. And we roasted...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №122876
"He used me" from the female language means - I couldn't use it.

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122875
This story happened a long time ago - twenty years with a little.
We were young and the time was fun. Restructuring, Gorbachev, cooperatives and... video magnetophones. The men who cut a window into the western film industry and threw my friend Oleg into a cultural shock. Films - "Cobra", "Comando"he watched twenty times and, most terrible, periodically told me of them.
The desire to imitate the idols also crossed all possible boundaries. Well, there, the cockroach, wherever he went, but Oleg went further - he armed himself. He did not have a terrible teaser like Ramba, and the kitchen knives for this role did not fit very well, but in Moscow there was the Riga market, a free business plantation where you could buy an aircraft carrier if you wanted, there would be grandmothers.
Oleg bought a Caucasian pinch! No, not a souvenir of any kind, but the most real, the nineteenth century, big, brilliant. The cloth was beautiful like a festive-dressed gigit in front of a local newspaper photographer. One trouble - the knives of the knight were not (seemingly, over the past century they were struggling in battles), but Oleg was not embarrassed. Kinshal was lovingly polished and sharpened to the sharpness of the Jedi sword, and to wear it my friend stood behind his back, swinging behind the pantyhose belt. This method was not too convenient, to sit with such a "tail" - not very, and the pants constantly in small cuts, but our hero was patient. Otherwise, he is a hero!
Periodically, domesticated Stallone trained - stood in front of the mirror, strained his non-small muscles and, having built a brave row, admired himself against the backdrop of the hammer. Classes did not disappear in vain, one day he came - his star hour.
The area is outskirts, working quarters, and the time was not calm. Next on the plot - the night, the street, the lamp without a lamp, three hooliganes, the unfortunate girl in the role of the victim and our hero, who committed the evening promenade in a row with the above-mentioned lamp.
Here is it! It is done! We will show them! - Probably, it was such slogans whispered in the brain of my friend, poisoned by Hollywood, and Oleg rushed to help.
Poorly fit into the turn, slightly bouncing, he still managed from the second attempt to close the blonde with the chest. Stunned by the excess of adrenaline, he squeezed between the conflicting parties and threw the enemies with a heavy look.
The enemies were sick, and the guys were not small, so they were not very scared and all told Oleg: who he is, where he needs to move and how fast.
You better leave, guys. Oleg did not remember which movie this pathos phrase was from. And that...
And then what? Interested in hooliganism.
My friend is a healthy cock and could well get out of this situation and without a glowing iron, but not in vain he so stubbornly scared the mirror? Lightning throwing his hand behind his back, pressing the knife hand with a back grip with a scream: - Here's what!!! Oleg pulled his cloth from behind his back.
The loyal Caucasian comrade did not fail. Immediately cutting the belt, he allowed Oleg's pants to go to his knees, opening the blue satin trousers to the public.
The hooligan was vigilant.
Oleg reacted immediately. Without leaving the gun out of his hands, he picked up the falling pants and pulled them up, hoping that the cute girl hadn’t had time to notice his shame. The trousers reached my friend’s ass second, the first was a knot, easily rooted with the back of the defendant.
The milk! Our hero fell on his back.
and Aaaah! A fugitive Spanish. They can be understood. They were expecting an old good fight, and this is it! Who knows what will surprise this mad masochist at the next moment? Chariot will do? Will they cut them off, and then they will be attracted?
Saved in such an original way, the girl was terribly frightened (and was not afraid of the courtyard spaniel, but of the "greatly impaired idiot") and wanted to escape. Then I regretted Oleg and called an ambulance.
The doctors laughed a long time. And what, the guy lies, in the ass of the knot, next to the girl spat something about the bandits and the fight, and the doctors in the eyes of the question - fucking the victim before the fight dropped his pants?!! From the complete shame Oleg was saved only by the cowards who were stuck with a hammer to his ass.
In the morning, an investigator came to a friend of the hospital, wrote a protocol and confiscated a terrible cold weapon. Then came the rescued girl. Then they married. There is a soul in the soul, two children. He lovingly calls her Sunny, and she calls him a Samurai. A friend asks no one to tell him where his nickname comes from...I don’t tell anyone.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №122874
The age has come when you come up with incredible retaliations, so as not to bump with one or another acquaintance.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №122873
XXX, 11.01.2016, 4:30 am
My body is protesting over the end of the New Year weekend and refuses to sleep. The fact that the alarm is already on at 7:00 - it doesn't bother him...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122872
Darlay: Gather a computer of rubles for 500. Even less though.
Darlay: Let’s grab a dozen on it, let’s play toys with discs.
See also: XD
Darlay: And what?
Mel: What if there is an emulator?
Darlay: Pfff... the emulator...
Darlay: You didn’t catch the Essence!
Darlay: Have you played the pre-Sovian game, fuzzy because of the discrepancy of the resolution, with the LAGS?
Mel for a long time
Darlay: Playing pre-Soviet games on an emulator is like having sex with a gangdo from a bicycle camera.
Darlay: Maybe, but the effect is not that.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122871
Once a friend of mine (P) alone told the culprits that the first time she slept with a guy, and then went to the gynecologist (G) for any, then dialogue.
Q: Do you have a sexual life?
P is yes.
Inspection of *
G: Emm... I think not.
A few seconds of silence. and RJC.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122870
Good and respected.
And our neighbors rent a room to women dancers... imagine a professional ballet in an ordinary multi-storey. It is unbearable to live behind the wall. To correct requests, the response is inadequate, the type you are making noise yourself. Oh, we dare to talk at home...Bash, help with advice!

Try to beat the ballerina on their beautiful faces with their fists.
Sometimes it helps.
If you are serious, hit them. After all, it is unlikely that they rent an apartment with the corresponding contracts and pay tax on it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №122869
Have you tried to have a relationship with girls lately?
There is nothing easier than writing to a girl on the internet.
It seems that not writing to a girl on the internet is easier.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №122868
About the name of the future husband:

Dmitry: A day ago I called the city, I picked up the phone, and suddenly I was suddenly asked by a girl’s voice:

Is it from Yue?

I studied German at all in my youth—hende-hoch, Hitler’s coat, and all that—as long as I then invaded, but in general I understood the question and answered it as Comrade Petrosian told us: May not from Vassy!

In the telephone the girl's voice somehow strangely whispered, then it was laid down and no longer disturbed.

Only now suddenly it came out that this was the girl's guesses on the name of the future husband. And I reminded somebody of you.)

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122867
Why is the word "cobble" in the application to man insulting, but not maternal, and "suka" maternal? Which side do dogs have sexism and sexism to dogs?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122866
Article on text steganography, specifically - on the method of double spaces between words.
The comments:

xxx: When I was a kid and worked in an ASU group, I sometimes had to write texts for soldiers. Such a feeling that everybody is familiar with this method...)) - In a simple word, they managed to fix gaps, transfers, etc. figi))..

The enemy will not pass! Per they sent encryptions to the center?

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122865
A sudden incident happened on Swedish television.

One person told me why his conscience tormented him: “When I was a kid, my friend and I decided to run a hammer on a parachute from the balcony of a high-rise house. We smashed the basket, parachuted, put hammer in the basket and let go. But the unexpected happened. The wind picked up our parachute and took it somewhere far away. I still cannot forget that. How could I have done so?”

Suddenly there was a phone call in the studio. The caller asked, “Is this happened in that year?” the man replied affirmatively. “In the summer, when was the holiday of the city of Stockholm?” – “Yes, yes, yes,” a man rushed. “I know what happened to your hammer.” “What happened to him?” could not believe his ears a surprise guest of the studio.

“My daughter asked for a hammer for a long time,” the woman continued. I told her once, don’t even ask. We will have hamsters only if God Himself gives you them.” The little girl raised her hands to heaven and said, "Papa, God, give me a hamster!" - and then we went to the city for a celebration. Suddenly my daughter says, “Mommy, I think God has answered the prayer! Look at it!”

And right from the sky on the parachute, a hamster in a basket fell into her hands.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №122864
xxx: Tanya said that she is pleased with a note with any characteristics if it is red
Tagged: fucking
I bought my car like that.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122863
Armanx64: It takes the likeness of the Babylonian calendar - to 13 months, where 12 months - 30 days, and the last month - holidays. The new year begins on December 22nd, when the winter solstice. Five days of the thirteenth month + five days of the first - this is your New Year holidays.
On the summer solstice also five days of holidays - Half of the year.

Complaints about "business suffers because of the holidays" - your business. Leave the 60-hour working day to Prokhorov, we completely abolished slavery in the 17th year.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122862
Hello, I had my first phone sex today. The shuttle flew.
Congratulations, and how then?and :)
XXX: It feels like I’ve been hugged.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №122861
aaa: And I didn’t know that the Windows system partition could be put on the Windows software raid. But it succeeded.

bbb: "Can I walk on a toothbrush at night, lighting up the road with an iPhone 6s+?" - "Maybe, but not reasonably".

BBB: There are things you don’t need to know if they’re possible. No matter what it is not worth doing.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122860
Greek girl: Hehe, I was here in the internet messenger one lady said that it is shameful for a mature woman to express herself as a teenager!"
I looked around looking for a mature woman.)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122859
dim_deev: A woman gave birth to a baby in a snowfall near Orenburg
Dim_deev: This is where the snowmen come from.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №122858
XXX: hoho, the subconductor finished his job %)
YYY: Hoho, the luzer! I’ve been painting for half an hour!
XXX: You washed all the dishes in the kitchen, cleaned all the dust and washed the floor?
YYY: No, I washed the dishes and washed the dust. She prefers to wash herself :)
XXX: Fu, you are under the lower heels! and weak! % of))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna