— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145414
I used to think that baklaws are humans, but it turns out that there are other similar birds.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145413
Some argue that the virtual is a way by which mankind has satisfied the craving to conquer new lands. And when the romantic era passed and the states began to pile cyberspace on the colony, the inhabitants of cyberspace began to fight for freedom and went other politotota, all kinds of illonmasks again returned to the forgotten conquest of space, because it is inherent in man to scatter, but it does not matter where exactly.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145412
Jura stood up and sat down on the bed. No, I’m not going to read any more at night, he thought. Why do you never want to sleep at night, and do you experience such torments in the morning?

The book is 56 years old, and the same problem. and :(

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145411
Xxx: There was a large family next to us on the beach, the girl wanted to go to the bathroom "by big". So the mom, instead of taking the child to the toilet (meters 50), began to dig a pit right on the beach... This is the public today in the once-pontous Turkish hotel Amara Dolce Vita Luxury.
yyy: "It is good to be a kissa, a good dog, in Amara I live longer only in the pit."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145410
Posts Tagged ‘SANTEHNIK+ ELEKTRIK’ This sign would be hanging now, if good people didn't write "= LOVE" at the end.

and? Instead of being embarrassed, frightened and broken, we would write a note "to you for your money ", and all things :D

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145409
I think many would have grabbed their hearts if, in the darkness of a desert park, a confused man came to them with a leash and a wig in his hands and asked:
Have you seen Rottweiler here?

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145408
Why does VKontakte have a status "in active search", but not "in passive waiting"? Suitable for some.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145407
The Nobel Peace Prize:

2009 Barack Obama "for outstanding efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation among peoples" Five years after the Second Cold War.
2012 - The EU for six decades of protecting human rights in Europe and its long-term role in uniting the continent. Brexit in four years.
2013 – Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons for its extensive work on the elimination of chemical weapons Three years later, chemical weapons were used against civilians in Syria.
2017 International Campaign for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145406
> this is not an English language forum. You could explain that it is not so.

Fighters remember it! Corn is an American plant
tobacco, potatoes, maize and more than all types of endemics
Kuri Google about Columbus exchange
You need to look at time, right? How many centuries divide Caesar of our Gaius Julius and Christopher Columbus?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145405
xxx> The more attractive the work, the further it is from home. And in the south of Moscow, there is nothing at all, everyone is asleep here and everything.
XXX> What did you call that morning?
yyy> have gone by.
xxx> is not true
yyy> There is a shorter super place, straight for you, a friend on the promotion left.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145404
In our country, green youth planted on blooms, instead of flowers, cabbage, strawberries, beets, peanut, etc. It is called urban agriculture. My daughter’s comments: you’re standing like this near the dead, you’re cooking borsches. There is no pot, so you cook in a spoon. There is no plywood, so you heat the lighthouse. And then you honestly look in the eyes of the police, saying "you can’t believe it, borscht warju".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145403
xxx: Can civilian aircraft (Boeing, Airbus, Superjet) perform figures of superior piloting?
YYY: Once you can

In reality, it can be without problems. On the first open demonstration flight of the Boeing-707, the pilot performed a barrel. and twice. Causing panic in the management of the company, which, like the writers above, was unaware that manoeuvres with a load of 1 g do not create dangerous loads.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №145402
A comparison of the American writer Josh Basel in the novel "Wild creature" of the metric system with the English: "One milliliter of water takes one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and if we spend one calorie of heat, we heat it by one degree - that is, a hundredth of the difference between the temperature of boiling and the temperature of freezing. Now try to calculate the energy needed to boil a gallon of room temperature water. The only possible answer is, “Go to hell.”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145401
XHH: And you can imagine that there are people near you who can translate "do not cover" as "do not cover".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145400
The wicked Mesozoic praarbuzha, instead of loving her praarbuz relatives, thought to go up on the bed with vegetables from the neighboring tribe. Per her deed deserved the reproach of contemporaries, but opened brilliant prospects. Without that strange pair of tetraploid babies, we would not be able to see today giant Halloween turkeys, juicy dunes and crispy salt cucumbers like our ears.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145399
Translators of films

I watch on NTV the film "Cleopatra" (1963) with a chord translation (although it was duplicated from the very beginning). Caesar in Alexandria gives orders to the Legionaries: "Seize corn ships!" Voice after frame: "Take the ships with the corn!"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145398
The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. Sadly, there are too many problems with the script.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145397
Well, once I went here stories about the Moscovites and "there is no life behind the MKAD", I will add my 5 kopecks.
In Soviet times, he moved around the USSR (a military family), lived in Kazakhstan and in the Transcaucasia and in Ukraine. I currently live in Yoshkar-Ole.
For those who are unaware (or live within the MKADA) Yoshkar-Ola - the capital of the republic of Mari El, 700 km from Moscow, near Kazan and Cheboksar and the time zone coincides with Moscow.
So, I wanted to improve my housing conditions 6 years ago. He looked at the “three” and started selling his “two”. found a buyer. Everything is fine, only the money he does not have in cash, but according to the state program of veterans of the WOW. This means that after the transaction the money on my account our beloved state is obliged to transfer within a month. It stressed me very much. I was dealing with my beloved. As one satirist said, “We love each other! I am the only one who is platonic, and he is trying to rape me all the time!” But Rieltor reassured me: “It’s all going to be typ-top. This is not her first deal of this kind." Well, I went... Truth with the seller for the case agreed that the money may appear a month later...
And here it happened. Wait a month, there is no money.
Waiting for another – no money.
Looking forward to the third, you know?
The seller is already betrayed, I wear like a bobby on friends and banks, take loans under wild interest... And I directly feel some slight mental discomfort. And it seems to me (if I am wrong, the older comrades will correct me) that the cause of this discomfort is my native state.
And then I (believing I have the right to) write directly to Medvedev’s reception D.A. He said: They are offended! Not only my rights are violated, but also the rights of the respected veteran of the Soviet Union, who shed his blood for the state, for which today’s state is the successor and resource-inheritor.
Well, and signed all by чин-chin: Vasya Pupkin, Yoshkar-Ola RME
What would you think?
Two weeks later, I get a letter at the number A26-05-92474, signed by the Adviser of the Department of written appeals of citizens and organizations N. Saenko.
“Your appeal for the purpose of ensuring your constitutional right is addressed to the Government of the UDMURT REPUBLIC.”
The curtain!
Who has not understood RME and Udmurtia are somewhat different subjects of the Russian Federation. They don’t even border with each other.
And this is the response from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation to work with the appeals of citizens!
After that, I had the desire to buy a map of the Russian Federation and send it to this same administration to Mr. Saenko.
But then I cooled and understood the depth and wisdom of this personnel policy. Think for yourself: the enemy has attacked our beloved homeland. And his commando captured the “language.” Not a simple language, but a high-ranking one. The entire Department Advisor (and so on) Mr. Saenko N. And his enemies began to torture him, “Responding bistro, where is Yoshkar-Ola?” And he asks them: Where? In the Udmurtia! Enemy let him check on a lie detector. Check it all right! Not to lie! And the enemy drove the landing on Yoshkar-Olu, and the landing hit Izhevsk! And Izhevsk is the city of the Kalashnikov machine! Here are the enemies and death.
God is with these officials. They don’t have to understand anything by definition. Take our show business.
I watch somehow on TV on the channel "Nostalgia" the broadcast "Collapse of Time". There the host in direct communication with TV viewers. So I decided to talk too. He called, “Hello, they say, where do you call from?” I say “From Yoshkar-Ola.” And there is such an unfailing surprise: “Oh, nothing to yourself! From Yoshkar-Ola “Are you already at midnight?” Well, I slightly squeezed (the time for us and in Moscow was nine o’clock in the evening), and I say, yes what you! We are here in the morning!”
That is how we talked...
So behind the MCAD with life really isn’t everything obvious...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145396
Putin said that the future belongs to those who can control artificial intelligence from the outside. I fear this is a hint that he wants to put Medvedev in the presidential chair again.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №145395
I am standing by a pedestrian zebra. The red light burns. I wait. Suddenly a girl goes by. The second, when she saw her, also broke up (this is herd instinct!). A man standing next to him speaks on the phone:
Today is a pedestrian day.
At that end of the wire, they apparently asked something like "Who?"
The boy in response:
Foolish OOOOOOOOO!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna