— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №109130
I beg you: do you think at least one reads 50 shades in order to understand the subtleties of the dominant-subordinate relationship? Yes, 99.9% see there only a young beauty millionaire delivering regular orgasms. Everything else just closes the eyes, as well as any other defects of a man, provided that a man likes it.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №109129
If your application was compiled for the FIRST time without errors, then somewhere in the world, at that moment, another programmer who was less fortunate is crying.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109128
The cynicism of the Moscow Metro workers is striking. Instead of replacing the heavy, stealthy doors at the entrances, they placed a bullying advertisement on those doors with the slogan, “Did someone eat a little cabbage?”

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109127
by country:
Hundreds of thousands of guards.
A lot of micro-sellers
office plankton and so on.
Millions of healthy young people.

As I said, humor:
In the recent past, they would build new cities, aircraft carriers, highways, etc.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109126
here here :
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
People have trouble.
I have a penis all day. Three times already dropped, it already hurts - and it still stands.
I retired from work yesterday.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Let him rush to the doctor immediately, or better call an ambulance. This is priapism, you can easily stay without a fuck.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109125
There was a clash between technicians and humanitaries. Conditionally, smart people go to study what they are interested in and become experts in their business. If a person really understands the history of the arts, or knows five languages, or a brilliant educator, then he is forgiven for his complete inability to handle the computer. The same ones who went to the filfaq, because they could not go anywhere else, are initially stupid, not because they are humanitarian.
And if you yourself have at least a drop of brains, then distinguishing between these two conditional categories and understanding causal relationships will not be difficult for you.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109124
Ranger1978: What is a surgeon?
It’s when you don’t know Ukrainian, but you really want to.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109123
The whole essence of our medicine - Say thank you for not causing additional damage to your body. Fuck it!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109122
1) The vacuum cleaner itself turns on and cleans the apartment (the cat loves to ride on it). Once every 2 weeks, you can wash the floor and wipe the dust (in the absence of a person sitting around the house, the dust accumulates very slowly).
2) The standard 40-degree program "for everything" plus things made of normal material (type non-iron shirts) - and things need neither sorting nor grinding.
3) Taky yes, the multivarka is cooking, the grill is roasted itself. You need to press a couple of buttons and timer. 5 minute marinade of meat in the morning + 5 minute cutting of vegetables before "cooking".
– – – – –
And now ask if a man will buy a robot vacuum cleaner when he has "Woman is". For him shirt from a special expensive material, if there is a WOMAN with a shirt. And the mulch of you, dear man, the food itself from the store carries, and the meat is cut, and the vegetables are cleaned? If there is a WOMAN, why spend money on scrubbed carrots and sliced meat? It is cheaper on the market, and a woman will cut the rot and skin. The croup will find out what is there. The packed clean is more expensive, there is nothing she has money to wrap, broke up. Otherwise, why did he get married?

In one familiar couple, my husband loved to wear white shirts. Fresh every day. Do you know when the machine was bought? When the wife went on vacation with her mother, and the husband lived alone. With white shirts.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109121
I updated the firmware on this shit iPhone today. There was an opportunity to get the Russian text under dictatorship. I think smoking. Now I will be like cool guys with Android. They just wrote a message:
Did you bring Masha?
I respond and dictate. and selectively!
I brought her, it’s okay.

What did this epic creature get?
I am an idiot, all right.


[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109120
Why does a programmer, for example, 1C, to wrap a real working software, sit a stone ass on a flat chair and smoke your fucking humanitarian accounting and tax accounting, and you, the crazy lazy, can’t read the fucking instructions to the copier? What did the overwhelmed admin not learn to read? We are paid to work. And you for the fact that you are able to deliver the final result on the existing mattehbase. Unable- remove from your resume the item "PC ownership, knowledge of organizational technology" and drive out the gate with the note "incomplete official compliance". Yes is? March to read FM to the scanner!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109119
continue in the same spirit, at work, then we will repair for free, but here at home, look for other comrades, pay a penny, in a moment you will become smart
Listen to the still not quite surviving crazy aunt, who once at work had the negligence to disassemble, clean from dust, replace the widget and collect back the system unit. I see, do you already guess what requests were among those who debt me? Asking or demanding money = in vain ruining your nerves with someone else’s stuff "How can you take from yours? ". Require adequate services for your work in the form of cooking or cleaning at home. Until cooking from performers’ products or cleaning with performers’ brushes, clothes, and household chemicals. It all depends on what was required to create with the compiler and whether you used your tools, spare parts, boot disks (need to enter, unnecessary to remove). The person asking is quite swift: money from "your" do not take, but to pay a service for a service is completely normal. ))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109118
Humanitaries are not taught to work with technology at all, that is, at all. In schools, computer science is the only relatively technical discipline where they will be taught how to turn on and off computers.
— — —
So why don’t humanitarian workers refuse to work with technology? Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go. No, in any way they climb and hold on to the places to drink tea, and they also glimpse up to the claims "we have not taught this, do this instead of us and work." Do you just leave tea with turkeys at work?

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109117
Humanities explain to incomprehensible technicians (which year I try to solve this mystery)
Why do you persistently enter the URL of the site not in the address bar of the browser, but load the search engine and properly enter the www point in the query bar?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №109116
I saw a report on TV: "one craftsman wrote a software for automatic blocking and adding to the emergency calls from collectors. After the threats from the same collectors followed, but the brave proger did not despair and plans to write a proga to redirect the calls of collectors to other collectors)))"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109115
Hokito: Yes, and I myself, sometimes, will go from the morning to the degradator, I think, Mother of God, where we are going, this world has wiped through! Then I go back to the harsh reality, look around, and people are nothing like that. Prep*women, of course, but it adds charm to the world.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109114
This has nothing to do with Afghan scientists.

Wine producers, coffee, tea and cheese producers have such a term - terroir - a set of soil and climate factors and special characteristics of the area (relief, rose of winds, the presence of reservoirs, forest masses, insulation, the surrounding animal and plant world), determining the variety characteristics of agricultural products.

Now imagine Afghanistan. There, peasants plant linen, oats, wheat, barley, potatoes, carrots, and hemp and maca grow anyway. The Terroir!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109113
This is not a clinic. Here in America, one resident was outraged that Victora's Secret doesn't produce underwear for women 100+.
Yyy: With such parameters, this is no longer a secret, but a shameless truth.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №109112
You, technicians, have been taught in laboratories and tools to hold properly, and work with them. You were not born with an ommetre in your hand. Humanitaries are not taught to work with technology at all, that is, at all.

In the school, the whole boy's part of the class was engaged in carpentry and carpentry. So the "start" was all the same.

In schools, computer science is the only relatively technical discipline where they will be taught how to turn on and off the computer.

We had a Vilnius basic at the UKNC, apparently we were geniuses :)
By the way, we still had physics, algebra and geometry - what are not technical subjects? For those who don’t mind learning to think.

But technicians are not interested in teaching “the chicken”, so that to be proud of its importance, it is easier to run away, silently do something (usually elementary) and leave with the feeling that everyone around you are idiots, and the administrator is half-god.

Don’t believe how many times I’ve tried to teach people this very thing – because if a person’s head works, then I have less time to correct it. You can only teach the one who is willing to study, not the one whose life creed is that you are paid a salary so that everything works. These have been met with me and among engineers, but among humanitaries they are simply predominant. So I usually come, keep silent and leave. Quiet and unnoticed as a cleaner :)

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109111
In one game of the post-apocalyptic scenario, there was a quest: to enter the city and save a man who was sentenced to death. He was convicted that he did not keep the house clean and attracted cockroaches into the city. It seems like a decent quest to shoot a bunch of guards, but when I saw those 200HP cockroaches in the tunnels that need to be rolled out of machine guns, I thought that the city authorities were not very wrong.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna