— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61393
Wife - husband (after sex in the room with a sleeping young child - third child):

Now I can’t be afraid that you won’t pull out in time – now you’re afraid MORE.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №61392
XXX: Let’s play a game?
YYY: For what?
xxx:The "sweet"
YYY: This is how?
You have won...

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №61391
SerЁga: I remember when I was 16 (and it was 1997), my boys and I thought where to work in the summer. And we underwent work on dismantling the old suburban rural two/three-storey barracks, which were built before the war. The conditions were as follows: we break and crush everything we can (quawalds, more than - the poof, the main thing is to crush as much as possible, the cars take it out every night, and the rest is already crushing the crane from the gear). Payment per day in proportion to what is done (broken). My boys and I spent three weeks together! There were dozens of houses. They trained to beat the doors, crush the non-bearing walls, break the tiles, shake the frames straight with glasses, etc. Then I went home again in the evening. Tired, dirty and sweaty. I think I'll come now, go to the bathroom, drink, change clothes. And something noticed, thought and, by habit, knocked off his apartment entrance door in shit! Along with the box! I have already worked out this skill at the expert level. I remember having to talk to my parents a long time later.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №61390
To whom did you go, Shyamalan?? to
On to Masha
Until you wash Rammin, don’t come to me.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №61389
I am driving and listening to the radio. At the end of the news release, the speaker says: "In the United States there are new courses of survival during the zombie apocalypse; our instructors will learn to survive in difficult conditions, kill zombies with false objects, etc. There are courses for children from 7 years of age, but there is also a bonus in the children's course - courses called "Love Zombies" these courses should teach children A TOLERANCE TO Zombies.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №61388
You don’t want to go to the bottom, don’t keep the stones behind your sinuses.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №61387
Late in the evening, I stand at the stop, waiting for the trolley bus. I wait a long time, it’s cold. The stop is almost empty, with me stands a very sober person (NH).
An empty taxi passes by. NPC is hindering him. I thought NCH decided to take a taxi.
He just asks a wonderful question:
Did you see a trolleybus when you were driving?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №61386
The older I get, the more dates start to resemble interviews.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №61385
I sit in the room, my daughter is watching TV.
Suddenly I hear the sounds from the TV.
Men and women "A! Oh oh! and ah! A-A to A! Oh...", then the male Basque "Young boy, baby!", and again these whispers-cry-ohi-breaths and no words more
I have eyes on my forehead, hair in my foreheads moves.
I am running into the room...
HHH: And she has multiculture there
This is the short content of the previous series.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №61384
Judging by the weather, the maslenica survived and began to avenge.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №61383
xxx: fucking, the headphone in the ketchup fell >.<
Give it to your ear like this.
YYY: Let everyone think that your blood comes from the music you listen to.

[ + 25 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61382
Dear Comrade, who sends SMS to unfamiliar numbers with the question “Where to send the corpse?” when you are bored, thank you! Yesterday's 4 hours in the OVD were one of the most memorable in recent times!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №61381
18:17:05 T_B: I don't know how the neighbors tolerate me, because I play guitar, for example, yesterday at 7 am I wanted to throw something lyrical. Would it be cruel to bring a group home for a rehearsal?
18:17:59 bict for [T_B]: Make sure your neighbor does not practice karate, or he will also bring his group to practice.

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61380
I would go to a restaurant...
Sorry you’re not a grandmother (I’d like to bring it up) 😉
Sorry we’re not gay, we’d go 😉

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №61379
From the tweet of Maria Chinaeva, TV host on the channel "Russia-24"

Yesterday in the dining room, a man asked me: "Where is Khrushchev with Philae?", "Now I am tormented with whom I was confused: with Oksana Fedorova or with Anna Mikhalkova?"? to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №61378
I was joking yesterday, you won’t believe.
Yyy: Cho Tam
xxx: she wanted to know the pass from the adsl modem. I sent a nahuy, because such a passport has a dohuya where.
Tagged: Oga
YYY: Why is she here?
In the end, I hide the shoto.
In the modem?
XXX: Dada, and the Blade on the Modem Hide

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №61377
I will tell you one friends.If in the grandmother sits a blatant gene, you have nothing and you will never poison it.How do you raise her, don't love it or don't fuck it.I had such a girl.I tormented a little bit of my childhood.And she (blatantly) fuck you have a million on the account or 250 rubles in your pocket.She is just a blatant and all here, you have her even diamonds and coffee to her in bed, it's all useless.These creatures even have their creed, which they think is correct and unbearable to refute.It will sound like this:"Dear, I love you!I am very strong!I am spiritually faithful to you and this is the main thing.And that I went on a birthday to a girlfriend Clave
And your task brothers to bite this at the very beginning of the relationship!And just like that even approximately blurred in her speech, boldly go on the fucking and without regret fall to the side of Bobruisk before it is too late.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №61376
Where do your sperm go? Do I have a cemetery there?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №61375
Comment to the news: "Three billion Moscow money will go to pavement tiles in 2012"

In the ass of the dog put these bricks.
Three: steal and steal!
There was something else about the goose there.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №61374
xxx: I could just say that I am healed, and not buy instead of toilet paper, paper towels!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna