— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №97093
Do you want to support this crazy system? If not, borrow from friends and lend them without interest, and never take loans.

– – – – –

Let me explain on my fingers:
1st Not everyone has friends who can give 500t-5lams per car-apartment for a period of 3-10 years without interest :)
I think there is nothing to explain.
2nd Will you write contracts with friends? You gave a friend a few thousand before the salary, and then you hear "breakfast".
You were given money for a month, and in a week they are required back.

You can continue indefinitely.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №97092
Protection of 1. My daughter has a monthly cat. The San-Tech doors are now open, because the pot is sorted, and reminders are hanging everywhere.
My MCH, coming from the sorting: why was this door there closed?
If the bathroom door is open, that is not a problem.
Emm... in the sense?? to
I (without any back-thinking): so what... there is a hole between the sorting room and the bathroom, the child walks freely.
MCH: (pause mines on 5, nothing predicted) su-u-u-uki!! I almost went crazy!!! to
I (hoping in front of the compound half a meter from the scream): 0_0 eye.. Please clarify!!? to
*** by
History of MCH (in short!I get out of the bathroom after an hour of soaking... a small kitten sits on the carpet, looks at me, says MYAV and goes under the bath. I look, there is no cat. I go out of the bathroom, the cat sits on the doorstep, looks at me, says MIAV and goes past me under the bathroom. I look, there is no cat. I go to the kitchen to tell your daughter that the cat is somewhere under the bathroom. in the corridor the cat sits, looks at me, says MYAV and goes past me further under the bathroom... I didn’t get to the kitchen, in half an hour I smoked half a pack and here 3 days I go think that it’s time for me to go to the psychiatrist – to Korneyeva, to the hospital. Thou shalt go! Why are you stupid, stupid???! to

And I was really like that cat only I was able to say... %)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №97091
Impressions of Easter spent with a friend in the village:
A local father is just something. His speech after the service made my day. Among the complaints that all kinds of people have gone there and spread the infection, that no one on earth wants to work, and the women only do what they love in the mirror, was the phrase:
I saw a girl in high heels. So these heels on the back are inserted flashing lights, and why are the heels not pleased with you?! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №97090
I decided that I would watch "Game of Thrones" just two with a girl.
I’ll never know what this series is about.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97089
The Motorcycle Forum:
yyy:...because 40 percent foolishly ignores the use of twists, for example.
xxx: Do you, I hope, turn on the bike every time you rebuild?
YYY: You won’t believe, even in the courts I include.
XXX: Do you wear a nymph under the helmet or under it?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97088
From Travel Startups:
And if your grandmother works at a milk factory and you sometimes go there to see how they make cream - it is promtourism.
...and if your grandmother has a neighbor, and a 20-year-old granddaughter came to her and you go to the Senegal with her - it is sex tourism.
...and if you come to take your grandmother to the city and take her by car home to you - it is autotourism.
...if you and your colleagues-partners came to your grandmother to drink a taxi - this is MICE tourism.
If your grandmother doesn’t let you off the table until you try all the dishes on the table, it’s gastronomic tourism.
If your grandmother took you around the district, showing you the houses of your neighbors and remembering what was there during the Soviet rule, it is cultural tourism.
If your grandmother washes the bath every day and you have radiculitis after it, it is health tourism.
If your grandmother sent you to the forest by the mushrooms and you are lost, it is adventure tourism.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №97087
xxx: did not know that midi can be in a microwave, simple and delicious
In a microwave, almost anything is possible.
zzz: agree, I usually have a marine cabbage in it

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №97086
It is good when everything is bad. Any change in the situation will be for the better.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №97085
I work in technical support. Conversation with the customer on Easter Day:
The Operator: Hi What can I help?
Christ has risen and the Internet is not there.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №97084
and Odessa. The import. The collar series.
and man! Why do you go for an hour, try and take nothing? Shouldn’t you like anything?
I like it!
Sho, there is no money?! to
There is!
So buy it!
Why Why?
Shoes to eat!
Do I do what?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97083
HH: Look at me!

WOW: Look at yourself.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №97082
From a commentary on Habrakhab, an article about a 5-year-old child who hacked the Xbox login
— — —
The child himself said he wanted to become a gamer when he grew up. His father is inclined toward computer security.
Become a gamer when you grow up.
Once upon a time, children wanted to become pilots.
Do you become commentators on the hub?
3: One does not interfere with the other.
4:Well, Alt+Tab and you in the IL-2 cabin.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №97081
This smart man:

The main cause of delays and failures in the Moscow metro - passengers' - said Liksutov.
I can’t ride, haha.

The main problem is in very smart passengers who want to get under the turn to drive in the opposite direction while sitting. They are expelled. This takes a lot of time. You can’t get on the train for at least one reason. There is no guarantee that this train will go back now.
In addition, a penalty is imposed for traveling. All 80 people can be formed by one police officer. No hurry...

And there are people who keep the door, yes...

There will always be the next train.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97080
111: Where is the divide from? Captured in training?
222: Argued with the bugs at work
Chapter 11: Omg! Was the guard reassured?? to
222: Ned... epic Facebook spam, after one of the arguments...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97079
The craftsmen of Librusek are fairy tales.
On the site now constantly pops up a banner offering to pay money for using the site. I wonder if there are people who agree? Given that there is nothing that would not be on dozens of other websites (in terms of books).
In any case, the banner is turned off in three clicks. In the opera, for example, Settings -> Quick Settings -> Enable Java Script. Suddenly, it can be read for free.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97078
Shoigu cat is a complex philosophical and philological concept, a supposed cat that is or is not. Not to be confused with the Schrödinger Cat, who is either alive or dead!
The existence of the Shoigu Cat is an absolute fact for one side and an object of irony for the other.
Despite the dualism of being of the Shoigu Cat, some of its characteristics are known, it is:

1 smart 2 courageous 3 polite
The habitat of the Shoigu Cat is called both the Dark Room and all of Novorossiya.
There are legends that only polite people can discover the Shoigu Cat. Probably because she is polite.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №97077
ch ch ch
I have an interview at 2 p.m. today.

With whom, with whom and where?
ch ch ch
With the employer in the cafe))

in the cafe)
It is wrong)
I usually go to the office right away to the director. In a harsh situation
I think I’m pretty (

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №97076
I like to cut knives. I grew up without my father and my mother and I had to do everything ourselves. And when I got married, in order to include my husband in the family household, I began to pleasantly ask him to do something at home, well there, to open the bank. Inside scratching his teeth over his scratch. She burned accidentally, not noticing how he came early and went into the kitchen. I am there, oh oh! In two strokes she broke the chicken, in one stroke and just opened the canned bowl...
You know how to make cakes...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №97075
XXX: I am on the road. The generator was changed in the car to pick up food.
[15:32:14] YYY: =)
[15:32:29] YYY: Fuck, you in the car from Israel respond faster than the comrades from Moscow and Minsk
[15:32:59] XXX: yes I am so))) We have wifi in the buses
[15:33:31] YYY: you are clever... comrades of the Jews =)
[15:38:19] XXX: I am clever... I have when my ends I adjust to the bus))) and I have an inet again

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97074
Adult is when you dream that you write in the toilet, and when you wake up the bed is dry)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna