— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112035
A familiar little tribe, asks to put him a cartoon "KAKrodil Gena" :)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112034
Christ has risen!

All by the will of Allah.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112033
From the series "and here Estonia from under the plinth expressed disapproval, but we had the tea cooker boiling, and nobody heard it".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112032
xy> I have entrepreneurial experience (I was fired from 7 network marketing companies).

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №112031
She: Tell me here. If a man broke up with a girl, very painfully, he thought that everything about her - never in life, and in a few years such: I want to see you. And all that. What is each of them threatening?
He said, “Don’t give it to you!”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112030
XXX: Who is there?
YYU : Sway
xxx: thank you, of course, but they won't fit in my apartment.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №112029
17019 “Lamp over the bow”

Why do they all go out to teach (from the words of the worlds) and not teach (from the words of the worlds)?
It was correct to call the story “Culic Lamp”.

P.S April 18 is a total dictatorship worldwide. I will go ))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112028
I woke up at 13 and you? I know you cleaned up and tired. A corrective coefficient can be introduced for cleaning.
YYY: It’s like at 12 and what’s that thing that’s so terrible called?
xxx: The adjustment coefficient is a number that is multiplied by in order to result in something when it is difficult to count manually. Well, for example, we adjust in this case the time of your rise, because the cleaning made you tired. The essence of this fatigue is laid in the corrective coefficient.
YYY: Ah, I understood it. That is to say, if I want, for example, to knock a person, take a rifle and there will be windy weather, then I will need to calculate the trajectory of the bullet’s flight taking into account this very adjustment coefficient, which in this case will be the wind, right?
xxx: Interesting you have a working idea... but the essence you have caught!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №112027
Try to forget your birthday, for example.
– – – – –
I forget periodically. I remember the date, how many times in all kinds of questionnaires I wrote, but I can quite not relate to a specific day and cakes to work to run to buy in the morning, after the first congratulations.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №112026
What happens if a cat cuts off his tongue?
His ass will be dirty.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112025
Everything is right. Niva is a very good car for traveling around the city. We have whole fan clubs of level drivers, and it is not alien to Europeans. I personally saw Nives in small towns in the Czech Republic, Germany and even Italy.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112024
XXX: The Girl from OK wrote to me - Crossus Vaskres (facepalm)
YYY: Why not, she’s not a Greek?
YYY: We can’t say exactly that no one has risen today.
YYY: Greek name like, you have to call the local Greeks.
Q. Is it also in Greek?
YYY: Is it possible? I am not strong in Greek, and it may be the descendants of the Greeks who were thrown down from the rock.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112023
It is sad when a beautiful swallow thinks for the rest of his life that he is a ugly bird because he lives among the ducks who killed him.
Joseph of Egypt

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112022
End of the 90s. Dagestan, the city of Machachkala, on the central street of Lenin, in front of the entrance to the Promstroudbank stand and smoke friends who told me this case.
Here, with the noise and the whispering of brakes, two jeeps run straight on the sidewalk. From one jeep, Kalashnikov fighters armed with machine guns, equipped with camouflage, jump out and begin to inspect the nearest bushes and trees, looking under every bush, behind every tree. Then they build a living corridor to the door of the bank, give a spark and from the second jeep appears and a quick walk passes and hides in the building the then head of the Pension Fund of the Republic of Dagestan.
All this turmoil, along with my acquaintances, is observed by the grandfather-axacal passing by - in a papahood, with a bark, with a whitened gray beard, he stood at the side all this time, waiting for the opportunity to walk on the sidewalk.
When the guard disbanded and turned aside, the axacal nodded his head from side to side and said:
How much shit do people have to do to be so afraid?
And I went on in my business, leaving my acquaintances in full enthusiasm for the thought expressed by the man who saw life.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №112021
Looking at how Mikhalkov asks Putin for help from the country's budget to replace the McDonald's network, AutoVAZ said that it is ready to release a Lamborghini competitor at least tomorrow.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №112020
The ancient Greeks did not fly. And the blasphemous wild Americans met Columbus and Magellan? Why did they not go into space, did they have a thousand and a half years without Christianity? The Chinese have not flown to beat for four thousand years.
The Christians, with all their inquisition and other horrors, pushed the fucking progress into the mountain.
No need here.

The Greeks did not develop progress because of their beliefs - physical labor, thoughts about physical were considered the prerogative of a slave and are not worthy of a free husband. The same Archimedes with the mechanics, Fidias with the sculptors and others were considered lower people. The best of them did not go to science. But they developed theories that we still use (Gugliem atomism).

All European science is based on Arabic texts, mostly translated from Greek and Indian. Had it not been for the Mahometans, we would not have had the knowledge of the Europeans of Galen or Hippocrates, for in almost 1,000 years from 476 Europe has forgotten everything (by the way, here it makes sense to bow down Stochasticism and Galenism, to the question of Christian progress).

And the driver of progress was not religion (at least not directly), but war. War and money. Lily guns are better than bells. Charged with Chinese powder. And the rockets were not built to fly into space, to see the goddess, but to bring a friend and neighbor a lot of joy in the powder equivalent. The same Columbus did not sail for Christian sanctuaries or a vow to India, but for trade and gold, like the Vikings before him.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112019
As it used to be, you embrace your bark and cry. And now: embrace the topol
And you hiccups.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112018
On 3-4 repetitions the leading between the case runs "it is in modern armor, 15-16 century".
For them "modernity" is the 15th and 16th centuries.
— — —
Here you laugh and I was lucky in my time to have a really "modern" armor. Cologne to be more precise. 20th century. I missed a little from the beginning. If somebody ever excavates this miracle (and it does not rust), he will confidently say that it is impossible to cut or cut it in principle. And something there about the miracle of the ancestors able to fight in the armor of such weight..In general, our reputation I secured :)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №112017
A celebration for you!
He ascended to heaven alive today.
Everyone is theirs.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №112016
This respected Lord.
by yuritikhonravov:
Isn’t it obvious that Christ’s resurrection and Gagarin’s flight are links in the same chain? Had Christ not risen, Gagarin would not have flown into space.Without the Resurrection event, the apostles would not have preached to all nations. Without the apostolic sermon, the unique Christian ethics of reality transformation would not have developed and spread. Without Christian ethics there would be no modern science (Murton's thesis) and no industry (Weber-Trolch's thesis). Without modern science and industry, there would be no race between different Western countries and their imitators, as it has not been for thousands of years. Without this race, there would be no competition in the 20th century between Protestant America and Russia, which has imitated America by combining Christian ethics with materialism. Without this competition, would we need this space?

Friend, if there were no dark ages, inquisition and other joys, then man in space would be the first time not April 12, 1961, but the edak on November 8, 1640. So what about you guys.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna