— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №63633
I have (I have)
I have everything)
Except for the nipples and the vagina.
Tagged with: smells
And I think it is the opposite:

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №63632
XXX: Where are you missing? He was not in the universe for two weeks.
YYY: I am so good.
XXX is stupid? They will count.
Why are you so pessimistic? You have to think positive =)
XXX: In the meantime, I put a question mark...

[ + 36 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №63631
Black Water: Only in Russia we have a working day

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №63630
A forum on latent homosexuality.

The famous fact is that whoever screams louder is himself.
YYY: That’s what, the Jews themselves and the Negro?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №63629
Do you still consider a fool the sex that completely fled the army?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №63628
I tell a familiar young mother (daughter 3 months, period of constipation) about BP:
-and they also have status types "she loves coffee, cigarettes and his"
I love when the child cries.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №63627
What is happening to the world? Previously I went to the forum, asked a question and you were explained in five different ways that you are an idiot, and now you go in, ask any nonsense and nobody can answer at all.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №63626
XXX: The thought came to mind.
As a child, I didn’t paint – I was very embarrassed about what happened.
I didn’t actually paint most of the time.
xxx: became a seashnik - overcame a sense of shame and conscience
I started to paint =)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №63625
Among the Trideshnikovs there is an opinion that if in the scene to make 2 Vireevic light sources and one of them to expose a negative value of power, such a scene will be rendered forever, because all the light created by the first sources will be absorbed by the second.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №63624
xxx: sweet, sweet, favorite, greeting, how are you doing?))
How much? and when do you give?
WOW : good )
I love you, you always understand me 😉
Because you’re so nice to talk when you need money 😉
Oh, I think I’m burning!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №63623
HHH: What are you doing?
I drink like her.
What about vodka?
I just pointed
You're at work in an hour and you're in the cage.
I just drink, fucking

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №63622
The Captain: Ahah
Yesterday I was amused by the story of my three-born sister.
She is 22, and she has been in America for two months. This is what Homo says.
She lived a few days in Hollywood with seven Australian idiots. They once stumbled hard, and one of them was completely foolish. Well, she felt pity on them, said, say, let’s get a corner of ladies.
They began to scream that you Russians were totally stupid coal to eat. She explained to them that it was not stone coal, but wood, specially burned, processed, etc.
In short, everyone refused, and the one who had the worst of all accepted.
Well, she returns in the morning, looks - all fucking dead absolutely, and the one who took, such a cucumbers, enjoys life. And all the others immediately stood up to her in line for coal XDD
Then the legend went on, saying, it is clear why the Russians are so crazy, they have magical coal.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №63621
Enjoy me with something.
What for example?
For example sex.
What will you please me?
I share the joy of sex.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №63620
Give me enough of this love at a distance. The refrigerator, you move into my room.
What is the food refrigerator? #65279
zzz: only forensic expert, could doubt the food efficiency of the refrigerator))))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №63619
Dandamaze: Many Linuxs in the depths of their souls love macOS
polenos: what is it for?))
Dandamaze: Well, in the depths of their hearts, they want a system where you don’t have to constantly adjust anything. Turn on and it works.
dandamaze: but here is the trouble: buying a devoted apple computer, they will first go into the settings...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №63618
The hot season of summer holidays is behind, but this does not mean that you can forget about the holiday. This autumn Aeroflot offers you new destinations to the exotic corners of our planet"...It just came from Aeroflot...This is how we have a summer in Siberia....

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №63617
The husband told, and his brother, who worked in the vineyard in the Krasnodar region.The most boring job of cutting the vineyard was sent to LTP clients. (For those who are not aware or forgotten - there were such institutions in Soviet times for the re-education of alkas).The task was this: on the extreme branches to leave 4 kidneys, on the rest of 2.The task turned out to be too difficult for the contingent, long suffered with them, until one of the brigadiers was obscured. Now the respective branches had to be cut into either a bottle or a glass. And the work is wrapped!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №63616
X: The cat, by the way, is the same, or is it better?

Y: It’s the same, the color and smell have not changed, but now it’s in the pot =)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №63615
The sleeping man came to work today. After a while, the secretary translates a call to me. Not having time to take the telephone, a young man, who was introduced to Maxim, begins to broadcast with a lively voice:
-Good morning, my name is Maxim, I represent the company "Rog and Copy". Our company is engaged in outsourcing IT services, bla bla.
I understood that this is not interesting, because all the work on IT is done by me. Here to my hearing reaches his tirade:
-<...> Our company works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year...
I answered with a sleepy voice:
Young man, this year (2012) is a high year. When are you not working this year?
Half a minute’s silence in the telephone, after which Maxim says, “Oh, we’ll call you again” and puts the telephone on.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №63614
We watch a movie with her wife, suddenly she cries, pointing to one of the characters on the screen:
Look at, look at! Her nails are green, straight like mine, only I have red!
As it turned out, there was a glow of this lac...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna