— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №55196
A bloody kingdom.
I just heard it on the radio. It was (end 19 - beginning 20 c. and c) such a very famous composer, author of novels Nikolai Harito. His most famous romance is "Chrysanthemums have long since bloomed in the garden."
So, as a student, he received several years of exile for freedom of thought and there fell ill with the initial stage of tuberculosis. And let you think, these satraps, royal opričniki and suffocators of freedom, given his fame and popularity, as well as health problems, replaced him with a reference to treatment for 3 years in the resorts of Switzerland, counting this time in the period of exile.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №55195
The presidential candidate Vladimir Putin promises to correct the mistakes of the government, which did not correct the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who inherited all the troubles from the former President Vladimir Putin.
and Putin.

[ + 54 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №55194
MayDay: Fuck, this is not a military commission, but a collection of fools who, in addition, in advance consider you a shit!
MayDay: I think even if a person with no two legs in a wheelchair comes to them, they will say, “We, of course, see that you don’t have a leg...but, in any case, go through the examination.”
MayDay: They will be sent to the hospital, where he will be pumped out a ton of blood for tests in 2 weeks, they will put a enema, they will make an uzi, a mort, a X-ray, a fluorography, a bunch of similar things, and at the end they will look at and say "Bl*, guy, and you really don't have a leg. How then can you love the medicine and the army of your country?! to

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №55193
TD - Technical Director
An analyst, a girl

[17:47:44] AN: Ivan Ivanovich, and am I entitled to refuse the audit for moral and moral reasons?
Alexandra, I am ashamed to ask.
[17:49:05] AN: I can’t look at the tits anymore!!!!!!! to
[17:49:37] AN: I do an audit of bordelled websites
[17:49:42] AN: yee
[17:49:46] AN: No, what am I about
[17:49:55] AN: salons of erotic massage of course

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №55192
Lightbrinder: I went to Laso once for a couple. He is reading a lecture from the plan. Two students record lectures on tablets. Two more on laptops. And one sad contractor keeps a record in the notebook.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №55191
In the garden:
Should we be fooled or fooled?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №55190
Comrades sent on a trip abroad

xxx is. Who did you find there to speak Russian with, or a local student?
YYYYY If it wasn’t Skype, it would have forgotten Russian words.
YYYYY Everyone speaks in their own way.
YYYYY Without the language of signs, they would understand each other.
YYYYY There is only one German, he knows the word in Russian - fucking.
YYYYY I don't know where
YYYYY It is used correctly :)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №55189
A young surgeon told a story: When he just came to the internship, the chef immediately asked him if he knew the triangle of Vishnevsky. The question put him in an impasse, because there is no such concept in anatomy, that is, for example, Pirogov triangle exists (a certain area of the neck), but Vishnevsky is not. For a long time, the young surgeon thought and excavated the literature, and as a result it turned out that the triangle of Vishnevsky, this is what every surgeon should be able to do - drink alcohol, suck in the scrap and fuck the nurse)))

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №55188
My neighbor in the apartment "duet" 2-3 times a day... I begin to have the feeling that this idiot doesn’t come to mind at all. In all of this story there is only one positive feature – he speaks very slowly and I understand him from the first time, because there is nothing worse than a roaring American.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №55187
From the newspaper on employment: A man (52 years old, secondary special education, non-traditional medicine, playing guitar, saxophone, piano) is looking for a dignified diving job.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №55186
Welcome to the anti-spam bot. Please answer what is equal to the integral of sin(x)
With such an anti-spam bot you will remain completely without friends.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №55185
The further from Monday, the closer to Monday.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №55184
xxx: about you even diminishing-loving not to compose, to reduce nowhere, and to lust for nothing!)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №55183
The wife asks: why do they pour water into the battery all the winter? Why does it not cool?
<xxxx> hairy hair
<XX> 21 years of age

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №55182
The socks are out! I am lucky today!

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №55181
xxx: yesterday in one of the large banks (I immediately say - not a bank with a green Pakman in the form of an emblem) saw an epic marasma
The grandmother - in the appearance of a godfather, but with a rare stealthy character - brought all her savings and decided to open the contribution. The manager, kindly smiling, issued all the documents, the grandmother signed them all, took the documents given to her and sits waiting for something... the manager continues to smile )))
The phrase, said by the grandmother, killed not only the manager: "Where is my book???"... all the accusations that the bank does not issue them stumbled on the same phrase, but already on higher exhaust tones
xxx: however, the manager - beautiful, ingenious))) printed again the certificate from the account, put it in 4 parts (just the size of almost a booklet) and handed the grandmother with the words "Now the book looks like this!";
I thought there would be applause in the room now xDDDD

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №55180
by Habr
Comment from the discussion of the article on transfer of time in Ukraine:
1) Create a problem; 2) Return as it was; 3) Praise yourself for success in solving problems

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №55179
xxx: So many banners with the words "I'm looking for a girl who drinks tea in the cafe..." what do I think: "can try happiness?"
xxx: I'm looking for a girl who was filmed in porn, where 20 girls and 4 guys - you were dressed in a white top and a blue shirt.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №55178
Conversation in Smoking:
- The shark went here today, and no one on the streets, well, at all. There are no cars, no people, the lights work through one, those who work - flash. It was only when he approached the building that he noticed two alkashi moving on the barracks.
They are snoopers.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №55177
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The content analysis conducted by me, an international analyst, of our correspondence in the Ace showed that the most used paragraphs were:
"That is your ass"
"Take it up"
"I love it"
"I’m getting bored"
"This is your fool"
"why do you not respond"
"Have you seen/heard what I dropped?"
"From Fuck to"

Do you think this characterizes our relationship as a genuine, tender friendship?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna