— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №129993
See also "Friends" This is when your "unwritten" rules become "written" - then you will be caught up to people. And for the time being, you will be friends with your morality only before you are dumb in the roof, and the police will most likely add! Safe patrol for you.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129992
to this:
Chunga Changa! You forgot to surrender!
Strangely enough, the guy realized that they were addressing him.
When we were in Zanzibar, we discovered that Chunga Changa is the name of a local orange, green and sour. In translation, it means a young, vigorous, full of strength. So if the Negro was from those corners and spoke Swahili, then he understood the address quite well and probably even perceived it as a compliment.)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129991
In the USSR, there were three Marsers - one GMO, the second with goat legs and a teenage figure, and the third in short shorts. All of them drove on self-blocking locks, and in the evenings they bathed their heterosexual children in pesticide baths.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129990
All such lovers of "natural" I offer a drink of curare. Eat some pale puddles. It’s natural – and it’s useful!


by Dada! My mother has medicines and so on. - this is the grass, it is harmless, it is useful. Mom, I say, I’m smoking now, it’s almost grass? And let me move onto another grass - it's natural, useful.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129989
sb: "As a result of the rush, the earth failed and a fountain of feces of several floors arose. The flow of sewage water slipped along the roadway, demolishing the fence, flooding the gardens and houses of local residents. The sewage river overcame more than a kilometer and went through the floodwater into the sea.

MW: You have to look for profit in everything. All gardens and beds are fertilized free of charge.

WF: Here is it. Only, in terms of free, you are wasted... Next month all the bills will come...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129988
2069, did you have anything there, borsunov for morality?
In truth, everything that is not expressly forbidden is permitted. There are rules of public order, they cannot be violated. Anything in these rules is possible. If there is no sign prohibiting lying on the lawn, you can lie there. I don’t like it, PNJ. No one is obliged to follow your rules and will not. Give them all to your hotels. Your task - saw the offence "push in the whistle". No more than that. You have no right to demand anything from someone.
How can you stop something you don’t like? He came and was sent far away. Next What? The dress? You will be sent to the same place - they will not be able to draw up a protocol in the absence of a crime. Do you force? Well, you take into account that you can suffer yourself, and this is just a violation of the same order and the protocol you can already get.
Therefore whisper in the teeth, and push your puritanism deeper.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129987
20695, friend, you are figs, you must have a document where your rights and duties are written. Read it and calm down. Your task is to prevent violations of the law and order, and morality and other things have nothing to do with it. Remember this when the next one in response to your comment will give in the mouth (the friend is not an official person, not when performing, you can fucking).

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129986
Our favorite troll, a champion of the dress code of swimsuits and boots, a ban on cameras and naked children, made a friend)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №129985
90s, I got into the basement at 1.5 years, so the kindergarten for me was the norm, I didn't bring any problems to my parents, I was like everything, etc. But! As we got into the group girl Natasha, her bed was adjacent to mine, that is, we slept together. Natasha bite me in her sleep for an hour. He just lies smelling and then bites!!! I complained to my mom, she taught me that you should not talk to Natasha and that only bad girls do that! I honestly tried to speak, to explain, until in another dream. For an hour she did not bite me very hard, almost biting a piece of meat from my hand, blood was was very painful! I woke up when I was pulled away by the teacher, and in my hands I had a branch of her white hair, as I then found myself, I pushed her out of the bed and pushed her head into the closet, and the door beat her tooth, knocked out her front tooth. Her dad tried to register me until my hands showed me.Natasha did not come to us anymore. And why did I stay away...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №129984
- I am generally sick today after my birthday, I did not want to go to work, but then I thought how you would hate me when I had to call all the clients.
and AGA. I directly represent. Sorry, we cannot deliver your order today because we have forgotten the courier. We cannot fired him for that. Because he’s our manager"))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129983
Now my children help me with this - my daughter, even at the graduation, did not prefer a half of potatoes to a rotten holiday.


It’s not even a fat, but a spherical troll.)
How are you entering the door?

Although the children whose shades are overlooked here may behave.
Okay let’s break.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №129982
4 soldiers and a flag were sent to work outside the territory of the military unit. After the works ended, the flag built the fighters and considered: Once, Two, Three, Four. We were five. Where is the fifth? Looking for the fifth. Give up. It takes 10 minutes. Again the construction, the same story, the team “Remove. Looking for the fifth.” After the third construction, one fighter says, Comrade, let me count, and you get in order. He thinks, “Once, two, three, four, and showing yourself – FIVE. The flag approaches this fighter, hangs his head and says, “Yes, we’ve been looking for you, shit, for half an hour!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129981
In the real world, people also buy clothes for some reason, guided by beauty rather than functionality. But for some reason, Wassermann's jacket with a bunch of pockets for two thousand rubles causes laughter, and a expensive business suit for twenty thousand, where there is enough space for two nostrils and a smartphone - respect.

Yyy: Tola, you just don’t know how to wear costumes, admit.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129980
Before what age of the child the father has the right to wash his daughter (in the bathroom, in the shower, in the bath, etc.), and from what age will it be considered pedophilia?
Everyone is different, you will feel when you stop bathing. There is no criterion here. And to call pedophilia... people, enough to support paranoids, paranoids - sick unhappy people.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129979
If the state takes the inheritance tax, why would it not pay the recipient of the inheritance if the heir had debts?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №129978
At work, we decided to quit with the salary of one worker. He is a silent worker, has got jobs (reworking engines on 2 Kajen and 1 Pradike). 3 engines disassembled, the iron mixed and no more came out. There are now three bodies. No one collects them from the principle, and it is troublesome now. And everyone who reads this post to the bosses a big greeting, save on.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129977
They say that "grey eyes" can be liked... you can fall in love with blue eyes... and only brown eyes can be crazy!" I only have one question - I have something with greens, fuck, what to do?
and masturbating!

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129976
When I was going to kindergarten, I was not yet obsessed with food as I am now and broke everything in a row) But somehow they gave us a bakery, which I refused. The babysitter, laying up the portions on the plates, put this bakery in my shirt pocket and pressed it with her hand. I was so shocked that I told my parents who did it only three days later. The head of the kindergarten said, “I had to call immediately, and now it’s too late.” Another time, when soup was poured onto the plates before lunch, I decided to smell the dish out of curiosity. Suddenly, he was immersed in a hot soup. Sharped, in tears, I saw this babysitter’s licking face, which had stuck me in the plate. As she later said, “I didn’t like that he smelled soup.” There was a scandal, screams from her to me, but eventually she continued to work with the children in the same kindergarten.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129975
Are we so poor because we are honest, or are we so honest because we are poor?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №129974
New technologies are radically changing our lives, often without our permission.
We entered the company for work not an elderly, but already gray at 40 years Sisadmin. And since the man is prominent - athletically complex, outwardly not bad for himself, and moderately talented, the clusters of unmarried women around him are constantly winding up. But without much success.

Looking at the whole month of these unsuccessful efforts, our young colleague said: Yes, you just can’t humble men! I need to leave for half an hour. After that, I went to prepare to shrink the strut with some fictional problem. Since we have an "open office" for 100 people, the workplace of Sisadmin is in the common hall and he is forced to be with us in the same room, only occasionally going to the server room or for lunch.

There was a scene, no, no. Scene: she comes out - bright makeup, stunning haircut, magnificent and stylish business dress, properly emphasizing her figure and the fourth number, in a word, the favorite of all sex woman. If printers could hang and air conditioners stopped whispering, they would definitely do it. So beautiful she was, which was confirmed by our leading manager who fell from the chair, trying to curl his neck looking at the new arrival of Tais of Athens. After passing through the entire office, she stopped in front of the sysadmin, waited for a pause and, waiting for the computer worker's silent, tired question, proclaimed the essence of her nonsense. Sysadmin quickly and skillfully solved the issue. Then he turned around and continued to look into his monitor.

It was indescribable. It was bold. It was impossible. A gorgeous girl has a solution to her problem and should just leave without getting an invitation to lunch or even a single compliment! No, not so, the girl decided firmly. And, quietly blinking with long eyelids, I voiced the following problem: I can distract you for a moment, on a personal question - my phone does not always work correctly "OK Google", you could not see what it is about.

Have you ever eaten a whole lemon? That’s exactly what happened on the face of the Ayatollah. “I do not advise you to use this service,” he said somewhat deafly. "Wow, stuck" - the lion of the office paparazzi, waiting for long explanations. And how smoothly, if not theatrically, she stretched out her hand with her phone in front of the computer worker: "Why don't you recommend?"
The fact is that Google stores in the history of requests not only the requests themselves, but also random recordings of voice events next to the phone.
“Hahah,” cried the hunter, “what can not be written there, but how to look at the story?
The computer in several touches went on the history of records, selected the random and pressed the playback. The office was filled with the bullshit of our conqueror’s voice, “Well, I’m tired... I don’t want it now, let’s go tomorrow.”

The computer stared compassionately at the girl. “That’s why I don’t advise.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna