— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №29855
<Joerz> what are you doing?
<RiZN> manicure, pp
<Joerz> fu, baba coole?? to
<RiZN> yes no... nails just bite
<Joerz> Mothers and friends :D

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №29854
My husband and wife burned...
My brain is always in mode "on"
My wife is "she"

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №29853
To this...

Or can we play a game like 's silence'?
Whoever is wicked is wicked and wicked.

I respect self-criticism

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29852
Volonter: Our Combat burned out yesterday! We live on top of the Babi's barracks, the premises correspond. Someone in our shower turned and water flowed so much that the girls flowed from the ceiling. Well, the combat has built us all and says: "If the girls will flow again at least once, you will lick all the tongues!"

[ + 6 - ] Comment quote №29851
If no one is going to do nonsense, then it will be nonsense and nonsense.
by Yuri Tatarkin

[ + 50 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29850
Untouchable Faina Ranewska.

For a number of reasons, I cannot answer you now with the words you use. But I sincerely hope that when you come home, your mother will jump out of the pit and tempt you properly.

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.

Women are smarter, of course. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

- The phone doesn't work, when you come, knock your feet.
Why the feet?
You are not going to come with empty hands.

Everyone is free to handle his ass as he wants. So I raise my own and I am. (At a party meeting in the Moscow Council Theatre, where the non-Marxist behavior of one renowned actor accused of homosexuality was discussed.)

When I die, bury me and write on the monument, “I died of hatred.”

Well this, like her... Such a shoulder in the shoulder...

Orthographical errors in writing are like a clown on a white shirt.

Those ugly journalists! Half of the lies they spread about me are not true.

Let it be a small plot that must disappear between us.

The family replaces everything. Therefore, before starting it, it is worth thinking about what is more important to you: everything or family.

The fairy tale is when he married a frog and she turned out to be a princess. and BILL
It is when the opposite.

Sclerosis cannot be cured, but it can be forgotten.

This is the fourth time I have watched this movie and I have to tell you that today the actors have played more than ever.

To see how much we are overeating, our stomach is on the same side as our eyes.

This woman can already choose who to impress her.
(On the comments “Mona Lisa doesn’t impress me.”)

Yesterday I was at the N. and I sang for them for two hours.
They need it! I can’t stand them either!

“I don’t drink, I don’t smoke anymore, and I’ve never betrayed my husband – because I never had him.
So what, do you have no shortcomings at all?
In general no. I have a big joke. Sometimes I also get a little bit...

(When she was surrounded by a crowd of children with joyful outcry: “Mule! The Mule! » )
Pioneers, go to...

I hate cynicism for its publicity.

My life is terribly sad. You want me to get into the joke. She had a sirene bush and made a striptease before you.

Speaking of a recently deceased actress:
“I wish I had her legs – she had beautiful legs! It is a pity that they will disappear.”

About his work in the movie: "Money eaten, and shame remains"

– Faina Georgievna, how are you doing?
You know what shit is? In comparison to my life, it was gone.
How is your life, Faina Georgievna?
I told you last year that it was shit. But then it was a marshmallow.

In Moscow, you can go out on the street dressed as God will, and no one will pay attention. In Odessa, my sitz dresses cause a major confusion – this is discussed in hairdressers, dental clinics, trams, private homes. Everyone is saddened by my monstrous “pity” – because no one believes in poverty. and (1949)

Critiques are the Amazons in the climax.

The damned nineteenth century, the damned education: I can’t stand while men sit.

Why do women devote so much time and resources to their appearance and not to the development of intelligence?
Because blind men are much smaller than smart men.

If a woman goes down with her head, she has a lover. If a woman goes with her head proudly raised, she has a lover. If a woman holds her head straight, she has a lover. If a woman has a head, she has a lover.

I spoke long and unconvincingly, as if I was talking about the friendship of peoples.

Talent is like a wart, either it is there or it is not.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have two breasts.

You have to live in such a way that you will be remembered and fools.

– Milko, I’ll take the Idiot with me so I won’t miss the trolleybus!
(k/f “Spring”, as Margarita Lvivna, a house worker)

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №29849
Yesterday you came from the corporate New Year, I took off your boots, told you a hundred compliments, patiently listened to who they gave gifts, what a fool this Nelly Stepanovna, I danced with you three times your favorite song from Criminal Chiv, twice fucked you, on your capriza opened champagne, somehow made you sleep, smoothed your hair...
Today I came from the corporation: - long discussions, why it is so late and why the mask on the shirt, then a cloth on the e@lu and went to the x#y, drunk cattle, I don't talk to you.... and. Here is equality.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №29848
The xxx:
I never considered myself a philanthropist. The phyllin is a dirty animal that eats cabbage. So I am not a philanthropist, I am a croup.

I made a magic stick yesterday.
Now I can hide a little.

The xxx:
The magic stick? How about Potter? How about batteries? What is it

This is a plastic stick from a cat toy, wrapped in a gasoline bandage and with a purple cardboard star, glued to the top.

The xxx:
Fuck, you’re fucking fucking too.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №29847
to this:

to this:
Recently, the news showed Medvedev’s meeting with ministers and he says that on the Internet people write that the adoption of this law actually means the transition to paid secondary education.
Dmitry Anatolievich, are you still looking at us?

Yes the citizens.

No, say it on TV.

[ + 102 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29846
to this:
Regarding the day of victory... Personally I am very upset that this holiday becomes another occasion to stir up for the beast and the little ones. Today, a bunch of people from nearby abroad were sitting in my courtyard, drinking beer and shouting “Ura!” Just for the company...
These ‘churks from near abroad’, as you call them, are also descendants of war participants. Yes, do not forget that in the great Patriotic War did not the Russians win, but the great and multi-ethnic Soviet people. My grandfather also fought, although I was "not going", as you would say. And my grandmother’s brother died on the Kursk arc.
All with the past and let us all pass through the wars.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №29845
The Russian tourist is confident that he does not want to encounter another Russian tourist in the hotel. But when he meets, he begins to communicate happily.

A Russian tourist is convinced that he has overpaid for the trip. Fortunately, there is always one in the group who paid the most.

The Russian tourist is convinced that tourism is not immigration. But leaving, he must say that "I would be happy to stay here".

The Russian tourist is openly confident in his racial superiority. But it is offended that greedy Germans are treated better than Russians.

A Russian tourist is confident that the Russians get the worst rooms in the hotel. From this thought he is distracted only by the fact that the sea here is dirty.

A Russian tourist is convinced that he will be deceived in an Arab shop. But when you buy something, you will have to laugh joyfully at the Russian records in the review book "Boys trade, Arabs - lohi".

Russian tourists believe that in Europe to rest better. But having calculated everything properly, he will go to Egypt in November on an olincluziv.

The Russian tourist is confident that all foreigners understand Russian, but pretend they do not understand. Therefore, in a difficult situation, you just need to speak loudly and persistently.

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29844
This quote I left 2008-09-12 and stopped playing in the WV:

""In Vovka, in Chatrah, there is a vendor (the seller, he is the only one selling bags of 22 slots) and his name is Harris Pilton 0_o

I think in Russian localization he is called Ssuša Kabchak


Recently downloaded a Russian client, went... See Vova translators also read BOR. Harris Pilton is now called Psenia Kobchak!! to

[ + 151 - ] Comment quote №29843
to this:
I am 23, without my own company, without a wife, without wealthy ancestors. I’m riding hot cars and I’m not hanging in clubs. I just wear a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, turn on the player and go chatting with my feet in the fountain and look at the girls swimming there.

I cheer on you, successful 20 year old directors and pathetic cowboys.
A great respect for you, friend! At least two of us! and :)

[ + 78 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29842
to this:
Really cool is not the one who buys a car to drive before work, but buys an apartment near work to walk there :)
A really cool person who doesn’t have to go to work. Not for nothing on all the houses of great people hangs the tablets "In this house lived and worked such";

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №29841
XXX: We are sperming you, dear friends!! to

[ + 75 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29840
How hard it is with children: one fool, the other alcoholic.
Both in Daddy!! to

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №29839
The denial:
Newton’s Third Law: If you don’t touch anything, it will be.
And what about the headphones "which-you-accurately put-in-box"?

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №29838
iohan: Remote cultivation of offended maniacs is simple
iohan: you write at the nearest school "5a - lohi! 5b force" and with the first goat of release the process is started.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №29837
Local provider forum.

Girl: You’ve blurred a cool program (meaning a p2p client), but here’s why you didn’t guess how to make it shut down? I climb the cross, it folds into a trio, but it does not close. You have 70,000 subscribers, and each of them is forced to complete the process through Ctrl+Alt+Del! >.<

69 999 of our subscribers click on the icon in the threshold with the right mouse, choose the item "Exit" and the joy of life there.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №29836
Today we were sitting on the main street of the city with red eyes and in an open douleur.
These soap bubbles.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna