— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №109303
What is your favorite magazine?
- /var/log I often look there))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №109302
Well, you already make a separate chat for those who want to talk, and therefore constantly comment on everything. Here are some funny quotes.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109301
Previously, our cat was constantly sucking in the shoes. But then we took him to the veterinarian for castration and as he cut off...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109300
Almost the spring. Cats are excited. A mother calls her cat home:
A cousin, a cousin, let us go!
Cuzza with the blinking eyes, rushing after the cat in the bushes:
by Meyawau!
Mother to child:
“Sasha... let’s go, he’s a little busy!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №109299
I bought 6 pairs of black, gray and white socks, soap, shampoo, lotion, shaving gels and shower. I shave a dangerous shave. There is a tie for cravates. There is a flag. I do not smoke. The car is okay.
Looking forward to February 23.
Married →

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №109298
Everyone who humanizes animals, considers them members of families, speaks to them, etc. I recommend checking with a psychiatrist. Something is wrong with you.
— — —
Something is wrong with you. I bet you never had a cat.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109297
XX: I want to grow over myself, but for now I only get the width. and :(

[ + 36 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109296
It should not die!
Looking at Ukraine, I want to say... thank you Father for peace in Belarus, for clean streets, healthy food and hope for the future.
The Bel K.O.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №109295
Just Philippich was a fully developed man and could think several thoughts at once and independently of each other. Here is, for example, an example with rooms: he thinks that he has six or seven rooms not enough, and at the same time thinks that living a servant in the kitchen is normal.
Or water the power with washes, and then make friends with them when it comes to material values. It is upset that someone has picked up calashes, but in the mud is breaking up preferences. Finally, he talks about the upbringing of affection and kindness, and he himself hasn’t shuffled on Sharikova.
A miracle, not a man.
It is...
Damn you read. The servant had a separate room. As for the thoughts of the professor - he himself tells about everything, it is not necessary to invent. It is with animals to be loving, and the balls without puzzles do not understand.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109294
Just for shit:

In fact, your attempt to spread the experience of one or two copies to the entire set of data just perfectly demonstrates the limitation of the mind and the narrowness of thinking.
Just the opposite: the ability to generalize, to find the general characteristics of a data set for subsequent predictions and conclusions is the main task of thinking. Without this, you can not even go to the toilet - each toilet is unique and unique in its own way. And if it seems to you that in this case the generalization is incorrect, then write it without discretion and attempts to offend the interlocutor.
The existence of the mind was not contested. I only noticed his hardness xD.

Australian biologist, physicist and mathematician. They see a black sheep on the field. There are black sheep in Australia. Physicist: No, there is at least one black sheep in Australia. Mathematics: There are no gentlemen. There is at least one sheep in Australia, and at least one side is black.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109293
My inner biological clock is perverted in every way to lift me up.That put a pot with strains to warm up, lay down and accidentally fell asleep.
I jumped up on the bed from a persistent smell of cheeks in my nose, thinking, “Him, the sky is all out!” just a second before the real alarm clock starts.
Full immersion effect!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109292
Any idiot can be anonymous.

Try to write anonymously.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №109291
About the Panama Canal.

It is good, probably, to blow a butterfly across the Americas and tell, on behalf of smart and working Russo-Americans, stupid and lazy Panamans, how they work poorly, that they cannot quickly, in a couple or three years, dig out a double of the Panama Canal.

But there are a couple of facts that you should know before telling Latin Americans the purely American fables about the fact that "patience and labor will digest everything."

The creation of the channel 100 years ago cost America (far from Panama) giant money. Moreover, the construction alone spent about $ 9 billion on the current money. Currently, the GDP of Panama is only five times greater. It’s about like Russia holding 3-4 Olympics annually in different cities for 8-10 years. In theory, maybe, but it is not easy. Defense, medicine, and education at the same time would go a long way.

At the same time, the expenses of America were not limited to the construction itself (grabbing land, etc.). Before the construction of the Panama Canal, a country like Panama did not actually exist. The country emerged as a result of the battles of a small number of suddenly from somewhere appearing "Panama Fighters for Freedom" (momentally supported by the United States) on the territory of then-Columbia, right next to the place of digging the future canal. Colombia wanted to shrink the “rebels” with its own forces, but Uncle Teddy Roosevelt. The great and terrible (who was so sweetly played in "Night at the Museum" by Robin Williams), immediately sent a pair of cannoners to the shores of Colombia, and "Great Columbia" somehow immediately swallowed, giving the newly created nation of "Panama" an important piece of its territory. A couple of weeks after gaining “independence”, the new “chief of Panama” signed a treaty with the United States on granting them the right to build the canal and indefinitely use it. Furthermore, neither he nor the surrounding canal the territory of Roosevelt and other Americans were virtually not interested.

More than 10,000 Chinese were brought from China to dig the canal, who died like flies from yellow fever so quickly that they simply did not have time to import new batches of labor. In fact, in part they were needed because there were almost no "Panamans" in those regions. For obvious reasons, the former Colombians simply fled the combat zone in the future "Panama", and several hundred "rebels" received their grandmothers for the work carried out to crush the territory, but the cars with land in "free Panama" were absolutely not going to drive). It is necessary to say that medical insurance to the Chinese and compensation to relatives of the dead Teddy Roosevelt for some reason did not provide. By the way, about one-tenth of the work before this was done by the French, who dug in Panama for a long time before, but conducted geological exploration and managed to remove part of the soil.

The current Panamans have: 1) not as much money as the United States had 100 years ago, 2) they have no place to take the crowds of Chinese, ready for a penny, dying from infectious diseases, but to dig the ground for 12 to 14 hours a day.

And the story of the “heroic construction of the Panama Canal” is not the heroism of the “working” Americans. This is the heroism of all the same Chinese, who were almost forcibly, for a penny, brought to hell, where they, virtually in the conditions of a concentration camp, digged and digged Panama (formerly Colombia) land for the needs of the United States.

To set them as an example for modern Panamans, I think, is the top of cynicism.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №109290
In the dark street:
Give me money, man!
and no.
What if I find?
You won’t find anything, I’ve spent all my money on a gun.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109289
Arsen: Thro all my conscious years, I have regarded borscht as a type of soup.
– – – – –
What other options? I don’t just think of what, besides soup, can be borst.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №109288
xxx: Is it possible to improve the salute so that it can take off into the higher layers of the atmosphere with a much larger charge?
yyy: There is such a fireworks, called "topol" )

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №109287
<BB-B4> I repeat, in the Anglo-Russian conversation book in the section "Airport" I liked the phrase: Idi na kher so svoim taksi, menya patsany vstrechayut!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109286
by Valeri:
Being a girl is when you fight, you win, you lose, and your opponent doesn’t even know you’re fighting. and c)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109285
I took a little boy to work today. His school (he is in first grade) is near, and his home is far away. There is no first lesson. Let him, I think, sit with me for a lesson, and then go away from work. And three minutes did not pass, as he said to the whole office:
“Daddy, at home you say you’re tired at work, but at home you’re also on the internet!”

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №109284
And if a couple of days do not clean the pot - then the raised cats will walk and endure a few more days until they burst?)
— — —
Once, my future wife and I lived in a strange apartment. Her sister asked us to take care of the cat for the time of departure, and to wander through half-city far away, here we settled. The cat was not different in upbringing, for him it was a sacred thing to squeeze in the shoes, on the pillow to the owner... in general, a savage animal. But somehow it happened that with us he behaved exceptionally perfectly. But somehow we had to go down for a day and a half. We prepared, of course, everything: food, water, two clean pots (one two times will not go), closed the unnecessary rooms, removed everything that can be squeezed in the closets... what was our surprise when we returned, we saw in the toilet two used pots and a careful lounge in SOVKA! No drop by.

That’s all I... maybe the cat needs to be treated humanly, then he won’t mind where he got?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna