— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 69 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29955
From the entire course
The Russian language
In the universe
A proposition with one substantive and an adjective added each time. In European languages, this cannot be said without bonds and overload.
(Hello to Professor Milosevic!)

The Russian land.

The writer of the Russian land.

Writer of the Russian Land.

The wife of the writer of the Russian land.

The dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.

The dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.

The problem of the dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.

Solving the problem of flea dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.

Difficulties of solving the problems of the dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.


c) O-la

[ + 133 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29954
About the Parade. First, NATO soldiers walked through the Red Square not as conquerors, but as our friends and associates during the Great Patriotic War. I think that can only be welcomed. By inviting them to our joint parade, Russia once again stretches out the hand of friendship to our Western comrades. The world is better than war, even if it is cold.
Here we all cheat America, the United States, and I included, sometimes. But putting your hand on the heart, tell me, who doesn’t like the Western image and standard of life? Who here is such a cowardly patriot that does not watch American films, but only Russian? Who doesn’t smoke American cigarettes, don’t crack, thanks to the Americans, on the Internet? Who walks in one lapta, valenko, kosovorotka and ušanka? There are no such.
Do you like American politics? Well, to me too. But this is not a reason to turn away from her. In fact, the second front helped a lot. And to forget about the more than 200,000 Americans killed in the war is also not worth it. The Soviet Union put much more on the altar of Victory, but this price is also considerable, it is worth respecting, I think, no matter how.
Overall, I am pleased that the soldiers of the Western armies passed through the Red Square as friends, and that the American flag floated over it as the flag of friends.
I think if you were killed in a fascist concentration camp, and you were unexpectedly released by American soldiers, you’t have begun to slander and slander, saying, I won’t go anywhere from my camp until I’m released by the Russians.

Don’t hesitate, Harry is with you.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №29953
Oh, do you remember?

April, the drop, spring and summer are near.
In the green suburbs flooded...
All this is Krasnodar, and I am in Novosibirsk.
I’m going to sit in my ass in the swallow".

Although now it is May a month, and for Siberia the verse has not lost relevance :(

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №29952
News from the NHS website:

On 9 May, an accident occurred in the Maslyansky district with the participation of a hose carriage and the "Jigul".

As on the website of the GUVD GIBDD Administration for the Novosibirsk region, at 14:30 a car VAZ-2103 (the driver of the year 1970, according to the GIBDD - empty), which followed the motorway Masljinino - Dubrovka, on the 17th kilometre entered the accompanying goose carriage (the driver of the year 1985, according to the GIBDD - mentally ill).

"The rear wheels of the car crashed, but the driver continued the movement and left the car with the front wheels. It was discovered later,” – on the website of GIBDD NSO.

"Giguli" after the collision took off in the square and drowned in the water, and the driver got out of the car, opening the door glass.

Oh, Rosie, that’s why we love you.

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №29951
again from the popular community "virginity" on

The question is asked by the woman (D):

I love anal sex.
But how do I make sure that the guy doesn’t bite?

Y: Make a cliché

PS: I am afraid of clichés.

y: The cliché she is afraid to do, and the member in the ass is not to snoop!

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №29950
In the absence of clothes on a woman, the absence of mind is not noticeable.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №29949
and Kazan. 9 May. The bus. Sitting at the window of a particular guy like this - skinhead
(in Kazan - a relatively rare species): "bomber", lifts, camouflage pants, styles... Through the passage opposite sits a Negro. Dress, glasses and
“The Diplomat.” Both of them have Georgian scissors on their chest. They both look at each other from time to time.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №29948
It is said that the director of "AutoVAZ" wanted to launch a criminal case...
But it didn’t happen either.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №29947
Please, I really want the button "push"

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №29946
Instructions for First Aid:

If any tissues (brain, intestines) come out of the wound, they are covered with pure gasoline, but in no case are inserted inside.

I’ve always dreamed of someone’s brains.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №29945
<xxx> Are you looking for a job?? to
<yyy> yes if honest then I'm happy with the job, but I can consider the proposals
<xxx> So I’m saying – name the minimum amount so that you don’t bother if
<yyy> I get 35 + quarter 10 + 13 salary
<xxx> Yes Do you have vacancies?

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №29944
He cleaned his room and found a cat. O_O
He said "Maya" and went back into the rubbish!

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №29943
This must. Figure is simple. The drunken man came home yesterday. Opened the opera today. And there’s the Tucson contribution. I know where porn comes from. I even understand why I was looking for “Angelina Jolie’s number.” But I don’t know what made me pick up in the Yandex "pork food" and why I read about this article...

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №29942
Mary (15:23:13 12/05/2010)
I pushed my foot out the window. It may burn a little.

Sunny (15:23:22 12/05/2010)
Funny, but what if it really burns?

Sunny (15:23:45 12/05/2010)
Or is this a plan?

Mary (15:24:43 12/05/2010)
Well I generally plan to pull them in turn to both at once can not 7 floor anyway. And people will not understand.

Sunny (15:25:57 12/05/2010)
Oh the rhinestone!! And one leg coming out of the window of the seventh floor is normal???))))

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №29941
And yet the normal youth in us, the soul is growing, although these emo and goth are not unclear what!!! to
On May 9, I sit at night in the kitchen, smoke in the open window (and live on the second floor. Going company ready under my window and singing: "Clen green,Clen curly sheet cut"

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №29940
Santa is so fun mostly because she knows where all the bad girls live.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №29939
XXX: I went to the cage yesterday. There are all such clever shoppers. One in a blue coat with a bayge somehow taught me what to do for 40 minutes, I sent him...
Congratulations to your personal trainer.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №29938
2010-05-11 10:01 am UTC
Russian sailors have released Somali pirates. However, in order to make them more like pirates, they shot everyone in the eye and cut off one leg.

[ + 59 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29937
she (05/12/10 09:31:53): my girlfriend bought yesterday a book - how to bring pleasure to a man. The book costs 500 rubles. I broke her. There is some shit there. And about American men. This does not happen to us.

She (05/12/10 09:32:16): I told her that she would buy meat for 500 rubles. would give more pleasure.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №29936
How do you treat role-playing games?
Guy: Fallout New Vegas is waiting for autumn, and that there is more Bioware c Obsidian coming up, and what?
Girl: That’s all about? What kind of revenge? A patient with a nurse, or a pilot with a stewardess, and that’s the hell! The pervert!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna