— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102062
If we have all the officials thieves planted on the asshole, we will soon be left without the forest.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №102061
I visited a student’s daughter yesterday. He celebrated his birthday in the apartment.
At midnight, the Caucasian races began in the court.
2 "priors" shrouded nowhere, a full-power leash and a dozen riders.
The comments do not respond, the neighbors called the police: they appeared and quickly withdrew.
I had already prepared the watermelon for the throwing from the ninth floor, but the housewife said that she had called out the plot. I blinked suspiciously.
Five minutes later the station arrived. At first, the keys from one car flew into the bushes. then the keys and the magnetophone panel on the other. The scoundrels went up, but were besieged by a few phrases. Apparently the whole area is from the Caucasus.
A protocol was immediately drawn up on the capote. Then he built the violators. He made a short speech:
Until you learn to dance, do not appear in this area.
You don’t know how to dance, you can see. Good dancers are applauded and people complain about you. Get out of here!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102060
Governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobiev forgot his wallet in the hospital of the city of Shchelkovo, and this was the first time that the budget money completely reached the medical institution.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102059
Sju in aeroexpress (speed electric between airports and Moscow). A guide passes by. It offers tea, coffee, sandwiches, inflatable pillows for sitting asleep, bags for carrying cash... it can accommodate up to a million euros... Moscow is like Moscow...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №102058
Dialogue in Skype
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Chukcha has ordered a new iPhone! Chick is pleased!
YYY: I didn’t understand, I don’t understand, and I probably won’t understand this bullshit on ultra-fashioned mobile phones. At least less. I fucked a year and a half ago, got the old one, cleaned it, changed the keyboard and battery, and so far. I can't imagine buying a new one, this is fine ;)
HH: What do you have?
This is the Nokia 3310 ;)
Do not go fucking!!! 1
YYY: *photo from the webky*
If I get my iPhone, let’s go?
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? I'm happy, and your fucking to change again in a year ;)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102057
A normal child with normal parents. I knew all my life that children were born by mothers, for me it was quite normal, calmly presented and therefore not a very interesting fact. Then I bought a previously inspected book on the matter. Why undermine his authority in a child with a sincere lie, for the naive exposition of which to other children he will be hardly mocked?
Children cannot lie, even very young children. Well, how they are frightened: you will cry - uncle will take, you will touch the whisper - will fall. Sooner or later he will realize that this is a lie and will start to question other adult words.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102056
I advocate

An elderly 70 year old grandfather, because it was necessary in the 61st year not only to be born, but to be already a conscious and capable citizen of 25-30 years. They don’t exist, they don’t own the internet anymore.

I am 76. I use the internet without my grandchildren. As they say, what am I doing wrong?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102055
XXX: I am lying down now, I am sleeping. He almost fell asleep. And here I get a pin!
xxx: I did not put a little brick: in an empty apartment in a dream to get a delicious pinch - a shock.
xxx: And the cat just decided that my ass is a good trampoline, fucking!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102054
LichtHinde: and I don't lose socks and small hair gum, I do not have a problem with the cartridge, I like to confuse headphones and don't read in the toilet... I feel frick (((

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102053
I am sorry, but

The Women's Forum

Are you embarrassed to do epilation in the bikini area?

The Lover of 300 Spartans: I am not...

By nick, everything is polished.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №102052
Some people need brains to think, and some people need brains to balance their ass.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102051
be careful!
– – – –
To which the guy calmly answers: "Yes, no, I am cleaning the toilet for the first time in my life. I was taught physics at school, and by higher education I am an engineer. Just like you"
I picked up the tools and went to the office, to the company. There were no more jokes in Ramson until the evening.
– – – – – – – –
If the hands have to be done, it is not a problem to repair the computer and the toilet. And they will be called "invasion".
– – – –
Your boss will now include this extra work in your responsibilities, to start with—per even once—to give you a prize. And to curse you for yourself and "forward" for one salary, jealous of "uneducated"! Maybe your boss is not like that, but... Your golden pencil is better than a housekeeper.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102050
In my toilet, with a booklet on the seventh page, the tenth year lies a Chinese language teacher.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102049
Memories of Childhood
my aunt (mother's sister, younger than her age by 10) obviously didn't like when we - her nephews visited her mother (our grandmother).
She drew us to the kitchen and definitely cleaned and cut the onion, hoping that we would walk out on the street (we listened to her phone call).

Now we have grown up and when our elderly aunt comes to visit, we always cook her dishes with plenty of onions.

Love the children

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102048
The Neanderthals:

Sometimes I get rid of my tribe.
She’s only 5 years old, what to say about her.
Well, I tell her, Alina, this toy was made when the cabbage in the cabbage didn’t bring you.
He sits and declares. Cabbage is Mom, and the cabbage is Dad?? to
So, how can we not fool such children?

The fucking. A normal child with normal parents. I knew all my life that children were born by mothers, for me it was quite normal, calmly presented and therefore not a very interesting fact. Then I bought a previously inspected book on the matter. Why undermine his authority in a child with a sincere lie, for the naive exposition of which to other children he will be hardly mocked?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102047
XXX is Hi! What can I help?
You are whispering.
XXX: Sorry what?
YYY: I need you a whistle can you do me?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102046
Studying 6 years in honey, a year in internship and asking the nurse? And why not, if the nurse is there, and she is experienced and skilled? Better to ask again. Of course, if she was a young blonde, I’t consult her. I would then open the book. Yes, by the way, very many doctors underestimate the knowledge and experience of nurses, because they often work without them. A good nurse is pure gold. And it will help, and write, and coffee will pour, if a good relationship...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102045
From the forum, the topic of gifts to teachers

and TTT:
Maybe not in the topic here, but I can’t hold on... There was a time, at the journal of the MGU, such a Kurdyum taught ancient and medieval literature. It was a legendary grandmother: still alive! A very difficult and tough person, to whom to surrender even simply on account was oh how not easy! She knew her affair magnificently and treated it as a sanctuary, which all kinds of dark lazy people will hurt even with their mention. In general, a day or two before the counting in the community brain attack: how? How, because without prepared searches it is impossible at all? And they came up: go to the "Children's World", bought there a healthy plastic horse on wheels, empty under a thin shell (for the whole group - coins for each one!In common with a shave, they carefully cut a rectangular hole in his belly, but only from three sides, so that the fourth would bend away, and put their knots in the belly. In the morning, all together went to her in the classroom, placed a horse on the table before her, dropped the door and poured notes from his belly on the table. You have understood, no? The Trojan Horse!! to
She was tired of pleasure, could not withstand. Oh, thank you, guys: the old lady was so excited! " And I didn’t even ask anyone: I immediately set the account for everyone!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102044
Xxx is:
I always hated September 1st.
Not yet grown up. The majority of the population hates April 1.
and Zzz:
I’m not that hateful, but I’m feeling a bit anxious before January 1.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №102043
Bro is! I don't want to upset you, but every time I want to scratch my nose sitting in the hairdresser's chair, I pull out my hand from underneath the balakhon and scratch my nose.
— — —
What a shame! )

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna