— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №98524
Collaborative creation with Habr on Windows XP:

What a low fraud.
Updated halfway.
Repair the register.
It is sad to add additions.
Take a breath and think about yourself:
When will I take you?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98523
I (shaking my left hand): Please give us money, or we’ll have the shoppers.
Man: wash his hands

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №98522
by Tusk:
Soon it will be necessary to include a preamble in each technical documentation, which says about the following:
“The term slave implies the Guided, and does not imply the African-American slave worker.
The term black refers to black in all its meanings, with the exception of the color of the skin of an African American.
and etc.

Well, I think lawyers will make a complete list.
The absence of a preamble will indicate that you adhere to racist views.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №98521
Some people carry heresy all their lives, others comment on it all their lives.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №98520
I don’t know how to react to this situation, ideally I want to fuck, but fuck, I’m 27 years old, and I’m a princess.

[ + 28 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98519
A decent guest should eat everything that is on his plate.

They brought me to the house to meet my boyfriend’s parents. It was on a celebration, his mother was baked a holiday cake, and we sat down to drink tea. I didn't really like the paste at all and wanted to take a small piece, but I immediately put a huge slice on the plate. I try and understand that the cake is terribly unfavourable, you will not even understand whether it is sweet or unfavourable. For 40 minutes, I chewed him with grief with two cups of tea. I just wanted to translate the spirit, like the future mother-in-law with the words, "Something you, Olga, do not eat at all", a second such cousin smells me on the plate...
P.S I liked my parents.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №98518
XHH: Today I saw the saying about the last straw in action. I swallowed a printer in our department, called a copouter. In the six months I’ve been working here, the same guy in the same shirt comes in, with the same apathetic look. Deffki says he has been working for so long that no one remembers when he came. No one, except for the work does not communicate, interest in our numerous women's team does not show, "Hello-chatting-of-all work-for-a-kind". In short, he sits behind my compass, silently setting something. I decided to extend the conversation and ask "How old are you?". He remained silent for some time, said “too much,” stood up, went to the staff and resigned.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98517
I will supplement.
In addition to :
"I am working in the field. A few weeks ago alone.
my student demonstrated to the group members,
That summer comes because of the earth,
orbiting the Sun, entering an orbit.
of Venus (i.e. It becomes a planet.
The sun is getting closer to us.
It warms. When she laughed, she was very
I was offended. Bachelor in one and a half years
year to obtain.
If you recognize yourself, no insults. This cannot not
to share.
A woman who received a red diploma.
institutes, two years after completion
He said the sun was rotating.
Around the Earth! Prove the opposite.
It is impossible."
And what’s surprising, I live in Sakhalin, so when
I went to university and told me.
The teacher!!Sakhalin is swimming.
Almost like an inflatable boat, little of it.
Drifting in the ocean. As we understood,
Summer comes when we sail.
The winter is closer to the north.
On the ice, on the continent, the time.
The year does not change at all, and you are all here.
You are inventing. This is this!

I found a computer gray teacher explaining what ADSL is. Do you know why you can use the Internet and the phone at the same time when using ADSL technology? The telephone cable has two vessels...." Right, on one internet, on the other phone.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №98516
Specifications of Photoshop CS6:

Minzdraw: and how to enable the Russian interface?
MAHON: try editing/preferences/interface/there at the bottom of the language
Minzdraw: thank you, it worked out! Interface is pleased :)

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98515
here here :
But I dream that all the stars will take part in the race "The Running Man", typically like the movie in which Schwarzenegger was still playing.

Shooting can be called "Star Hunt" and selling shooting licenses is expensive. The broadcast itself. The rating will...

The Hunger Games?? to
And the House 2 should be decorated in the style of "Sayers". From the first to the last.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №98514
Here is :
to this:

What are the benefits of virginity?
and hermeticity.

and UGU. And the monthly blood of virgins accumulates until it breaks them in half. Download and read the book "Sex for Tea Tree". by RTFM!

at the same time download "how to recognize sarcasm for the teasers", author Sheldon Cooper

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №98513
Unskillful treatment of a woman often leads to marriage.

[ + 83 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98512
I was nineteen. My father is Moscow. One day I went to visit relatives. I don’t remember why or why, but I’m standing on the railroad, waiting for the electric car. On the contrary, another perron. He came, stood and left. People in front of me slowly absorb... but suddenly I notice the girl. She is about 25 years old, cute, slim. It is obviously nervous.. passing men and grandmothers look at her, turn around, chick, show the finger... In a couple of minutes I realized: a problem happened to the girl. Apparently, on the road, she suddenly had women’s days. She shrugged her light coat. The company of young people, in general, she whispered... The girl was all confused, compressed, bored... pressed to the pillar and cried. Suddenly, a guy approaches her... appears to be 17-18, no more... I thought, “Well, another goat!” I decided to go to her... at least...
And suddenly I see... the guy takes off a light jersey and binds his sleeves around the girl’s waist. In short, I covered the girl... She stumbled... And I...
The boy took a good step in his business. The girl recalled in a few seconds:
Oh yeah! The guy! Thank you very much!
The boy looked around, smiled, shrugged her hand... and dissolved in the crowd.
Not a boy... a man. In the big letter...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №98511
The problem with this world is that educated people are full of doubts, and idiots are full of confidence.
by Charles Bukowski (c)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №98510
XXX: The Storm
XXX: Dark and scary
As in the Apocalypse
YYY: If there were no horsemen - not counted
xxx: they were passing by enthusiasts with a flashlight, oring in matyuhalniki
XXX: Delayed due to traffic jams

[ + 42 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98509
Some time ago, I began to notice a spot in the centre of the far edge of the toilet seat in the plastic factory. I tried to wipe it off, but it became more and more noticeable until it looked melted. I complained to my husband, to which he replied that he had the same at home and at work, and that I should not worry. And I asked my friend, my mother, no one else had that. The mother-in-law confirmed that before such spots appeared with envious constancy... That is, it is my husband eээээ protrudes the plastic with a smoker? What kind of radiation is this, maybe I’m married to a superhero, like a Man-Laser Fucks or something like that?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98508
I have never seen so many children in our playground! In the course of the action SamaraEnergo 'happy childhood'. There is no light in the area :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98507
Letter to Tech Support

I am confused, what is my name?

[ + 26 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98506
Our grandmother teaches a boy to ride a bicycle:
Join with him! These are your feet!
I swear, I swear! Such a loud voice.
I have folded!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №98505
In one of the forums about Game of Thrones. The question is whether Daario and Daenerys had anything or not.
xxx: Well he said that Danny was in a good mood, and left her in the morning, whispering.
Maybe he was telling anecdotes all night.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna