— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №156917
France’s Foreign Minister Le Drian called Australia’s rupture of the submarine contract a bad blow to the back.

And breaking relations on the Mistral is a thoughtful, wise decision.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156916
Grandpa on a horse

In our collegiate in the 70s, in the early 80s, my grandfather worked, "with greetings", worked in the tractor brigade with a water truck on a horse. So a local fool... He was brought by relatives in the early 1970s, whether from Yisk or from Temryuk... I don’t remember exactly. Then someone from the board broke...

He also worked on horseback there at his own colloquial farm - bring the trailer... They put him to the pilots on the AN-2 - fertilizers were thrown. Then they brought them for lunch, then they had oil, then water, but they were shorter. And constantly checking them - let them ride? Well, they joked, they cracked - a fool, what will you take from him... Then one of the pilots stumbled, saying - We will go for lunch, and you will fly for now. They sit in the dining room, eat and see their plane take off and starts to spin the figures of the highest pilot on the CUCKER... then calmly sits down and this fool comes out of the plane, says - the engine is weak! Here was the headquarters - mints, the KGB - the hijacking of aircraft, etc.

He was a naval aviation pilot and a war hero. He came from the war, married, three children wife, live glad... There was a fire and the whole family..... the psychic he did not withstand... sent to the colchon for easy labor. The confidants turned and decided on the top - noise about the robbery not to raise, and it was sent to relatives.

The pilots of this "maize" then said that they can't fly this way - they were not taught that way.

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156915
Irusya made a haircut, painted, put on new underwear and ran to the neighbor to borrow salt. It came, and there already Oksana borrowed...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156914
Once in my deep childhood, at eight or ten, I wanted something strange. It was a rather harmless desire - not to torture the pockets and not to torture the cats of dogs, but for the vast majority of the boys of my age, the inaccessible, for the urban, it was definitely impossible - I wanted to crack. Just so, not in the game and without any other justification to give the maximum power of the voice. Planned and done. I went into the forest, which was around the military unit, where my father served, went quite far, exactly a kilometer away, and, sitting on a penny, began to give roulettes. Rest for five minutes, rest and again. and again. and again. He gave out screams of very different tones, but all at full volume. He was angry and already wanted to finish, but at this time his father jumped out of the bowl, and with him three more officers, and two of them had guns. What are you screaming? They ask – what happened? Nothing - I answered - I just wanted to fuck, so I went away. And we — we said — thought that animals were eating you here and rushing to help.

Strangely enough, there were no punishments. But since then and in part and in the officer town knew who of the boys was the loudest.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156913
One day you will ask me what I love more: you or soup. I will answer: the first.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156912
The consequences of computerization: Former urban youths become bloggers.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156911
I encountered the story about Botswana and Capablanca and recalled “the roads we choose” and something about the moral appearance of the builders of communism).

Probably somewhere in the 80s came to our school the international chess master V. Zilberstein. The one who is best known, apparently, as his disciple is Jan the Unremembering.
The town is small, the strongest chess player is a slightly drinking KMS. In general, the arrival of the champion of the RSFSR - an event for the city, and for the school where he was asked to give a session - something incredible.
A man 15 schoolchildren were released from classes to run home for chess and then sat in the acting room behind tables with figures. The master walked around and made moves.

My father taught me how to play chess, books and chess textbooks I had never seen. It was simply not to get in the years of the Soviet "abundance". Several times I went to the chess section of the same slightly drinking KMS, but listening to his abstract sentences about life was not interesting.

Back to the session. Growth I was quite small, at my 12 years I did not rise much above the table. Walking on the twentieth saw an interesting combination, told about it to the neighbor, and when approaching the master sacrificed a pedestrian.
Maestro during the session did not refuse to make at one board several moves in a row if the opponent responded quickly. So I immediately made the second move and the maestro, taking a step back from the next table, came back to me, looked at the position and realized that the party for him was over.

And then - a series of enthusiastic teachers, the director, some solid comrades from the city - yes!!! But a little later.

...Maestro quietly put back on the board the pedestrian he took, returned the position back and passed. At my blind eye and question – “But you have already gone.” This adult Gondon, who was under the forty, calmly that according to the rules of the sessions, I had to wait for him to make the Circle and come back to me.

No, I don’t think I’d become a world champion with the feeling that I could win from an international champion, but who knows...
But a good lesson of the fact that an adult respectable person can be a shit in the soul, I definitely got.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №156910
In the coming days we will choose those who will live well in Russia.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №156909
You are a bad person if someone’s disgust brings you more joy than sex and drinking.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №156908
I have a neighbor of Light, often borrowing from me "before receiving" a fashion-two thousand rubles. She and her husband sometimes run out, but she always comes on time and pays back the debt. Adding a pack of licensed Malborough cigarettes to the note. I lived a long life. If possible, I borrowed to relatives, friends and acquaintances. Someone gave quickly, someone pulled (the ruble fell one and a half or two times), and someone just showered me. The drinking neighbor of Light is the only person in my life who paid back his debt with interest.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156907
Help me with the composition. It takes at least 350 words.
What is the subject?
Nekrasov: “Who in Russia lives well.”
Write to “Deputies”.
It takes 350 words.
Write by name!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156906
According to the Forbes magazine, a study conducted in 2020 found that the pulse of the viewer when watching the movie "Sinister" increases by an average of 32% - to 86 beats per minute. According to the researchers, this is the highest figure among the 50 horror films with the highest rating on the Internet Movie Database, Rotten Tomatoes and Reddit. The film was recognized as the worst horror film in history.

I have a pulse of about 90.

XXX: So for you this movie will be reassuring ;)

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №156905
You said we just drank coffee.

YYY: Should I push out?

XXX is no. Just don’t bite me anymore.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №156904
About high spirituality, power begins to bubble when it wants to press on something material.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156903
The daughter of my Chicago acquaintance, Marina, named Jeanne, had dreamed of two things since her childhood: to become a stewardess and to live in France, and both dreams were fulfilled. She learned French, graduated from stewardess school and met an engineer from Toulouse at a height of 10 thousand meters.

Her husband, inspired by her example, decided to realize her childhood dream of heaven. He flew on the weekend in the air club, then passed the civil pilot exam for 40 years. Now Air France pilot, all the way, but at first at this age and without experience he was not taken anywhere. There was only a second pilot’s seat in a business jet in Vilnius. So they found themselves in Lithuania for several years, without acquaintances and knowledge of Lithuanian. With the locals communicated in English, sometimes went to the course of Jeannine Russian. They removed the house on the huthor and in parallel with the accumulation of flight hours took up the continuation of the family. Yes, when the younger was to be born, the eldest daughter was barely a year old. There were no babysitters, they did it themselves. Next, I tell from the face of Marina, that is, Jeanne’s mother.

“Tonight, I haven’t gone from work yet, Jean calls:
Mom, I think I have a fight!

According to the schedule before the birth of a week, the son-in-law flew on the last flight before the holiday, the son-in-law arrived in the morning. My beauty to his return cleaned the house, cooked the borscht (he, for the sake of French, the borscht respects) and apparently overworked and provoked childbirth. I say to call the doctor urgently, they had a contract with a private clinic. She is:
Where am I, little day? She just fell asleep. I will endure until morning.
“No,” I said, “family, it doesn’t work that way. It is not shameful to give birth. Find someone to sit with her. Friends and neighbors.
I know few neighbors, they are all behind the fence. And there are no friends, and who are probably sleeping, we have half a night. Okay, I will try it.

and turned off. I sit like on needles. Half an hour later he calls again:
The doctor refused to come. Maybe he’s lazy, or maybe he doesn’t really get it. I am now in a taxi, I am going to the state hospital. It’s faster than an ambulance. Polynika was there alone, I didn’t call anyone. Mom, please go into the monitor and watch her until Jack comes. Relax when you wake up.

They have a child monitor. On the wall in the children's room camera, through it you can monitor the child from the smartphone and talk. When I was with them, Jeanne put a program on my phone and taught me how to use it. I say :
What if she got out of bed and died? What will I do with my Chicago?
I couldn’t get out, I tied her to my leg.
Well, she’ll get sick, she’ll get sick with that rope. Jeanne, why are you silent? by Jeanne!

There’s only stones in the cable. Probably the fighting started again. Then I hear a taxi driver say in Russian:
Wait for five minutes, we’re here. Just don’t give birth in the car, please, I don’t know how to give birth.

And the silence. The phone turned off. I went into the monitor. My granddaughter is asleep, sleeping in two holes, and I am uncomfortable. And then, in 20 minutes, I see a man with a beard in the room. I whispered to him (so that the granddaughter would not wake up):
Who are you? I will call the police now!
And I wonder: how will I call the Lithuanian police? In what language and by what number? Did he understand me at all?

The man trembled and sat by surprise. He turned his head, found the source of the sound and said to the camera, also whispering:
I am Nicholas. That is Nicholas. Do you have to be Jeanne’s mother?

No problem, I guess, who’s in the Jeannoths. Old for her, rather my age. You can’t see much on the monitor. I tell him:
Please go away sooner. Jeanne is not home, and her husband will soon come back.

He says:
You did not understand so. I’m the driver, I’ve now taken Jean to the nursery. She forgot her bag in the car. I first just wanted to return the bag, and then I thought... I heard your conversation with her, I realized that the little girl was left alone without supervision. So I decided to follow her, it wasn’t difficult for me.
How did you get into the house?
The keys in the bag.
How did you know the address?
I took it from that address. I’m an honest man, don’t think.
It is good that you are an honest person. Someone else in your place would catch what is more expensive and run away from all the legs.
I would not have escaped far. Jeanne had the number of my car left, she called a taxi through the aggregator.
Sit in a chair next to the wall. Thanks to you.

15 minutes of silence. Suddenly he stumbled:
Excuse me, what is your name?
and Marina.
Can I go and get a book to read? The phone is down and I feel like I’m going to sleep. I’ve been driving since morning.
“Please, but I fear they don’t have books in Russian or Lithuanian. Only English and French. So that you don’t fall asleep, let’s talk.

And we began to talk. I told him about Jean and all her fate. A little about myself. He told about himself. An interesting man appeared. Engineer, finished the university in Leningrad. My wife was Lithuanian, so they did not leave. Now only one remains in Vilnius: his son is a musician, playing in a symphony orchestra somewhere in Europe. 2 hours talked. Here I get an SMS from Jeanne: “3200/51”. She gave birth, I mean. I told Nicholas to go to the kitchen, find some alcohol and drink for the newborn.

He came with a drink and used to chew with me. Specifically, with a monitor camera. Although I didn’t have any alcohol, I didn’t leave work at home, wifi to the hell. We woke up and we woke up the little girl. She shrugged. I see, Nicholas takes her out of the bed, changed her diapers, gave her water from a bottle. It was as if she had worked as a babysitter all her life. Polynka our girl was careful, and then she saw little strangers, she was afraid of them. But I pulled to him. He sat down on the chair, put her on herself, and she fell asleep again. I also fell asleep, I finally got calm, my daughter is okay and my granddaughter is in safe hands.

I woke up with a scream from the phone:
Marina and Marina! Finally explain it to him!
I look into the monitor, and there the son-in-law chases Nicholas throughout the room, the one turns away from him, the granddaughter is crying in the bed. Well, obviously, the son-in-law came home, and at the entrance of a taxi, the door, in the chair sleeps a stranger with his daughter in his arms. God knows what he thought. They could not explain themselves, they could only speak Lithuanian, they could not speak Russian at all, Nikolai's English is not better.

I explained everything to Jacques from the monitor. He calmed down, sneaky sneaky, wanted to give Nicholas money. He did not take it, stumbled and left. But he did not disappear at all, the daughter found him by the number of the car and persuaded him to come to see the baptist. Then she started asking to sit with the children, since Polynka is not afraid of him. So fortunately, my grandchildren both grandparents died, and suddenly such a grandfather appeared. And he is well, he also has no grandchildren, his son is all on tour, his family has not gotten.

When I came to visit the children in Lithuania, he invited me for a date. He was good in this matter too. I’t marry him, that’s too much. But they met every time I came, until the children left for France.”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №156902
For the start of the heating season it is necessary that the average daily air temperature does not exceed +8 degrees for 5 days.
Or the elections.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156901
How can you be a natural if your penis has only a male hand?

YYY: I position myself as an anatomically correlating bigger: my whole body is a man, while the arm defines itself as a woman. Appeal to.

X: And your hand won’t mind getting to know me?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156900
I remembered history. He worked in the European network from 14-16 years. The point we had was a small one, located in the back yard of a large TC next to a bunch of old 9thysets. The flow of customers - local residents, going from work and to work, schoolchildren, and residents of Caucasus countries with their many thousands of transfers to the homeland. A lot of interesting things happened there, but now a pleasant story related to one of my clients. This was a grandmother of the 70s and 80s, who came by the clue of her granddaughter with a precise TV to buy a normal phone. To my questions and clarifications answered - the granddaughter says to take a touch, and I am afraid, can the usual button take? I answered, and why not? You will talk to her on Skype / WhatsApp, watch online recipes, etc. I offered her SGS 4 mini, he then stood in the area of 14k, at our point the top for his dungeons was, turned on, showed. She turned it around and said, “All of course, it’s beautiful and convenient, but I’m old and I can’t handle it myself... And let’s buy it, and you’ll teach me how to use it?” And then I became interested, agreed, she bought. On the same day, he showed her how to break contacts from her ancient button, installed a vatsap, Skype, showed her how to call, write text messages. All this she carefully contained in the notepad. The next day she came and began to show what she learned and what she did not understand. So a week passed and I was very pleased and admired by this person, at her age many even do not want to touch the new technology, and she mastered all the basic functions, plus learned to use several applications and all this in such a short period of time. Such are the clients. She, by the way, then sometimes came in, brought delicious and good mood to our little point)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №156899
The hungry is not a companion.

The Russian billionaire called on compatriots to reduce consumption volumes and give up all the superfluous, but did not take into account that the consumption of most citizens in recent years has been reduced to a minimum, and superfluous in their lives are billionaires, officials and other "servants of the people".

© Dmitry Sviridov

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156898
The gifts of magicians.

From Yash to Yana half an hour on sabhae. Both are divorced, he shares an apartment with his parents, she took the only bedroom to the schoolchildren and sleeps in the living room. The richest city in the world, with about four million such poor immigrants, does not want to share its wealth. Six months ago, they met with common friends, and since then life has become much more tolerant, although material difficulties have gone nowhere.

She works as a social worker, he transports and collects furniture. Work is tough, but there are times when you can call and talk. One trouble: in the courtyard the beginning of two thousand, cell phone conversations are paid for a minute, and these minutes hit the pocket hard, talk Яна loves. Only calls within one provider are free, but their providers are different – say, Yasha Sprint, and Yana Verayzon.

A new year is coming, 2005. Delicate Yashin's parents went to celebrate with neighbors, our heroes remained alone. Yasha opens a champagne, gives Jan a cheap silver ring and says:
Sunny, it was not an easy year. But it was a very happy year because I met you. The ring is something that can be passed from hand to hand. My gift is another. Today I went to a cell phone store and transferred all my phones – and my parents – from Sprint to Verizon. Now you can talk free as much as you want.

Then Anna begins to cry. Through tears he said:
You and I are two idiots. I also wanted to give you a gift. I went to a cell phone store and transferred all my phones – and my children – from Verayzon to the Sprint. This is a two-year contract without a penalty cancellation.

Yasha stirred her on her shoulder:
Why are you killing yourself? There was a disagreement, offensive, but even funny. It is just money. We will earn.
“I’ve had all my life of such inconsistencies,” Janas cries out. I am a complete coincidence. That week she confused Tuesday with Wednesday, leaving the car on the wrong side of the street – a $100 fine. The cake today twice helled, in the first it was poured salt instead of sugar. The bridegroom chose, it turned out to be alchemy. You seem to be okay, and here’s that shit with the phone.

Yasha remained silent for a long time, and then said:
I know what to do. Let my parents stay with Verizon, and I will move on to your contract at the Sprint. This is a family plan, up to five phones can be connected, right?
will not succeed. Family plan only for family members.
“Well,” says Yasha. I am about what? Give the ring for a minute. The seller advised me to take a bracelet for the same price, and I insisted: the ring, and that’s all. I knew I would need it. This, I understand, is a coincidence.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna