— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120716
Hm... once here they boast like walnuts to crack.
I shot one of the bow. Tradition, long, forty pounds, at the end of the arrow, the PM guillot instead of the tip. Not in the middle, but halfway from the center. The main newspaper to bed, or flight "shrapnel" big.
It is impractical. But pathetically!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №120715
Fast foods – the seat of Tatar fast food restaurants.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120714
Oh yeah You did not have a Labrador.

I would like to believe that the laber allowed him to catch himself, but when trying to open the fist... How many times did the guy fall, trying to open the fist to the dog and get his limb in it? Sorry, but the actively rotating body weighing 40-50 kg and with a slightly developed skill of submission back or side under the master's legs will drop from these very legs at the expense of " once".

These wonderful dogs are so kind and responsive that they can be allowed to open and close, ride on top, pull the tail, and they will be happy.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120713
Not everyone gets wisdom over the years. Who is not at home, and who is already busy with sclerosis.

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120712
So it turned out that I became a jury judge in the court.I previously thought that at the very beginning it is clear who is bad and who is good.And that listening to lawyers and prosecutors is necessary only to make it clear that the accused will be enough for a couple of years of colony or to get in full.
The first hearing turned my view of the court from head to head.
It all started with the speech of the prosecutor to the accused.What said there is a very good 19-year-old boy in the world who is very positive, does not drink, does not smoke, studies at the university, etc. And this angel was attacked by a healthy man who beat him and broke his finger on each hand.Monster in his prison and all that.Add photos of the guy immediately after the fight,a certificate from a medical institution.
Looking at the photo, I thought that the guy probably hit the horse with a speck in the face 2-3 times, and then the speck about him and wiped out.
One big blue on the whole face and consistent swarms.Hands bent.
How did it happen with the grandfather who was sitting behind bars waiting for the verdict.The grandfather is typical Karl Marx only gray.How he really beat a guy and physically developed is unclear.
The lawyer clarified everything.
(from the first person)
I am a pensioner. At the planned work related to the disconnection of electricity to the site ran the victim with accusations to my address,that it is necessary to warn about the disconnection he said did not have time to stay and now he will have to level in the game again.I sent him. The ad hangs on the entrance door of the runway and it is his problem that he did not read it.He left, but in a couple of minutes returned and began to shoot at me from a traumatic gun.Good winter was and I covered up with a cotton,and the shooter he so himself from all of his grip hit twice.(painful of course, but tolerable)When the shoulder ended and the guy wanted to recharge the injury I wanted to attack him and warm up with the separation key that was in my hands.But the guy started to run away from me and I was already old became for the run and threw him in the shoulder and hit.The guy fell from this and broke his mouth on the concrete floor.I decided to take the key, he is office.I approached him.And so that he did not start shooting in me hit the guy with the key on the index finger as a result of which broke him.
Lawyer: “Why then the victim’s two index fingers are broken?”
The accused said, "I remember that he shot me with his left hand, and also hit the other finger with the key."
Man was justified.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №120711
This is, grandmother, a stick. I make myself a selfie.
Fu, what a shame! Get married to you, granddaughter, get married!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120710
I work in the design department of a construction company. We do houses of glued bruise. And I saw a lot during the work... But to bring the sketch of the cottage in the form of Minecraft's seams, it's already in my opinion.
And also in response to my indignation, they insistently said one thing: Let you repent. There is also a distribution with a flash game.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120709
From useless_faq

The Starpost:
In many classical novels describing the Dobenzin era, the horses of the heroes are driven and die, or the heroes worry that if they do not rest, they will drive horses and lose them. Question: How does it happen that a horse dies simply from overstress, and not, for example, refuses to jump further? After all, a long-running person will get stuck, will feel a crack in the side, but just resting will recover. How much should a horse jump to get tired? I have eaten a horse from the bank, but I do not own horses.

The comments:
xxx: If you are boosted and heated with a knot you will not give up, I guarantee it.
Yyy: Childhood spent on the ranch of the grandfather of the horse farmer?
XXX: No, in the athletic section.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №120708
What do they look at in the notebook? The text is simple and familiar from childhood.
Or are there other signs?
YYY : the notes?
XXX: I do not know. That is why I ask. Maybe one of the choreographers will tell.
YYY: Okay, I could not hint. They have notes there.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №120707
There was always a button at the top level in the panel in the screw that everyone was used to. The Fuck! And they removed it, and did not make any arrangements for its return. Many asked for her back. There was a simple menu "up" to which everyone was accustomed. Then in the seventh made a stylized without the possibility of return, and in the eighth and completely naked panel - I still do not use the eight principally - to get used to for a long time. And again - there is no way to return to the classic look. Microsoft Office - where is the classic menu? Learn again, get used to again. Who used the products of Adobe - also a lot to what used to, but in the new versions sadly and fucking!As if the new versions of the programs are only used by newborns, and we startups and old versions will fit or go fucking. And here’s what I’m doing: you’re going to get into the board of torrents, but I’m going to use pirated content until the last breath until the software companies start releasing programs individually for each user. Someone buys a program from you, perform all his caprices and rework for another month. What is better for designers or video makers?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120706
In the bus, the conductor was caught - a very cute uncle, about 60 years old in appearance. He begins to ring his phone with the melody "Chundra-chuchundra! Chundra-chuchundra!", the passengers are already squeezing, and the uncle takes the phone and demonstrately answers in a serious tone: "Yes, Natalia Nikolaevna, good evening".
It was a pity that I had to get out at the nearest stop, it was very interesting to know who this Natalia Nikolaevna was.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120705
In my instructions on TB in the list of dangerous and harmful factors for the employee there is "over-voltage of visual analysers".
I don’t even know who I am now.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120704
This is:
I invited a girl to a first date. She sent a text message that could not come, with three grammar errors. It was the first time I was so happy that I was caught up.

First of all, come...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120703
CREATIVE_NICK: So you sit and think, what fucking stuff are we all stealing in the country?

Reactive_nik: is it "all" or "all"?

Creativity: No difference

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №120702
The Gasman:

Nuts are better cooked with a gas key. The big. Not as many people think. You divide the cheeks of the key under the width of the nuts and jewelry dose the effort. And the shells do not fly and the fingers are whole and the "brain" of the nuts without damage. The beauty. Once I tried, I can no longer use anything else.

And I can. A cutter for plastic pipes of small diameter, it is "three clicks". It differs in compactness and coincides exactly on any nuts, what is big, what is small. The Best Water Supplier:

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120701
The office is strange! One of the questions - am I looking at... *ta-daam* my feces!!!!!! The idiots go? Which normal person will answer "yes"?
Yes, any one of them! If you answer no, you are either trying to be better than you can imagine, or you are a finite creature!
HH: Why is this??? O_O
WOW: Normal people, when they go to the toilet, shrink behind themselves and see if there is no shrinkage, i.e. They look at their feces. And you either do not shake up in the toilet and then you are the nest that the whole company wants to shake down, or you lie and try to show yourself at the interview better than you are.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №120700
Mention to Woman: Woman, well, don't be so naive, they just didn't want to give you working drawings. It may even be forbidden in the company.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №120699
I call the internal phone of the administrators about the virgin-clean note that they just returned with the newly installed screw:

Hi once again. I have an absolutely empty notebook, I need such programs, I cannot install them myself, because I need administrator rights. What should I do?
Do not install programs. You have no right.
and OK. How do I solve the problem?
You need to call the administrator.
and OK. I call the administrator.
Okay, I have been called. I will come.

Lo-Gee is I adore!

laugh_with me

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120698
Chat in one of the social networks. Comrade sets out a program by which you can learn to push more than 100 times in just 4 weeks.

Pavel Chikalov
What fucking shit did you put in?! to

Pavel Chikalov
Have you watched for 4 weeks?! to

274 is out.

You’ll get rid of it as soon as you do it with 5 one-minute breaks!

And if you do, then with onanism you risk breaking a member together with the spine!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120697
I am scared of earthquakes, and we have them often.
Then the lust broke again.
She picked up the most necessary stuff and ran out into the yard. I sit on the bench, cold, missing - and going home is scary, even if the second floor of everything. I think I’ll go visit my friend!
And here I go to my friend on the 16th floor in the elevator to wait for the earthquake.
When they arrived, they roasted together.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna