— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143089
A girl passes by on a bicycle.
Xhx: Oh, she needs a man! To smash, he repaired it.
Soon a young man passes by on a bigger bigger.
XXX: I don’t know what to say.
I would say it was her husband.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143088
In short, when the girl came for the note, I wrapped it up and patted it. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t take hard in the pop. First he took hard, then in pop. stumbled in the process. The girl was pleased.

That’s why in your minds "not written a statement about rape" is "really satisfied"?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143087
A frigid barrel like no one asks, and it still climbs...
Take it, body, many women get pleasure from sex, unexpectedly, right?

Rape has the same attitude toward sex as morbidity toward massage.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143086
Thanks to the Unknown for "Harry Potter and the Ways of Rational Thinking". Literarily not very enduring - there are bugs, but! Logic, cause-effect and, most importantly, the motivation of all the heroes (which is not due to many literary works)... Bravo, author!!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143085
Dostoevsky in the person of Raskolnikov showed how previously dealt with micro-loan organizations

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143084
I make a list of those who drive EXACTLY, with the numbers and brands of cars. This is an agribusiness condition.
List of 15 cars Maximum
The car number is 3 letters and 3 digits.
A brand is the name of the company that produced the car, not "something ours" or some Japanese"
for cabbage you need not only bags and gloves, but also tools to separate cabbage from the ground - shafts, knives, etc.
Don’t replenish my personal collection of cloves when the potatoes are digged with a scissor and a clove, and the cabbage just curls their heads.
Good luck to everyone"

You were not in the army. I cut a tree today.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143083
Explanation why in Russia gasoline prices rise with cheaper oil:

“In no case should we allow producers, sellers and intermediaries to hurt prices, it is quite obvious, they must be economically justified. But artificially underestimating them is also inappropriate and even detrimental to the economy as a whole in the end.”

The song is simple, not an explanation))) Neither to add nor to remove.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143082
I've been walking around the house for two days without socks and didn't notice! This is a sign of summer!
Father: or the freezing

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143081
About the damned girls.

I had a little girl, very modest. Of course, with questions like the anal or the eagle, I didn't even roll to her, we had everything strictly: flowers, candy, hugs in the dark. Then one day she asked me to fix the note. I looked into the history of the browser, and there... I didn’t even think girls would watch such a movie. Tough anal by coercion, bonding, light fork (although not hardened, more symbolically).
In short, when the girl came for the note, I wrapped it up and patted it. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t take hard in the pop. First he took hard, then in pop. stumbled in the process. The girl was pleased.
Then it turned out that the note was not her, but her dad.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143080
Next honestly earned millions are well made after the first stolen million.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143079
During my stay at the Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia in Izhevsk, I heard a story that, I think, perfectly characterizes the attitude of current reformers to Russian science.

Shortly after the FANO began the inspection of the subordinate institutions, the inspector — an unnamed young man from the generation of effective menagers — visited Kunstkamera. Walked around the cabinets, looked at the situation with the technology, got acquainted with the directions of scientific research, and then returned to the office of the director J.K. and clean.

Apparently, what he saw was not very striking in the context of effectiveness, so in a conversation with the director he asked the question:

- I wonder, and who gave you such a building in the center of St. Petersburg?! to
“Peter the First,” replied Yuri Kirillovich.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143078
The sanitary engineer dropped the shell in the conservatory and took the purest "la" in the entire history of the institution.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143077
A girl passes by on a bicycle.
Xhx: Oh, she needs a man! To smash, he repaired it.
Soon a young man passes by on a bigger bigger.
XXX: I don’t know what to say.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143076
<Video: Laser engraving >
As if there were microscopic Jedi battles.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143075
HH: And that’s all you’ve gathered? No comparison with last year’s.
Wauu: The problem of collecting mushrooms in Moscow is that they are difficult to spot under water

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143074
In general, unfortunately, the problem of pests in the process of work I face solely in the context of the type:
- Vasily Petrovich, how does our experience grow when you plan to clean up?
“Oh, Nikit, here in Italy, an Italian Prussian ate corn, wheat, soybeans, garlic, bit the tires of the tractors, smashed the director in the tea and took my wife. There is no experience, you are not heartbreaking.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143073
A girlfriend came to my wife, both liked watching the NTV channel and had a conversation about television:
I: NTV should be removed from the list of channels.
J: Remove it, but then your favorite channel should also be removed.
I: If I remove NTV, I agree to remove three of my favorite channels.
The women were shocked and remained silent for five minutes.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143072
I talked to a colleague at lunch yesterday. Asked for advice, said "you men understand each other better, advise how to be."

The essence of what. She recently got married and complains now that the candy-bucket period has ended and her husband has stopped making her gifts, gives little time, surprises are over and even does not give flowers. Instead of romance in their lives came a boring life and she cannot and does not want to live that way. How to? ! to

I replied that I am not familiar with such matters, and it would still be more correct for her and her husband to talk about everything, which she replied that she would not humiliate himself before him (I did not understand what humiliation, well, her affair).

I was most surprised by her reaction to my advice.

I offered her to "lit the spark" well, once her husband stopped, she could arrange a surprise for him, buy a gift, well, or just organize a romantic evening...

It was necessary to see her expression of the face and the anger in her eyes, it was as if I had offered her to rent for her husband three prostitutes and a luxury room in a city-looking hotel. She said she was supposed to do something for him, or to buy! He is a man, let him do it, he must! 11 is

I seem to understand why her husband was cold to her.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №143071
I rest in Georgia, under a large house a small store. I walk by, and the owner calls:

Padhadi Daraga, try chacha, white wine, red wine.

I ask :

Is Red Wine Good to Drink?

- Kaneshna is palesly daragoi, look at what house she built.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143070
Once I came home to my girlfriend, like waiting for her to dress up to go for a walk with her. By the way, I was at her home for the first time. She left me alone in the room and went to another room to do a marathon. I stand, look and see a round aquarium. I thought good fish and came closer. I look and there on a bunch of algae lies an orange frog, I have never seen it. At first I thought it was a butaphoric, for beauty it lies there. I came and decided to touch her. As soon as I touched her, she jumped and grabbed my finger. I just wept out of surprise, knocked my hand, and the frog flew somewhere under the couch. Give up my condition. I rushed under the couch to get this creature, and the girl from the neighboring room says, “I’m almost ready. Which as I grabbed this slippery shit and put it back in place. No one was hurt. Then in the conversation, I cautiously experienced that this frog was her dad’s favorite creature, and he feeds her with pincet meat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna