— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124154
My girlfriend, the lady of imagination, sees a potential maniac in every stranger, even after a walk with a dog, tries to enter the entrance so that she can ride in the elevator alone.

And these days, after a evening walk with her little dog, she enters the elevator, presses the button on her upper floor - and then a typhoon jumps into the elevator with a thirty-year-old... She feels his bad fluids with all the fibers of the soul and is just already sure of his dirty intentions, which is confirmed by his question:

A girl?

A friend swallowed a bite in her throat and whispered, almost wet:

– No...

And then on the face of the ambal reflected a sincere confusion - he questioningly looks at his girlfriend's dog and asks:

Why did the bandit get caught?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124153
Leha_chifir: I just hit the winchester at 120 gigs — I crossed the road and stumbled on the first rail, falling and waving his hands with a barbecue, where there was a screw that struck the second rail.

dorofeykin:...when he started to get up, an electric car crashed and dragged to the next station. I was caught by wandering dogs. These animals drove me to the landfill and ate me until morning. They were frightened by the garbage car, in which I reached the city, but did not have time to get out and, overwhelmed with garbage, returned to the landfill. While I was bathing, "my" a bunch of garbage was burned by bombs. The firefighter arrived and burned. Drawing to a career, the excavator's boat loaded into the self-driving with a slurry, discharged at the construction site in the neighbouring micro-area. I arrived at home by evening. I have a question: what softness can heal two bad blocks?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124152
Igor Kholopov: I now have a very well sealed comrade
Igor Kholopov: “In Search of the Best Loli”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124151
Nothing kills the love of power like emptiness in the refrigerator.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №124150
The younger sister of the composer Imre Kalman was once asked:
How does your brother create his wonderful operettes?
The girl replied so:
My brother and his freelancers meet daily. Every day they drink a few liters of black coffee, smoke an infinite number of cigars, tell each other jokes and whisper on the whole house, then talk long about the weather, about girls, about politics... At the same time they all the time argue, quarrel and scream. So it continues day after day for many months... And suddenly one day the brother reports that the operetta is ready...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №124149
She hanged a guard over the door, from all dirt, went out to the store, returned... the key in the door broke... I can’t enter...

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124148
My mom reads Conan Doyle and cries. He knows that Sherlock Holmes’ brother’s name is Microsoft, but he still sees “Microsoft.” This is how Bill Gates captures the minds of retirees.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №124147
I went from work to a supermarket. I bought beer, fish, I stood in a line, and in front of me a man with a full cart of products cheerfully loads everything to the conveyor. And then I begin to feel some choking from behind, I turn around, there is a grandmother, a little, bready, saying, “Son, let go!” Well go, grandmother, we are balanced people – we will miss. She approaches the man and asks if he has a supermarket card. After receiving a negative answer, he gives his own with the words: "Son, help me, I buy these bonuses yours!" Well, the man took her card, the cashier scanned, he calculated and left... But the grandmother did not leave! I decided to watch her. She approached mostly people with large sums of shopping and offered her card, allegedly spending bonuses! And all the salt in the fact that I also have a card of this supermarket and I know that the essence of the bonus program is 5% of the amount of purchase on your account, as real money, can be calculated by them for any goods, except tobacco and alcohol. This is a grandmother!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №124146
I was sitting in an empty bus. Sitting in an unnoticeable place. She approaches me from the other end of the room, “Can you sit?” She asks. Let me pass. After a few minutes, she said, “Can you sit down?” It doesn’t seem like it’s crazy, but it feels strange.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124145
A friend came to visit my brother. They play hiding. My brother ran into my room, hid himself and asked me not to give up. Kiev, I continue to play the plan. A brother’s friend runs:
Sonja, have you seen Lenny?
Look in the closet.
I have already watched.
In another closet.
And suddenly his brother’s voice:
The one in the kitchen.
There is no scene. A hysterical hood.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124144
My mom told me. She was lying in the hospital in the chamber with the old lady Zina. One day, her grown-up son came to Zina, they sat down and talked.

Zina asks, “Well, did you find a baby?” Son: “Mom, I have a wife and three children.”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №124143
In connection with the "prohibitive" mania and fashion on the "picking" you never know if the character pronounced the word "porno"/matte word/name of the drug or medicine/recognised himself as a sex minority or just a short-term failure of the broadcast.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124142
[11:10:29] yyy : xxx
[11:10:35] yyy: our printer is dead
[11:10:41] yyy : come to us
[11:11:10] xxx : buried with honour

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №124141
Kesha is there.
Alexis is not at home now. She went with her sister to their brother in Moscow again, tomorrow will come.
Ksuzha in Moscow?? to
Alex: I can drive it off, because there is 200 euros for a ticket, Seroga (brother) and feeds and drinks. Oh, and then 200 for a ticket, 200 with you, you won't buy such pieces right away, plus 150 for gifts. I mean, because we are both students.
Both of them (Beata)
Alex: on Friday they left, tomorrow they arrive, a month to live the cock knows how
Yes, and what does she do there?
Alex: and he lives there near Moscow in a cottage, they are like we will go to a store there, we will take everything with us. And here three girls fly to Moscow from Munich, each with 30 kg of food. Stupid food and stupid food!! Cucumbers and tomatoes, I’m not joking. Even a bunch, a fox, a crap took, I was worried about it separately, how it will fly)))
Alex: Brother of their cousin's birthday, 52 years old

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №124140
<xxx> no one will say?
<yyy> as well as "nobody"
<xxx> The grammagroupfighter will be corrected!
<yyy> th. March of Rosenthal

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124139
Can I talk to the doctor?
The doctor is listening to you.
My daughter is 7 years old and has a fever. She doesn’t want to drink pills, and she’s sick from syrups. Can I give her a pill?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №124138
Describe your x by the title of the film.

XXX: 72 meters

YYY: Going to Heaven

Zzzz: thank you for being alive

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №124137
xxx: The situation in our unit reminds me of a barge facing an iceberg: everyone has a hole in front of their eyes that needs to be filled, but before pumping water. And I have a hole in the floor of the board in front of my eyes, and from the tools only a fork and a teaspoon.
I have a flower pot :)
True, with a hole from below.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124136
People, it is not for nothing.
Have we become a fool?! to
Thousands are like the wind.
I ate and didn’t notice.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124135
[12:38:48] system: In Astrakhan condemned a man who dragged the body of a merchant at the entrance
[12:39:08] lexicon: I wonder why... he probably had some respectable reason

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna