— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №100168
I in 1992 brought from Lithuania one of the first foreign cars in Zelenograd - VW jetta, all such a cherry, shiny foreign car, and in my yard of the 14th entrance 16th floor house it was generally the first foreign car, and it looked like a very foreign spot among the Moscowis, Zaporozhye and Jigul. So the favorite to touch was the mass - then the mirror will be torn off, then the courtyards will be tied to a knot, and one day on the cap a pot with a flower flew. I had to get rid of it, struggle with the selection of paint - cherry metal was not sold in our markets. I found, painted, the next day I go down to the car in the morning, and on the hood with love so, diligently, with a nail not less than 100mm, the method of cold engraving scratched "I'm broken"... I almost cried out of powerlessness and hatred to compatriots. I would have a registrar...

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100167
to this:
“People, little children, this is not the path chosen.

This is precisely when children are born on the machine, and not because they consciously wanted, then unfortunate troublesome children grow up in unfortunate nerve-stopped parents. And it is only necessary to turn on the brain and protect yourself when there is no clear desire and intention to have children. But it’s probably too difficult for the infamous 95% of idiots.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100166
I talk on Skype with a friend (living in Poland, Catholic). We talked about monks.
I remember how they are called: gods... and here the 8-year-old says - cows?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №100165
Yesterday night I went into the bedroom in the dark, carefully bypassed the bed and spit on it. And only in the process of the flight I realized that the bed I did not dismantle and it is still a couch.

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100164
Let me go back to the branding issue.
You think that counting money in other people's pockets is not right - I totally agree with you, but let me explain what the steepness of Gucci sunglasses is? Or Prado bags, or shoes, but leather ropes, how many thousands do you know? For me, it’s cool when a person has a salary in 30t. (the middle in my city) after raising her children, takes for the upbringing of a child from a child’s home. Or when he doesn't buy himself the likeness of a dog, giving in to the fashion trend, and takes a puppy from the nearest shelter. It's cool when you don't go to a new-fashioned resort, but to the village with your grandmother to plant / dig potatoes / carrots and just delight the old people with their presence. Maybe we stop judging people by labels in the closet, and begin to appreciate them by actions?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100163
I found it on the "news" website. Here are a few suggestions from there:

On November 28, a prototype of the 4-meter combat robot Kuratas was presented at the exhibition in Japan.
"A mobile app for a smartphone is used as an alternative control tool."

Application for, the hell, the smartphone. Take control of your dreams, shit!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №100162
This is:
I have a cruel cold. In those half an hour that I spend in the subway, I have time to make half a dozen single-use towels. Where should I put them?
— — — —
I always carry a pair of single-use bags in my bag or pocket. Any garbage in a bag. And in a pen or bag to the urna or home.

Do not cheat. He who does not really want to behave like a pig will find a way not to. And the pig, yes, will find an excuse for every shit.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100161
I have already presented the film a la fortress, only about electric cars. It is worth such a crowd, not oreth, all cultural. A light sound of such a bell, and the cars silently collapse from place, the crowd is silent. At the end of the race, the crowd applauds the winner and everyone drinks champagne.


[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100160
At night, the cat jumped on the keyboard of the computer, opened programs and windows in the browser.
in the morning:
Why did he read about Qiwi so many times?
It did not come once...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100159
What drivers say: A.
Before you buy a sofa,
Why not go with him? So yours
No problem here.
Yes to! And then he, such a shit, will park his couch every night across the lawn!! to
You are somewhat tailored. He walks down the stairs with a couch. He is hindered by wheelchairs that should not stand there. You can walk the stairs. With sofas, carts, children, dogs, unburned cigarettes and bottles of beer. Smoking, drinking, walking dogs and children, as well as parking sofas and wheelchairs on the stairs in the entrance is NOT allowed.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100158
Discussion of the Cat:

XXX: No... this is how if you knock your foot, it will knock. This is how you go to the toilet at night, and he will help you... no!

YYY: It is yes... or the eyelids blink because of the corner... and you can no longer rush to the toilet.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №100157
Are you reproducing so much without learning to read and write? That’s fine, maybe my children in the future will need such a brainless working cattle as your offspring.
It is ===
There was an interview with a female lawyer who, in addition to her private practice, had a course at the university... and she was asked – and why do you put three and four on hopeless students? of compassion?
She replied – I myself will be engaged in legal practice for a long time and I plan to send my children on this path... so let them have such competitors.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100156
A friend is watching videos. In another two guys say:
Indifference is one of the main problems of the modern world.
Without waiting for the end of the phrase, a friend has already closed the video with the words:
Let me fuck.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100155
The providers come, the cable channel is placed. But how!
– to?
They have other channels perpendicular to their channel. So they make drinks in their channel and put it directly across other people, inserting just into drinks. And nobody cares that there is nothing left for the cable in the cable channel.


We wasted over the monitors. They are smart.
...??? to
They are now using other channels.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100154
Talk to my husband:
- A year ago your parents had no garden at all in the country, now there are four beds. Imagine a potato field in a couple of years.
We’re here with you and we’ll cry.
“Nifga, here is where you and I are going to get divorced!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100153
House of 5 floors. 3 apartments on the floor. 10 of them are small. Accordingly, their t/s on their venues, (who could not raise, leaves on the first floor). Everything goes well and no one is bothered. A wheelchair was stolen. I found. Long beating at the entrance with the words:"You, the fox, the child stole." We would have for one hint to personally raise and drop the wheelchair to the floor. It doesn’t matter if you work or not. With the village three zones, therefore, the concepts correspond.
— — —
Here we have already spoken of children as an indulgence from all sins, and I will probably agree. Covering a child is the last thing. Your child does not give you any right to block public spaces. You have your own apartment for your personal things. I had to drag a new couch to my fifth floor, which could hardly fit into the stairs and with sin spread halfway between the floors. What would I do with him at your house? Should I still play Tetris with your wheelchairs?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100152
I cry to a friend that the former, with whom a lot has been experienced and experienced, has married.
I was sure he would die alone and unhappy without me :(
He could still die unhappy.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100151
xxx: *link to picture: a packet of pasta is wrapped with an action scotch to a bottle of cola*
Tagged with: facepalm
WOW: Even though my father once cooked pasta in beer
WOW: He says that a rare schizze succeeded.
XHH: Why is it?? to
I wanted meat in red wine, but there was no meat and wine.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №100150
A modest question? Take a shower in the morning
Also with soap?
and nothing. And... should?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №100149
Don’t raise your children, they will still be like you, raise yourself.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna