— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №101601
To use public Wi-Fi, you will need to report passport details. The operator will also record the unique number of the device through which you accessed the Network.
You can just swallow.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101600
uasya: Quote from the FNS website on setting the login through the ECP:
The attention! Internet Explorer 11 is not supported. Required version of the Internet
The Explorer 10.
Hossapadi, they even need a backbone on the internet to make something profitable!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101599
Disrespectful poopers! Do not forget copywriting. Powders have authors. It is done this way:
Yesterday for a ballad.
Where my naked friend jumped
I got 100,000 likes.
And in the sword.
When you take a steep step
A healthy pathway
From every corner it smells so good.
by B0JI
The poem is called powder.
Jamb, size by slang 9, 8, 9, 2
Only strict letters
4 is 2 and 4 lines - Rhythm
5 is 1 and 3 lines - rhyme or not as desired
Signs of interruption - absent
Here is another for you:
I fear and fear the body of a virgin.
Usually the coward is a coward.
The girl whispers more loudly.
not cowardly
© Bredoed
He said Gagarin.
Checked the belt.
with his hand added quietly.
to me
by Tsai

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №101598
One came to the cafe to check the mail, and the waiter told her: show the passport. And he says, here is another. He said, “There is no wifey. And she is him: and you have a tiramisu in the menu - and mascarpone from where, m? And he is her: and you have a rainbow on your shirt! And she is to him: and you have a picture of Eva Green naked on the wall, and the "18+" mark where?! And he says to her: I have to check again, maybe you have cowards! And she's like that - once, and the shirt raises: what, you're convinced? And he is like that: Well, we will not be without a passport anyway. She then says to him, “Okay, I’m 37, my son is eleven, divorced. And he says, “My thirteen years, I haven’t seen it for two years. Your eyes are beautiful. If very necessary, check the mail, password: the name of our cafe, only the opposite. And she says to him: thank you. I left the phone later.
by _DNA

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101597
The Fourth Nash:
by this:

...Because everything is not fine with me and I heard the TV’s sound (the “Light Horizon”). There is no whisper, though. She doesn’t hear him...
I had the same fist. He ate, and no one believed me. I did not go to the psychiatrist.

And I still hear some chargers, stuck in the socket, choking. I am 21.
The fact is that the younger a person is, the higher the frequency sound can catch his ear. Therefore, children and adolescents hear what people in their 30s are no longer available.

I still guessed whether it was a shade or not... As a child I could because of the closed door to determine whether the telecast works or not. I felt an electromagnetic field. Now 25, I hear some loads and I can hardly tolerate ultrasound removal of the toothstone - the machine feeds loudly and disgustingly. The dentist was surprised, said, no one complained about the sound.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101596
"In Moscow will appear stores exclusively domestic products"
From China?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101595
Discuss restrictions on Wi-Fi access in public places:
Strega: I don’t really understand, so specifically they prohibit, and what do they allow?
JSNK: You described the work of our government over the past two years.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №101594
In Chita lived an engineer who once tried to fix something in a working mechanism. Usually he wore a working coat with flanked manches, but this time he was in some kind of home chlamydia — well, it was very hot at the shop!
I lived 12 years without a hand.

For him the Da-a-awn has long been invented:
"Let it not turn on the shaft, squeeze the sleeves, muddle!!and "

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №101593
The stupid ovulation:

Sorry, of course, but have you been able to have your children?
No one told me to care about the kids. The point is that adults shouldn’t care either. I think you are inadequate, since you believe that if an adult has more chances of surviving in a collision, then when you see him and you should not slow down! An adult is also a man at all, and what is remarkable can not survive!!! Do you all have this darkness of the brain after birth begins? You must be isolated from society. I am shaken when you read comments on the news about the accident with the injured child, and there are whole pink soppes, chickens and other coco about "this kids!!11", and if the adult has suffered, then in the best case they will be spoiled, and in the worst there will be some "and so he must be guilty of himself"!

The apophysis was the story of a drunk ovulation on a cruise that struck three (!) Two dead, one in rescue. And yes, they have children. So here, she was mastered under the subscription, because she sees if the baby is eating and swallowing!!!! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101592
xxx: You know these strange expressions like "we are married - we are on you".
Oh yeah, I’ve put it under metal today.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №101591
Russia is an empire of evil. And today the empire is very evil, damn damn.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101590
Dmitry Anatolyevich is sick.
The cow falls out, can’t get back in.
Admission to public
Do not block the WiFi points on the passport.
If you do not have a passport or do not remember it
Data can be written anything. "Published
39th Women's Dentistry
The Church No. 2" No one will check. c) Zh Šestakov

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101589
Stumbled on the bus. Riding on request, it was necessary to clean the refrigerator with dead cockroaches. I call the manager and the following dialogue takes place:
Hello, I cleaned it all.
Was it much?
Yes, all are dead.
Do not forget to buy lamps.
I already
How much did it cost?
200 for three
After a conversation on the phone, the guy on the left of me grabbed me and moved away :D

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101588
Reply to whose weddings were 06/06/06, 07/07/07 and etc. How do you live your family life – happy or happy?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №101587
I will put a white refrigerator in good hands "Ocean" because of the purchase of a new one. No need to waste money, just waste it, because it works well. Come and take. Contrary to widespread biases about divorce: no burning, freezing, like a smile and still with interest will work for more than one year. Promise to take care of yourself as a family member.
Call after 18:00

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101586
About the question in "What? Where is? When?" with the answer "I don’t know". This question was once asked in a sports version of the game.

"V Open Cup of Russia. Three tours. 2003-12-07
Question 7: In the broadcast "One hundred to one" one about the same question is asked by a hundred completely random passers of different sexes and ages. At the question: "What is the most popular term in the preference?" 25 people said: "pass", 13 - "miser", 8 - "wist", 6 - "ball" and 4 - "mariah". What was the answer from 23 people?

Answer: I do not know."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101585
I saw this picture yesterday. I go out to smoke and see a girl sitting in her BMW X5 and trying to get out of the parking lot. While smoking, she was still out. I laughed and went on to work. I go out the next time and see the evacuator dropping her car to the ground. It just descends! Put on the ground, she sat in her BMW and went. I had a cigarette dropped. O_O

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №101584
The U.S. Treasury Ministry is concerned about reports of a possible deal between Russia and Iran under the "oil" scheme in exchange for goods and promises new sanctions.

Commentary :
Someone forgot that you only need to trade through green toilet paper.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №101583
Pilot: A friend of mine witnessed that late in the evening a drunk police officer pulled a girl in opposition by the hand, loudly declaring that he wanted to commit coitus with her immediately. My friend tried to verbally siege the naked ham, but he was relentless and in a rough form asked a friend not to interfere, threatening to use weapons. Then he dropped the resistant girl on the lawn and used her hands under the dress. My friend took a thick rod to which the plant was tied, and with all his strength struck the law enforcement guard on his head, thus putting him in the shutdown. Surprisingly, the girl was not delighted with such a turn of affairs, but began to argue heavily and climb with her fists to her savior. It turned out to be her husband’s mind! And she goes every night to meet him from duty so he doesn’t get drunk. He was a little late and was able to dress up. Since then, the comrade has given a pledge not to advocate for the girls.

[ + 18 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101582
Klitschko said that rubles were found on the Maidan
Whoever has rubles is an agent of the FSB. Admit who they have? 😉
And who has the dollars is the CIA agent. This is according to the logic of Klitschko.)))))
Yyy: I’m afraid to ask, what if these are shekels? and ;)
xxx: If the shekels - it means a numismatic ))))

xxx: Kievans, how could you choose such a frozen one in measures?
zzz: Just Kievans today in tomorrow can’t look like Klitschko, where they had to know

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna