— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №153379
Jehovah’s Witnesses arrived. The dialogue.
Good day.
Hi to you! We are Jehovah’s Witnesses. God sent us today with good news to you.
Yes, I know, I’ve been waiting for you since morning.
They are looking forward to the continuation with interest.
He sent me a SMS this morning. They will come to you, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and say that it is from me. Tell them, this was a contact check, let them go back.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №153378
Uncovered laughter is often overwhelmed irony.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153377
My mother told.

When you and my brother were young, leaving the house, I pulled out the seals from the TV and hid it until you could see. He tried to save each time in a new place. And here somehow I come back in the evening, tired, I want to rest at the telephone, and, even if you kill, I don't remember where I hid the safeguards. I walk around the apartment with a worried face and look for it. You are watching me with interest.

Finally, you, Masha, can’t stand it:
Mom, what are you looking for?
The guards.
Are these small glass tubes? Here they are, you open the servette and get them out of the sugar bar.
And you, angry, how do you know?! to
We need to watch TV somehow.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №153376
The announcement that the tax on electric cars in the Tambov region has been abolished suggests the only idea: the governor’s son has bought Tesla.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153375
I remember a few years ago leaving me and the marketing director from partners. Both beloved, I have a fifth of projects hanging on it as a child's chest, on it the department and all communication.

Tired, dragging through the tc to the parking lot behind the car.

Around the immense Ashan uncle with a calm smile rides on a machine washing the floor with brushes. There will pass, here, brushes scratch on the floor, leaving behind cleanliness.

We stopped, driving the machine with our eyes.

He: You want to go there now too, isn’t that all?

I am UGU...

We looked at the happy uncle for a moment and went to the office.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №153374
Remembering the films “The Dark City”, “13th Floor”, well, and, of course, “The Matrix”...

The usual Soviet street thermometer was placed on the brick wall of the place for smoking in our department. It was installed for a long time and now - during smartphones and other gadgets, it was virtually useless. But yet, going out to smoke, every second time approached him and looked at the scale. Just by habit. Just nothing to do.

It was an ordinary day at the end of November, when my colleague and I went to smoke after lunch. I almost immediately "by tradition" did not rush to the thermometer, Kolyan supported the tradition. and further dialogue. (I am kneeling and I am kneeling)

K: Well what does he say?

I am minus twelve. And in terms of feelings, the whole “twentieth.”

Q: I need to make it warmer.

After these words, Kolyan with the expression of the maniac's face got the lighter, brought it under the thermometer and lit it. The red fluid instantly revived and popped up the scale. Literally two seconds later, when the jet crossed the "0" line, the entire wall together with the thermometer suddenly poured out of sunlight. The cloud went away and the sun shone somehow unusually brightly for the end of November. For a moment it seemed like it was hot on the street. The knee removed the lighter, the liquid already lazyly reached the mark "+40", after which, gaining acceleration, headed back - down the scale. And when it crossed the "0" mark and began to fall "below zero", the sun was again hidden by another cloud. The seemingly banal coincidence caused some contradictory emotions and awakened the child’s turbulent fantasy. His voice suddenly interrupted my thinking process.

K: Unfortunately, in real life, no scripts can’t be used.

I: Who said it? Maybe we just don’t know the right programming language? Or is it even easier – we just don’t have enough access rights?

Let me forgive the RPC, but that day this thought did not leave me until the evening.

P.S Health Warns: Smoking Harms Your Wallet!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №153373
Money is usually missing where it comes from.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №153372
I talked to a friend from Moscow.
And this morning, the neighbor came in to share the joy. This neighbor has a new position in the state structure.

- I will work for three years, - the neighbor shares his joy, - then I will sit for three years - they will not give it anymore - and for the rest of his life is secured.

What positions are you in today! Not only do you know in advance how much you will "earn" on it, but also how much you will have to sit down - you also know in advance!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №153371
These days, the lines "Here my dear has left, will not return, left only his card" sound not so sad.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №153370
A story on which a series can be filmed. A colleague says:

Yesterday, the brother brought the girl home, to introduce her to her relatives. Everything would be nothing, but I am very well acquainted with this particular one, I can say very close. I met her a couple of years ago at a club. We met, drank and went to the apartment. After that evening, we spent a long time with her, and it always turned into sex. Six months ago we met her again and she told me that she has been dating a guy for six months and yesterday they fought. I calmed her down and the matter eventually came back to sex. Then she and her boyfriend went well and we never met again. Yesterday was like this. And I only realized that she had a quarrel with my brother six months ago. I remember when he asked for advice on how to reconcile with a girl. What to do I do not know.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №153369
When I was a student and studied at Barnaul, I knew one very cute girl on the stream named Katya, with a cute-pretty face and a slim figure. Here is a straight angel. A face remembered. Not very much communicated, so hello-hello, so far, and a little about studying. Well, after the institute, when everyone ran away, some year later, I happened to come to the city for business.

I remember going to the store to buy something there, and I see a girl standing at the box office, a bit full, but with a figure. The waist is there, the chest, in general, a nice figure of peach. At one point, she turns her face to me. That is Katya. I only got a little better in a year.

She did not recognize me. Well, I approached and said, “Hello Katya, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. A year has passed.” That makes a surprised-wary face, cuddling, as if trying to understand or remember, knows me but doesn’t: “Sorry, we met somewhere? I do not remember you.”

- Katy, we were studying together in honey, in a lechfak, on the same stream, a year ago...

- I did not study in honey, I studied in honey a year ago and am still studying. My name is Katya, but you confused me with someone.

I looked into her face again. Direct one in one. I think yes. The coincidence. is surprising. But I ask for the case.

Do you not play me?

It gets out of the student pocket. She has been studying there for three years. In general, on all parameters, it comes out - identified.

I have to apologize for the inconvenience. Can I sort out my guilt? For example, to invite you to a cafe or somewhere else?

The girl smiles, shakes her head: “Why not?”

In general, I met Katya from the ped, told about Katya from honey. The rest is a different story :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №153368
If the bride is not required for caly - it means she is not a gift.

The Eastern Wisdom

[ + 2 - ] Comment quote №153367
When, in 1994, the western group of troops was disbanded, my parents, unlike their fellow servants, went not in the east, but in the west, my dad and mom finally found ourselves in the city of Hamburg. I don’t know how they did it, but the fact remains a fact. After my father’s death, my mother only said that my dad did everything for my future. The company where my father got a job, engaged in electronic communications systems, rented for us an apartment near Kornhausbr

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №153366
In the second class, we were all sent to the medical commission and taken a scrape.

A few days passed. Directly in the middle of the lesson, a school nurse entered the classroom, who decided to announce the results of the tests: "Everyone is okay, Ivanova worms," and went out.

I am in tears right away. And what do you think? The lesson had to be interrupted, I was surrounded by classmates, someone stretched his nose, someone smooked his head, someone told me that he also had worms, someone found lice.

So many years have passed, and I am still grateful to the children that have supported, have not started to poison. What happened to the nurse, I do not remember, but I would have raised the question of her professional suitability if the case concerned my child.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №153365
As a child, my parents warned me that a man only needs one thing, and that I should be careful. Well, I'm 28 years old, and suddenly it turned out that a man just needs to sleep, watch YouTube and eat, and "only one thing" needs purely me...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №153364
The evening. Local network store, 2 cash stores and 5-7 people on each. People after work are all bored, in reflection, silent. From the parallel row are:"Viiu-viiiu-viiiu-krak-krak-brak"

It turns into a strange sound. And there is Lolik and Bolik, and if more accurately 2 guys in an ambulance uniform with a food basket.

“Comrades, citizens, please miss the ambulances! There are a lot of challenges, at least to have time to eat in the car.

The people understandably began to give up the road, but the man who stood second was not in agreement: "This is what I must give up to you, you are not right, remember paragraph 3.2 pd. There is a signal, but I don’t see the lighthouse.”

The people began to get angry.

Lolik quickly got the lamp and began to turn on / off quickly, Bolik at this time mimicked silk.

- Wooo, boy, another matter, I give up the box.

The guy passed, well paid. Then they turned to the man and said, "Well, you are a frost, you are Nikolaich. On Sunday the schedule changed, you’ll be driving with us for 24 hours, ahaha!”

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153363
I have a friend, 6 years younger than me, met her in the hospital, lay with her in the same room. Her name is Cristina. Christina dreams of becoming a married lady. Why Why? To sit at home and forget about work. But instead, she is a fierce opponent of the position, “woman, guardian of the fireplace,” she wants to get married, sit home, and engage in her beauty. You do not need to eat cooking, everything can be bought, ordered, cleaned in the house is also not necessary, now very affordable cleaning, and let the dishes in the dishwasher wash. In her opinion, the care of a wife is to be beautiful next to her husband, so that others will be jealous. Christina has several times, was in a serious relationship, even lived together, but for some reason, she was not rushed to propose to go for a walk in the ZAGS in order to legalize the relationship. She even gave birth to a baby in the hope that the baby’s dad would marry her, and he actually married when she was 7 months pregnant, but with another girl. The child, unnecessarily, was solemnly handed over, for storage and upbringing, to the mother of Christina.

Christina, carefully, "studied" male psychology, by watching videos on YouTube, on the topic of how to keep a man, how to manipulate him, and how to marry yourself? Videos about how to understand a man were carefully ignored. And here, looking at the "smart" videos, Christina emphasized the main "truth" a man should not be bored with a girl, he should always be in light stress, it makes him think of her more often, and thus she will attract him to himself. A acquaintance, established a new relationship with a man, after some time, they came together, and began to live together, and here is Christina, began to put her "great" knowledge into practice, namely, to keep her man in light stress. In what way? Very simple, constant caprices, hysterics in an empty place, almost, right away, "ah yeah? I go to my mom!” Immediately in tears, with cries. Not that said, not that tone, not that language, shorter darkness. How much was enough for a man? Almost for two years. She once returned home, where she was, and the lock in the door was changed, and the door was not opened with her keys. The telephone of the subscriber is turned off, common acquaintances know nothing, saw nothing, neighbors said that they pointed out how he with his suitcase left the apartment, went somewhere. In short, the guy just left, changing the lock on the door, and all her things and documents, took her mother.

Christina then called us, her friends and acquaintances, crying out of injustice and misunderstanding, what could have gone wrong with her ideal strategy?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №153362
The more you give in to the different shit, the more you find yourself in the shit.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №153361
We went to sea with the whole family. She read the book “Exorcist of the Devil.” She said that she was so scared that she could not read it and threw it into the sea. I found the same book in a bookstore, bought it, soaked it in the toilet and put it in the box of a cover box in her room... The witness in the morning said that it was the first time he had heard the witch whisper from horror in bed...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №153360
The leaders of African countries heartily thanked Russian teachers and retirees for keeping up - thanks to this now they have money.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna