— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109703
A simple way to determine if you need to kiss a woman’s hand: look around the sides and look at the calendar. If the year on it is more than or equal to 2015, and you are not on a historical reconstruction, limit yourself to a smile, a headache, or a handshake. If a woman starts to get upset, ask her to sit in front of you in a reverence, even if you have fun.

You can overdo the manners just as much as you can not. The evening dress on the doctor during duty is inappropriate, but perfect for the opera. You should not go to the opera in a sports suit, just as you should not go to the gym in a smoking or jeans or anything other than a sports suit. If you behave inadequately in time and situation, don’t be surprised that others may also react inadequately (well or pretend that they don’t notice anything strange. If their manners are better than yours.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109702
One thought does not give me peace: if married people engage in sex, give marital debt, then does those who do it before the wedding, since they have not yet mutually indebted each other, BE IN CREDIT? As a mortgage, just a prostitute.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109701
I propose then to be offended by the presence of the girl's fingers, soul and any objects of the phallic shape...

Here you will laugh, but really there are men who prohibit their women from using tampons, considering this almost a betrayal of O_o So in the world any marasme is possible.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109700
XXX: As long as you form in this clinic you will finally get old (
YYY: That’s why there are so many grandmothers there. They have not yet formed.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №109699
<ZZZ> here is the baby. And for example, a high school student will tell you with a loud voice about life a lot that you never knew or even suspected.
<ZZZ> and if you charm a pot of strong hunting it will teach you something new :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №109698
Who is looking for an old movie where the same story is told from the point of view of a man and a woman?

The movie is titled “La vie conjugale” (La vie conjugale), France, 1963.

A pleasant viewing!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №109697
The headline today:
I bought vitamins for memory. I don’t remember whether I drank or not.
After a moment of silence:
I don’t remember where I put it either.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №109696
Please take off my pants.
So I am already.
Now from the lights.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109695
The Matrimonial Debt:

When you fuck your husband.
Is it a wife’s duty to stop when her husband fuels her? What? Do you imagine it at all?Do you think we can finish as we wish?Do we end up just because we are so irresponsible?and 😉

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109694
I go into the elevator in the morning, a guy in the elevator. The ordinary guy - a warm jacket, shoes, a hat, a shirt, a cup of coffee in his hands, a teaspoon on the edges knocked when he swallowed. They greeted. I go to the stop and think - which is his cup of tea? She is hindering! They need to go somewhere, or they will be lost.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №109693
In the land of thieves and thieves,
Sales prostitute and deputies.
The forgotten elderly
and burocratic bureaucrats,
The roads of the destroyed and palaces,
Growing like mushrooms,
The law is ready -
Fighting Smoking and Mat.

[ + 34 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109692
I live in Prague. Ukrainians here are immeasurable, but yet no Ukrainian, no Czech has corrected for the phrase "in Ukraine" (in honour they say only so). What is the joke?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №109691
In the topic "how to get a teenager to do cleaning", advice from a mother of many children:
Washing dishes and cleaning potatoes is not a man’s business, if you’re on a tractor from 5 a.m., have you smelled today? Well, you have two dresses out of line, don’t hold the senior on the rank!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109690
Do you want to live a happy life? Less often use the word “after”.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №109689
Two years ago, I, a citizen who had never encountered wild animals, enrolled in one project for the protection and breeding of animals using computer technology (it already works and there is a positive effect).
For work it was necessary at least to understand what and how is happening in the forest, and for this we went out with eggs into the forest - to look.
We went back to the forest to take the coordinates. I came to the place, I came out of the "gas" and shaman with the GPS, "catch satellites" - as they called the egheria. Eger Misha, who actually brought me, also got out of the "gas" and turns his legs.
And here in the forest there is some crack and crack, and this crack becomes more loud and begins to approach.
I raise my eyes from the screen of the jeeps and see that on us, breaking the branches and bushes with a completely wild yellow, sits a healthy mother deer-male with already small-grown horns.
A deer, of course, is not a shit, but when this half-ton shit is on you, put the bricks off, like two bytes to send.
I stand, my legs are cotton, feverishly considering where to run and what to hide, and the egger of Misha melancholy squeezes his hand somewhere under the driver’s seat and gets a short (20 centimeters) stick with small nails filled in it. I look at this stick and I understand that with such a goat, even with nails, you get rid of the wild and terrible deer. The deer, seeing the rod, changes direction, rushes to the egge and... slows his backs ahead of him... The deer also begins melancholy to scratch the rod of the deer horns, from which at the same time some hernia and thorns are crushed with layers.
Misha, seeing my shaken eyes, explains:
Their horns are growing and they are very itching. Here they scratch them about the bushes and trees, but there are places on the horns where you scratch the hell with a tree.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №109688
“Ah so!” The President of Georgia, Margvelashvili, appointed Yanukovych as his adviser.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №109687
The world famous blockbuster! A poor philologist student by chance meets an elderly banker, one of the richest people in the city, and as the relationship develops, it becomes a living toy of the banker herself and her debilitated sister-nimphomaniac. This vicious bond opens the way for the young man to the highest layers of society, but the encounter with a high-spiritual girl, forced to pull out of poverty the family of a drunkard father, half-crazy mother-in-law and brother-in-law, sheds light on his life. But it is not so easy to escape from the millionaire and in despair the young man decides to kill both the patron and her sister. He does not yet know that she has made it all, because she suffers a fetish on men with a tail, and the girl he meets is actually an employed millionaire prostitute. Now our hero is waiting for "Fifty One Shades of Punishment"! In all the cinemas of the country. Thirty-fourth of March!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109686
xxx: And the age limit "0+" - this means pregnant women can not?
YYY: Do you think you see anything from there?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109685
I called from the left number. They said they won a certificate and a $100 card. I broke through Yandex, the people say that it is divorced. Here’s one of the comments: "People, I’m also among the winners! So pleasant so pleasant! I have already prepared my "winner" speech when I will be awarded a certificate. There will be tables for 5-6 people in each room. People will be in costumes and dresses. They smoke at the tables, there is a dim light everywhere, nearby the battle band plays unobtrusive jazz.
And here, a glossy, eye-catching representative of the St. Petersburg Consulting Center in white will come on stage, announce my name. I "will be surprised";, everyone will pay attention to me, everyone will smile. A beautiful woman sitting next to me will fix her collar, whisper a pleasant thing to my ear, and I will take a sure step toward the scene. Applauded everywhere. I will stand on stage, in a smoking and butterfly, a conservative hairstyle, a smile of white teeth.
I’ll tell you something about rock and fate, that I’ve been waiting for luck all my life and that’s where she turned to me. Everyone will have their heads shaken and shaken. And then I get a huge paper rectangle with the inscription "1000 $". The curtain.
In general, if you see me, the scratched Consulting Center SPB - go to [***] with your suggestions!!! This imagination ruined me, goats."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109684
Question of substance.
==== is
5 signs of any disorder:
1st A whistleblower hanging in the phone all night.
Three Two crazy people.
4 is A man who doesn’t understand what he’s doing there.
5 is Meloman, trying to turn on music that only he likes.

Why do I play all the roles at once?
==== is
Everything is understandable, but how one person plays the role "3. Two crazy alkas." and where p. 2nd

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna