— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №99353
Context: Menta can only travel abroad to certain countries. There is only Andorra in Europe.

- About Andorra read, there is not even an airport, area of 430 km, the border of France and Spain
How to get into it? by other countries)
Andorra is over.
Why go there already? If you are already in the EU))
Could that be so left behind?
They find mint in Monaco, and he is like Niibet, I am here by car, in Andorra. There is no airport, here it is!
He sits at a hi-roll table in the casino. In the fractal. The skies are nearby.
At the same time, it is impossible to avoid those uncomfortable moments, when in a very moderate sound background, disturbed only by a pleasant intersection of tokens and soft barytons of crab, these fucking skies, attached to the table, suddenly slowly begin to fall and fall to the floor with a thunder.
The owner of the skies, by the way, still sees how the skies start to go, and hopes up to blaze, rushing the chair, spreading tokens, making reckless movements... Skies naturally do not catch, but the button stuck on the frake from tension shoots at the neighboring table.
and ?
And they kill the wife of a famous magnat.)
- She sits in the Olympic and like others on the back is written "Olympiacos Perez", for example, she - "Wife of a famous magnate".
He said, “I am what I am? Where do you not know about Andorra?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №99352
The wise man learns, but the fool knows everything.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №99351
In the middle of the two thousand I lived in one of the "prestige" Moscow districts, the public and really there decent, on the street you rarely meet a bucharika and no nest parks on the sidewalks. I don’t know how now, I haven’t been here for a long time.
Our neighbor on the floor was a strange character, Uncle Lecha. A man who was stuck in the nineties. No, of course he did not have a hatchback, the raspberries jacket he obviously did not without effort change to dark grey, but the overall impression was still terrible. The mountain of meat, without the neck passing into the shaved neck and lying on the neck of the cheeks, raspberries (sic!) Color face with eyes skilled - on Uncle Leshe there was obviously very little salt, but the impression he produced was apoplexic, as if it was just now broken down and splashing everyone. We did not communicate very much, but we were friendly with his wife: a very intelligent lady, and the daughter in general an angel.
My uncle and I met in the elevator. Uncle Lecha had a pleasant smell of black-morning leaves, and I even thought Yulia had taught him herb tea, and made him a compliment. Uncle Lecha was even more red (at least where it was!) He took out a diplomatic liturgy. Do you want to eat? - I have to say, Uncle Lecha, apparently drawn by Yule on the rules of decency, was brutally embarrassed of his kind and constantly apologized, calling everyone on You, even my young wife, who was well suited to him as a daughter.
I was confused and accepted. From the throat. The liquid did not give alcohol at all, but only smelled a little of the same black rice. That’s how I met Absolut Black Currant.
The elevator finally arrived, and then Uncle Lecha showed a sudden kindness to me. I invited you to look at his new mansion, which he is building here, nearby, right behind the MKAD. I, squeezed by a good throat, found nothing to object, called back my loved one, that I am delaying, and we immediately went back down. Sitting me in the discovery of a wonderful mandarine color, the neighbor put the bat in the bottle and we went. I remember how we walked around the deaf traffic on the way out of the area, graciously swallowing the haishnik with a bottle. Haishnik smiled and turned away. I remember the chopsticks on the MCA and a turn with a whistle from the third row to the clutch. I remember badly.
We returned already dark, Uncle Lecha almost sucked the bottle and looked even wilder than usual. I tried not to look at him, I looked out the window.
At the entrance to the area we somehow had to get through the same country traffic jams, which we so badly bypassed at the beginning of the trip. Uncle Lecha, without stressing, pushed the nose of the SUV across three tightly standing rows, but in the fourth he was waiting for a colleague... Black cruiser, not willing to miss anyone in principle.
Uncle Lecha played peacefully in the distance. The corn producer issued the Fa. Uncle Lecha went a little further. The black also went forward, almost touching the orange disco bumper. Uncle Leshi’s eyes, like those of a charpee, completely came out of the orbits, his face filled with some already brown color. Without saying a word, he ticked a pipe, and the Discovery got up, getting twenty centimeters higher in a few seconds.
To my surprise, the uncle on the cruiser waved his hand in the window and cautiously drove back for half a meter. We have passed.
“That’s the same,” uncle Lecha gently stumbled. Everybody asks why there is a pneumatic suspension in the city.

and b.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №99350
In response to the proposal of the European Commissioner Günther Oettinger to establish a temporary price for gas for Ukraine within $300-385 per thousand cubic meters, citizens of Russia proposed to establish a temporary price for cars of Audi and BMW brands within $10 thousand - $15 thousand. The citizens of Russia hope that the German government will understand this constructive proposal.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №99349
Listened to registration.
A substantive conversation between the Patient (the man who added surrealism) and the Registrar.
Q: - I came from NN (the name of the district center), how do you get to the gynecologist?
Q: You have a gynecologist in NN, why come to us?
Q: And our gynecologist has been drinking for a month!
R: So what then?
Q: The production has stopped!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №99348
Your job is in the military.
I: I did not understand anything. You are being taken, right?
Brother: I am filling out the questionnaire on your job what???! to
I am the administrator. Signs of interruption should be placed in their places, not all at the end.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №99347
Not everything and not all can be matched!
In our bank, a man worked, by the name of a butcher. A little strange – I was looking for my approach to everything. So I saw in his performance the most epic sale - he could not call one customer, the secretary did not miss - that only did not try, nor how! Everyone is advised - yes, take the bombs of others, and he - in no way, the principle of the type )))) Well, and eventually calls her after a while and says "Connect me with Ivan Ivanovich..." exactly so, on "you"! Everyone in the cabinet was alert and listened... The secretary naturally "and how do you, he said, introduce you?"- he pressed "Tell her that the butcher is calling...". Judging by the pause, the aunt sat on the tail, but joined with the director. He listened to everything, and so polite and attentive, as soon as it is in the books on sales, and at the end so carefully asks - "Say, and why "The Carnival?" What a guy answers - "Dak my name is like this...". The customer is delighted (at the end of the day, he passed to us). I then listened to that conversation - a 12-minute orgasm, not a conversation! ))) So it all depends on the seller! :)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №99346
XXX: The hour of our death is unavoidable, so do not forget. Leaving yourself in something. Mind, hands or fox
XXX: The Governor
XXX: Understood in life, this is the
YYY: Yes, the Governor’s head
YYY: or hands
YYY: or fucking

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №99345
Another local "intellectual" victory.
For which city is the football team "Dnepr"?
For Rostov-on-Don!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №99344
I recently met Zen. The fact is that I am studying at filfak, while being somewhat driven on linguistics and literature (in a good sense moving, blue curtains not to offer), and I meet with the same schizant physicist-theorist (classics: TBV, atheism, all affairs). There was never a problem: I have a physics trio, but I understand it a little bit, and understand what my boyfriend is talking about, I can, and support the discussion too. He, in turn, reads a lot and hates those who write with mistakes. The perfect couple, in general. Well, I thought that doctors all this, say, technicians hated humanitarian. And here, on a pair of symbolism, I hear from a teacher, the sweetest lady of retirement age, a candidate of sciences, among other things, a heartbreaking story about (literally) a Czech physicist who arranged the Tunguska meteorite, and on the day when his mother died, saw angels take her soul to heaven!

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №99343
xxx, this is a vanilla.
When I asked to blow me a little bit with a pillow
He made such a look.
It was like I was asking to cut me a little with a tail.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №99342
In the collection:
– – – – –
to this:
>> I don't know if you quit smoking, and in our Angarsk, Kalanchoe has already been renamed into fruit inhalers...

In Sochi, the fragrance pair is now sold.
– – – – –
One of the Moscow network restaurants - "damp cocktails"

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №99341
of Kiev. of our days. I am in the line at the box office at "Silpo". In front of me are two raggles with lion’s beer. The first says - and about this our beer already rolls off. The second yes! his still Lviv brewer created in the 19th century, his love was huge with one wildness! They - Robert and Zosa even a monument in Lviv! It is from them!!! Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.
I can’t stand it and ask – and nothing that Shakespeare died a couple of centuries before them?
And this lady replies to me, “You, Mosca, with your Soviet breeze, you will pass our Ukrainian history to us!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №99340
I was unjustifiably called a cruel man.! to
The one who said it was right...
I’ll knock you now!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №99339
I refer to a colleague regarding the solution to the lack of work on the Internet:
Turn on the access point! You have 3G on your smartphone.
Sitting in the council, the TP-shek heard familiar words and reawakened:
Who has the 3 G points?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №99338
Do you know what the word "flies" means?
Q: Do you know what I am talking about?
Tag Archives: kiwi, poppy, poppy
How to lose sleep

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №99337
Students always hit the toilets in the universe
Three cabins
one is occupied by a cleaner (on the toilet stands a barrel barrel - type there only she has the right to pour water)
In the second there is no sling and a steep toilet, so to solve the need for the problem, it is necessary to break all there.
One cabin works normally, but with such a triple load in it for some reason it is always bad.

Now a similar picture is seen in shops of type "all by 38";
Three boxes
One does not work, but there is a cashier (for the furniture what?) and sends everyone to another box (the analogy with the tank immediately arose), the second is empty (cossy toilet, eh?It works alone, but due to the triple load.

No commentary

[ + 24 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99336
XX: They don’t want to hear anything. Brain washing forever
YYY : to understand. How you expressed!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №99335
Today was a high-tech celebration.

Waiting for the bus. I noticed that instead of the usual tapestry, an electronic board was installed.

And there are messages:

Information is updated.
Installation of modem.
Initialization of the modem.
Registration in the network.
Turn off the modem.

Then the same thing in a circle.
Innovation is moving across the country. They are stuck in one place.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №99334
Today I learned that there are articles on numbers on Wikipedia. For example, the number 253. It turns out that it is a natural number between 252 and 254. It is informative! I wonder how many of these articles are?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna