— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102282
The Mummy Troll, it turns out, was originally a portrait of Kant. Her older brother, Tove Jansson, had so tired of her philosophy, that she painted on the wall a ugly fat man with small eyes and signed, "Kant," and then fell in love with him, and Kant turned into a Mummy Troll.

The Poor Kant. Especially because he wasn’t like that at all.

xxx: Externally, really, not so, but rather disgusting seemed to be. Why is it "poor"? Becoming a Mummy Troll is a great honor, Kant was very lucky.

YYY: I don’t know, I don’t know, I’m not sure that Kant would be pleased with that.

XXX: Maybe it’t be. Although with the moral law, the Mummy Troll was all right, as well as with the starry sky above him.

YYY: Yes, but how did he deal with the categorical imperative? How did he deal with the antinomies?

xxx, but it did well. Remember the trial of Toffla and Beffla? And the classical antinomy in the destruction of red ants in order to get a lawn (in the "Mumy-Papa and the Sea")?

YYY: To be honest, I don’t remember the hell. But I'll take your word for it :)

xxx: Just you, as a truly educated person, know Kant much better than the "Mummy Trolls":) And I have read the "Mumy Trolls" five times and I know almost by the mouth.

zzz: You need to release a Mummy troll with parallel locations from Kant.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102281
Tagged with "Orthodoxy"

will need :
Dried garlic - 600 grams
Red caviar (semga, salmon or so on) - 100 g
Protein from 5 eggs
for decoration: stripes of semga, fresh cucumbers, greens, lemon, rubbed yellow

How to cook:
Mix the ingredients and fill with mayonnaise very carefully, keeping the loose structure of snacks. All ingredients should be cooled. The shrimp is thoroughly cleaned and slightly sprayed with lemon juice. Cook immediately before serving on the table.

And immediately popped up in the memory of the honorable orphan Karabas Barabas, the Food "Three Sands " and the Basilio / Alice corporation with three crusts of bread.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102280
Zhou An Pei Si Dun-
This, it turns out, is not a call of four verbs and one name, but the name of a Chinese office.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102279
MIN.Education included composition in the EG. It seems that your "literacy" has not only reached the Internet community. And, yes, you’ll probably have to feel the difference between MO and MO.

Can anyone explain the difference between the first and the second MO?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102278
Octopoteuthis deletron, living at depths of up to 800 meters, has a very short period of sexual maturity. Therefore, males have developed a breeding strategy, in which they do not understand who is in front of them - a female or another male. Encountering in the darkness the calmar of its kind of any sex, they attack it and smear with spermatozoa, that is, capsules with spermatozoa.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №102277
Walked the dog, passed by a pair with a wheelchair and the dog decided to chew, maybe scared of a large wheelchair. The woman began to scream:
The cock! Drop your dog, my baby is sleeping!
Her husband answers:
No, you are louder than a dog.
He woke up the child!
He is sleeping.
She looks into the wheelchair and cries:
The idiot! You forgot the child at home.
He quickly runs toward the house.
Standing on the sidewalk, we watched her run to the parade.
I, my dog and my husband stood with a sleeping baby in their arms.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102276
The boss met a drunk secretary on the street yesterday night.
When he saw him, he quickly said:

You have not seen me, and I do not know you.

PS listened twice this morning. The Secretary and Secretary :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102275
Puma> and I don’t even have a smartphone
Puma> and Instagram
Silv_m> I have an Instagram so no
Puma> well there is a smartphone, so you can start
Silv_m> it resembles "no you have a ass, so you can become a gay"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102274
The conversation between a girl (D) and her boyfriend (M):

Satan invented food to tempt people.
A: Yeah, I love you...
(M): You just always eat what you can’t... Remember Eve.
(M): She lived in paradise – I don’t want to eat, but no, she wanted an apple.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №102273
XXX: I'm a very strong electronist: yesterday I easily, with one click, took 1W DC-DC into SIP7. The conclusions were broken from the corps itself, of course.

YYY: I had a strong programmer in the department – 150 from the chest sorry.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102272
XXX: Listen, what is the step?
XXX: How does it look? Maybe I know?
UUU: Well, imagine a bomja, a punk, a kikhimora, a leche and a grandmother Yaga.
This is the step.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102271
Here girls are offended that men do not notice anything. I cut my hair. And if for a guy to cut his hair, it is specifically to change the hairstyle, then the change in hair length by 5-10 cm is not very distinctive. Also small things like another tone of mask, lacquer and so on. But I'm paying attention to such unobvious things as the disappearance of condoms from the servo, a pregnancy test in her bag, calls from left phones at 2 p.m.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102270
Leonid Utesov "Marquiza" - approximately the same system administrator asks what happened to the computer

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №102269
<O_Brien> and normal shooters besides battlefield and call of duty actually exist?
<wasilij> обрайен - ride to yourself in Donetsk, you will shoot
<N2ck> There is no respawn

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №102268
Yesterday, my wife told me - the hryvnia is the Ukrainian currency, so it will jump, because whoever will not jump - the moscal.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102267
We make repairs
Faced with the problem:
The cat so fiercely buries its bowl that it simultaneously rips the wallpaper from the wall.

This corner should not be cut off.
Monolith of bulletproof steel.
Can be laminated.
Who do we repair ourselves or the cat?
We notice that the cat has long warmed its ears nearby, unsuccessfully pretending to sleep.
- you can not at the entire height, and at the level of the cat's growth - a sleeping cat is taken with one hand for the front legs, the other hand for the rear, stretched to the maximum, put vertically and...
Such eyes in the cat we have never seen, she even blinked forgotten by surprise
Then she performed the number: "I fucked up on your repair!"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102266
here here :

What do you know about inconvenience? We went to the pub with the girl, moved for the nearest free table. On the neighbor was a couple of undrunk bars and some food. The girl decided to throw out the chewing gum, rolled it off, and put it on a plate at the next table (they will clean it anyway). Who knew that the people sitting at this table just went out to smoke. The man was roaring all night on this incomprehensible gum, and the girl was constantly offering me to sit at another table))

Worse than a fool is only a fool with initiative. Couldn’t you put a towel on your table?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102265
Psaki did not say anything about it. She has not made any statements for a long time.
It is for her now Kyselev with the company says, they have such a pseudonym now for every shit. And the watnitches listen and repeat "nu stupid!".
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
She said yesterday that NATO has no evidence of the presence of the Russian army in Ukraine. But Russia must stop what it is doing". and bingo.

and #274

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102264
Porn sites are often the leading platforms for the introduction and roll-out of new Internet technologies, thus driving the entire industry forward. For example, in the mid-1990s it was to pay for viewing pornographic content that Electronic Card Systems launched an online payment system using payment cards. Porn sites were also the first to use streaming broadcasts and video chats. Along with pirated music, pornography, according to research, was the main factor in the widespread spread of broadband internet in Europe.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102263
How is it, you ask? I had a conversation with a colleague on this topic this morning.

I am: Hi How is it?
See also: Ocean

It is difficult to describe accurately. You know, the ocean is the ocean.

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