— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124034
from 19512. If you have divorced, then the others are not looking at you. Take what you have, or in ten years, and the divorced women will put the screw on you.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №124033
News on in a row.

The Russian economy has already come out of recession
The number of fake dollars and euros in Russia has increased dramatically.

[ + 18 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124032
X: news - the Cabinet wants to introduce excise duties on gas, chips and electronic cigarettes
When will the air tax be introduced?
X: Yes, I’m waiting too
X: Let us live in a fairy tale
X is terrible

[ + 17 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124031
Xxx: a messy Mexican man pushed a member into the flan...
YYY: Generally speaking, right: a Chinese man was sitting in the grass, pushing his finger in his ass.
HXH: How did you know you were there.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124030
Firefighter Misha, going to clean the façade part of the snow, asked the nakkara to allow it to do it on a tractor. Having obtained that, he took the business, but exaggerated and flew away together with the tractor into the cabin. Nakhar, having gathered the firefighters, came to Misha for revenue and, choking hard, tried to pull the tractor out of the roof. It was matured by Vitievato, which frightened Misha, who had to align the wheels. Misha aligned in the wrong direction and the tractor flew back into the cottage, now on its own roof. Misha was not injured, but became hated by all the guards. In the morning, wishing to rehabilitate in front of the guys, I quietly, Misha starts a tractor, goes out to clean the facade from the garage, flies on a brick and breaks his nose!!! Misha even used a tractor.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №124029
Today from the very morning I accidentally expressed my attitude to work on Friday, when I went to the office and greeted my colleagues with the phrase - "Good evening!"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №124028
aaa: ah, my first committee ♥
You are not a girl now.
I am now a bearded Masha programmer.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124027
XXX: If I were a sociopath, I would walk and painfully beat everyone who calls this word sociophobes.
You are like a sociopath.
I am not a sociopath, I am a sociophob. But for you I can try...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124026
What do people do first in the morning? is correct.
The Medical Commission.
My mother said I made a bowl for you.
I sucked and cried, the name of the bottle (from under the baby pyre) "First thing"

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124025
by 19512

You will decide.
or divorce with a trailer (divorced woman - a woman who has been married and survived a divorce)
or a girl who saw that her boyfriend did not marry her and became pregnant

The child should be born after the wedding. And yes, when you know exactly what you both want."

you will be surprised, but many divorced women with trailers gave birth to their husband and on mutual wishes.

PS usually such men choose women for a long time, and then it generally turns out that no one is going to give birth to them, or he is infertile at all :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124024
All these of your blind-set training apps are nothing compared to a fat cat sitting on your arms.
A fat cat - learning to print blindly, without disturbing its fur demon.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №124023
XX: And I take good care of my mouse. I feed with delicious fresh batteries, it runs freely, wireless. I bought her new carpet.
And I keep it at least 2 hours a day, yes.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124022
f1203: What is fantasy? In Russia, anything can happen. I, for example, last summer barely got in a car accident with a horse, which ran on a trail.
Andrewcocos: Have you lost a horse?
He1ix: Deprived, he is now marine.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124021
xxx: I have an invention born here, business gel Vaselyanka = Vaseline + Valerian!
Yyy: Vaseline in the mass!)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №124020
The flu epidemic is when you squeezed, coughed, and all moved away from you. Great to remember the recipe.
Yyy: If you spit some ketchup at the same time, they will still get out of the room.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №124019
to this:

Write a reference on the dote with a presentation and opened topic - I will make a check.
He has not yet recognised the underdog.

I remember when the trees were small and Quake came out only the first, future programmers instead of studying for hours chased the deathmatch grid in the lab. And then one day the object-oriented programming lecturer, upset by the lack of people at his lecture, went to the laboratory... And instead of “all the turmoil” informed FPS fans that inside Quake there was an object language Quake C and a built-in compiler, and promised to show how to make a self-guided rocket, a realistic model of firearms and jetpack. To play is the fate of the users, to create is the privilege of the programmers! Since then, the man at the lecture had an anshlag, instead of boring internet shops, we used communicating bots, self-conducting guns, optimizing the consumption of cartridges, a model of burning walls and so on. Naturally, with the separation of conservances, componentization, autotests, etc. Actually playing the game became not interesting... Only now having worked without a little 20 years in the industry and chatting with the juniors at the very least can not, I understand how brilliant this lecturer was.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124018
xxx: So successful men 2-5% of the total number.

Yyy: ))) not so - just 2-5% of men you think are successful. Thus e. There is a success line on its scale.
And so - "Yes, Petrovich is cool - lives in the basement, does not blow in the mouth, does not chase the shop wash - what else a person needs."
Or “Sorry, only the top 20 people from the Forbes list are invited to this party, you seem to be the 21st person to attend. What?! The 99th! The guard!and "

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №124017
I tried to read Alice in Wonderland in the original. Broken the brain on the second chapter - I read and hide - problems with her, and fucking me!

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124016
News of 2014.
A Zurich butcher has been selling pork instead of beef to Muslims for three years

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №124015
Correspondence of the Director of IP and the accountant:
“Good morning, Lena, can you go to the PFC tomorrow?
What, is there a choice?
There is always a choice, but you don’t have it. :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna