— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136021
XXX is
Does anyone have IPv6 under Win98?

The Dirty Pervert

XXX is
No, well what, the 1996 standard

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №136020
A little about the mysterious Russian soul: they opened a branch in the province. At first, everything was fine until the breakthrough, so far... For the first year the branch was in no way, and profits. But in the next quarter, suddenly, a strong minus. Well, the director promised to figure it out, but could not - the second quarter of this half-year showed an even greater minus. I watched how. They found that employees were stealing. Thus e. The goods sold were much less than the goods received. Our director has safeguarded and appointed the director of this branch to be materially responsible. He prayed and asked for a security guard from the capital. For about a month I understood where and why. When he to his superiors what was revealed, he could not believe that it was so for a long time.
In short, the director of the branch decided that thirty a month for his employees is somehow a lot, and half began to take for himself. The accountant looked at it and started taking five more. In fact, in the hands, the employees received a dozen. But I want to eat. So they started breaking up the warehouses. Since our materials are specific, employees could only sell products at prices twice as low as the market. Accordingly, they stole in amounts two or three times the amount held.
Today, the director of the branch and his wife, the chief, were arrested. The employees were strictly impressed.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136019
I work in the defense sector. "Our specifics" there is a lot to say about. One of the favourite themes of agitators for work with us is getting an apartment from the company after ten years of work.

Here too is specific. There is free housing, yes. Only it is not ten years, but closer to retirement, if you do not resign and never argue with the boss during this time. And after ten years of work you get the right to buy an apartment in a house built by the enterprise, at a discounted price (once and a half below the market). And depending on whether your interlocutor knows about this detail, you can judge whether he is naive or a bastard and a manipulator.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №136018
You will think. Well, Stirlitz brought a suitcase to a refugee near the ruins of the Ministry of Economic Development.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136017
In some, when children are born, part of the brain goes out along with the placenta, I think.
In the bus she became an unwilling listener to the conversation of two friends. One other says: “My child has a serious developmental delay! She’s 1.6 years old and she doesn’t understand. A child in his childhood, not a word of understanding! I led her to neurologists, psychologists, logopedists - everyone suggests me to wait, say, small yet, now in general children begin to talk late, there is no developmental backwardness, and about speech everything is normal. How is it normal if you don’t say a word? What doctors are like in our time, they don't want to treat children at all, asked to prescribe any medicines, they say there are no indications. But I found the name of different drugs on the Internet, I bought it, I will give it. And the girls all s (the name of the famous ovulation forum) approved."
I am a child neurologist and I have children. And the older one had a delay in the development of speech, until the age of 3 he was generally silent, then already on the background of medications spoke, went to the logopedic garden, now he is studying in the regular school.
And if you knew how many such moms come to me then, whose children are seriously suffering, because they themselves, along with the girls from the forum, diagnose them and treat them in every way, often with prescription drugs (friends from the forum share recipes)...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №136016
I meet today in the supermarket "cappuccino-knowing" cashier.
She asks:"Where is the small?" I answer: "On courses, I gave in English".
“Oh,” she says, “is he so small, and is he already sprinkling?”
I smiled and corrected it.) Aunt doesn’t mind:"I’m speaking spray now in English?"
"Yes, I humble myself, and I spray."
“Well,” smiles the happy lady, “so many years have passed... and I remember.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136015
My number is not in the first 200 million after the zero of the number Pi.
yyy > Look for a.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136014
No, patients just don’t call us, but today it broke all the records!
Hi to you! Anesthesia by Mikhailovna.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136013
The real Russiano is made of shrimp and cigarrillo! It looks like coffee in color.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136012
How loudly in the neighboring apartment at four o’clock in the morning, the laser printer clicks, scratches and swings!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136011
In the parent group in the social network about once every three days there are posts from the series "In the sandbox (the list of fake children's names), our (a) Vanya / Masha / Petya / Tanya somehow does not fit". Each author quite sincerely believes that he was the first to make a brilliant joke, a hundred million previous repetitions with small variations in emphasis did not see, and in general he really has one child with the unique name of Lech, and all around - Lucrezia. In general, I moderate that group, and it seems to me that about Chukcha, who is not a reader, but a writer, is not a joke at all!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136010
In the evening, the sister at the table painted something with paint, the cat sleeping peacefully in the neighboring chair. Here the little girl runs somewhere, and the cat, apparently deciding to appreciate the art, jumped to the table. When the sister came, she immediately shouted, “Lice, come down quickly!” You will ruin me all!! The cat jumps, says its long "miu" and importantly leaves. Her sister follows her: Go yourself in the ass! I am an artist here!

After seeing the masterpiece, I came to the conclusion that the fox would have been no worse! and :)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №136009
You are funny people, those who always talk " but let your child ". My child will send this conductor in the default direction, and if he is in a bad mood, he will mark along with his friends because he is unable to mess people. Not everyone is going to grow a refined vanilla creation.

Has he been drowned on his way?

Their will give. of old stocks.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №136008
and Daddy:

You are funny people, those who always talk " but let your child ". My child will send this conductor in the default direction, and if he is in a bad mood, he will mark along with his friends because he is unable to mess people. Not everyone is going to grow a refined vanilla creation.

Has he been drowned on his way?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №136007
to this:

"Nevichek asks on the forum..."

Good morning Mr Novichok. How is the weather in Prague?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №136006

Hockey to Hockey:
O madness, sin, and suffering of thirst,
You left us without life at the cold and metal piece!
No to heating!

The school!! to

Silent and silent trembling.
The metal under the window:
There is no heating!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №136005
A colleague, a big joke, runs into the office and begins to rumble that he has seen a monk’s ghost in the hallway.
Another colleague flegmatically replies: "Oh, this is brother Alexander, he often goes here, don't be afraid of him, he is kind!"
The colleague 1:
I joked at all!
Part 2 (very seriously)
And I am not.
Question: Who has struck whom?

It reminded the story of how the master of the Bachchi, in order not to be stolen, left a note among the watermelons: "One of the watermelons is poisoned" and saw a note in the morning: "Now two."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №136004
Do it with a pickup.
I was once asked to just look at what the site is - there are no online orders at all. I looked... I said:
Do you know why orders do not come from the site?
Why is?
-because you have there, fucking, no button "order!" >_<
and yes? Oh well okay.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136003
In Texas found the largest oil and gas field in the United States

In the United States, there is no democracy.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136002
The elite tiger: A long time ago, I went to the kindergarten in the evenings for the baby. Near the building, a bunch of local dogs fed, who laugh and throw on almost all women, men are afraid but also lie. Day two - tired of everything, bought a bottle of gas (more for the experiment). The stall ran out, I splashed gas - one piss got stuck. She was angry and buried in the snow. Some great-grandmother is jumping - ah you are such a herod, why you torture an animal, they are dogs... I silently turned and went to the garden. The most crazy thing happened the next day, when the dogs grabbed this grandmother’s coat, rolled it down and began to ride on the snow. There was nothing serious, I and another guy ran and kicked the dogs (good that it was in the winter), but to hear the old lady mate the dog crawls is like listening to a concert. The next day, the cluster was already there - apparently, or the workers from the building dislodged them or the captives came.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna