— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106194
To the curious who thought about heating the blood :-).
I read this quote while at work, and while I work in the hospital and because of the duty of service, I often transfuse blood. Blood packs are stored in the refrigerator, so yes, it is heated before transfusion. And the patient during the procedure usually does not feel anything special)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №106193
Hey in the group almost newbie but the desire to eat a lot ready to try and learn something new in sex is not selfish
Q: Are you a futurist?
I don’t want a new one.
You simply deny the syntax entirely.
WOW: This is what

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106192
xxx> she called me wild on the sea a year ago in a placard with five girls
xxx> I immediately have some horror film footage, where five girls and a guy went with a crowd somewhere to rest, then "let's share", and first kill a guy

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106191
My sister was tired today. (An important note: it is of low growth).

We came home with her, I sat down at the computer, suddenly she minutes after 5 begins to run around the apartment and look for her phone. He says to me: "Call me". I call her number, the phone rings somewhere.

It turned out that as soon as she entered the apartment, she put the phone on the refrigerator, and then took off her heels and when she looked for it all over the apartment, she did not see it on the refrigerator. Lower in growth.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106190
On the bushes, the holiwar speaks about the beaded queens. Everything would be nothing but a striking moment - the corresponding primadonna, considering herself successful in excuse for the lack of education, ends her reply with a proposal to the girl to "pull the shirt into the store and squeeze over the mountain of food for a regiment of soldiers." To make the queen feel, yes. Considerations of culture, convenience, good taste and other things will be left aside, it is too subjective for everyone. The question is, why do people dig a hole? It is one thing to overwhelm a decent girl with her hatch, who will not blow up the scandal - and it is quite another, if two queens come across in the store and start to find out loudly who of them is the queen, if Crimshild and Brungilda are not confused with the stream, or with the threshold of the cathedral - here is the fear and horror really begins. Thus, it would be to fear their image and likeness, and not to offer for imitation - for their own well-being. Different people will somehow peacefully separate, but the same - shish.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106189
Since you can't wait for humor here, I suggest to get closer to the topic. There is such an image on the Internet, where a cat is "catched" and paints a circle on the floor. The cat comes and sits in that circle. Who has cats, check it out.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106188
He printed the map of the Westeros and now accuses Martin of distances inconsistencies.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106187
My friend decided to try out a new function.
"Okay Google, show me the man of my dreams"
Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go!and "
Well, these are the new technologies 😉

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №106186
Do you remember that a year ago there was an ananas crush?)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106185
The best sale of this Black Friday was organized by the Central Bank (

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106184
Everyone says that alcoholism is a disease. and lying! A sick person will not drink so much!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106183
You have borrowed your illness here on the topic of sex and relationships to showcase. Prostitutes are not prostitutes, prostitutes are not prostitutes, romance is not romance. (Of course, it was a long time ago, and it was a long time ago.) There are offices here, march to work, not sit on the sites! To scratch you all the cat, smashed the odmin and molled the shredder. and Hui!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №106182
To all those who were borrowed by grandmothers, queens and taxi drivers. Read about Elfing – A wonderful thing, I’ll tell you. I started practicing myself - fun tons. I give an example:
The tram stop. The Winter. It is cold. A drunk man comes out of the tram (it is not a buchy, not a bomb, but of normal appearance, but slightly subdued)... It slides and falls. And next to the pre-freezing bubbling (every day with somebody grumbling) begins the tirade with the words "which you, the dumb man, are not standing on your feet! " and gains a full chest of air for further sinking the drunkard. What a man, giving up:
“Yes, grandmother, what a horror! A drunk pig. It’s not 10 o’clock in the morning, but it’s already opened. Shit what I am! It is shameful! cannot be so! What a man he went!" And smiling away...
The honest word. I thought Grandma, until she came up to say that, would sink.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №106181
My mom and aunt came to visit. They sit and love the choir - what a lovely child our Yaroslav. We decided to have fun – but let’s paint it? No matter what to paint. They drew a shipyard, a machine, an airplane, a bowl with something terrible and brains in the ice cream. Let’s draw a cat. Let us paint. The child looked at the efforts of the artists, scorned the face and said - cats are drawn wrong. How do cats paint, sunshine? Is the grandmother and the second grandmother?
This is so!
The child pulls out the cat 1 from under the couch, presses his knee to the floor and circles the cat's contour. Just like the police, ah.
Grandma and grandmother fshoke - this way of drawing a cat for them is clearly new.
The cat is stoic - he is accustomed.
Daddy is rushing.
The child looks at the picture and says – you need to draw the ears.
Unwise, cat 1 is a whisper, he has no ears.
The child catches under the bath cat-2, presses his knee to the contour from cat-1, surrounds his ears.
What a cat! The child rejoices.
Grandmother of Fuchsia.
The Cat 2 Fuchs.
Daddy is rushing.
Mother is ashamed.
I wonder, what if the heir wants to paint a man?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106180
Why do your missiles, consecrated by your father, fall?

Have you tried to change the pop, or to sanctify the water in another temple?
— — — —

They fall because they hit the heavens. It is uncomfortable for a sinner to fly to heaven. and Amen.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106179
Yippidy yi yi yippity yay. Aaaah aaaah!! to
The whole last month, while we were doing repairs, I had to eat in the kitchen in silence and looking into the wall, today for the first time pulled with a plate to the comp watch cartoons and can not! I can’t eat and watch! Eat and miss a piece of mulch, or watch a mulch! Oh yeah!! to

You will have to exercise.)

Oh yeah no no! Debbie is free!! Free to go!!! to

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106178
Don’t forget to pay for it, comrades!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106177
x: I play in Dragon Age Inquisition, I need to capture the fortress, I run, I break the door
X: And here one of the partisans, the magician necromant, revives her.
X: The door became an ally
X: I had to wait until he died to pass
y: door coded as minion

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106176
Normal guys bring girls five minutes before orgasm
And I am to tears.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №106175
If you sit on the river for a long time, you can wait for the moment when the body of your enemy will pass by your skeleton.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna