— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93712
Oleal: Listen, we have to come up with poems by February 23 for the stengazette. The Olympics, the Olympics?
Mitryxeyev: Let’s remember the five rings – all enemies will have a p...c!
Mitryxeyev: Is it right? This is for spending.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93711
We taught the cat. She was delighted! By the way, I will tell you, a child is easier to catch than a cat...

[ + 38 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93710
Why is no one advising Strugatschki? Good books, where there is something to laugh at and where you can find quite interesting thoughts?

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93709
Maelinhon: I communicate on the English website with European metalworkers. One carpenter, a second welder, a third archaeologist, saw a seller, a journalist, a nurse, a couple of builders and roofers and a fisherman (industrial).
And we have managers, managers, managers...what is that? Everyone has a hand out of his ass.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №93708
I brought my child to kindergarten for 6 years. As he changes his clothes, I hear the dialogue of two other guys:
1st Stats and Stats. Do you know what you never did in your life?
2nd What?
1st Do not put your teeth under the pillow.
2nd Why is?
1st Because the tooth fairy is my dad.

[ + 46 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93707
and smart:

I can ask for a passport at least from a 60-year-old grandmother, and I can’t sell her cigarettes and alcohol if she doesn’t show me that passport. This is the law."

Because of these idiots, I ignore some small shops. The law on which you rely says that only in case of doubt in the age of the buyer the seller has the right to ask for a document certifying the identity. But when such chickens have a line of 15 people, and she asks for a passport first of a healthy ambal with a beard, then of a local Petrovich, and then of a woman, who in appearance resembles a middle-class student with a work experience of 20 years, rather than a 17-year-old girl. Then you just want to go out of the store and get to the nearest "adequate".

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №93706
In the work:
X: Are we crawling today?
Z: I don’t know
Q: Are you from a sect? Bearded and passive?
Y: I am very active.
Z: I was shaved.
Y: I think, or did you not put that emphasis now?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93705
The article on the concept of Kwid (equipping machines with drones-companions, which can transmit images and indicators to the tablet inside the cabin).
The best comment: You can send Haishnikovs ahead to look :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93704
xxx: Da.. "Fight Club" is my favorite movie. I had my first sex under him.
X: Did you have anything under the first sex?
Review: Half-Life 3
yyy : ((

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93703
A new pyramid was discovered in Egypt. The pyramid is about 4.6 thousand years old. of years. I haven’t seen it, I haven’t seen it, I haven’t seen it, I haven’t seen it! found in the desert.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93702
to this:
News from Sochi 2014:
The biggest noise in the network caused the photo of the male toilet in the press center "Sochi-2014". BBC correspondent Steve Rosenberg published a photo of the cabin, where two toilets are located at once.
After that, each team considered it their duty to take a photo of these twin toilets.
Later, a spokeswoman for the press service of the Olympics, Elena Greenberg, that the famous toilet was converted into a secondary room, replacing the toilets with tubes. But then the scandal did not cease. Athletes somewhere found another similar toilet and now photograph in it.

And yet Rabshank and Jumsut!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93701
Review of Car Mechanic Simulator 2014
YYY: What were the glutes?
zzz: The mechanic put half of the revenue in the pocket ))
bbb: this is not a glucose, but a maximum approach to reality)))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93700
This carrier:

Someone has thought about what people could invent a phone, in which almost all applications are paid, and to start the work it is necessary to do the circumcision of the SIM card?))

_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yes Yes Yes!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93699
I went here for a hard hard hard, but on the way suddenly remembered that I was a girl and I needed a thermometer, powder, white shades, two brushes, a thermoprotector for the hair and a swab.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93698
xxx: I bought an e-book
xxx: declared: automatically turns off during work
xxx: my repair comment: Turn off energy saving mode

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93697
Habr: Created 3D printer that can print parts from carbon plastic

Psychopompe: There is a suspicion that in 10-15 years you will be able to print a car for yourself on the drawings.

spiritedflow:... and after 15-20 for this to sit

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93696
Since childhood, I’ve been accustomed that you can’t get a wreath around you. I learned from my mom. "What would girls not mention" she said. I sit in the kitchen, thinking. My wife cheats. Pure on the machine, I say to her - "Don't swap." I didn't think you could go like that.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93695
I live abroad. The opening of the Olympic Games. Surrealism in Russia will soon be interrupted by two important events - revolution and advertising pause.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №93694
Debate on the stop of Bitcoin exchange in Russia:
Firsto: The joke of the day: "The student who shot at a Moscow school watched the TV channel "Rain" a week before the tragedy, and purchased weapons in a foreign online store, having paid in bitcoins. It is also known that the parents of the child were a same-sex couple who voted for Navalny at the elections to the mayor of Moscow.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93693
to this:
My friend (D) was in the military. The case came to the psychiatrist (p):
Q: Are there suicides in the family?
D: not
Q: And what about you?
D: not
Q: Are you going?
D :...

When I went to the army (and I went at 22 years, after graduation from the institute) at the last medical commission in the Gorvoenkomate, the psychiatrist, without raising his head, with a tired voice and with a light ambre asked: "Do you want to go to the army?" - already prepared to hear the next "no," and write in the case "good." But my vivid affirmative response (and that was pure truth) made him raise his head and tremble a little. I looked at a personal case: a 22-year-old man, a higher technical and wants to serve in the army - there is obviously something wrong with the psyche.
Is the head okay?
I do not complain.
Were there shocks?
They were. I once played boxing.
Pause, and the decisive control question:
And married?
and no.
and facilitated:
Well then it is okay. Worth it!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna