— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134561
The frivol symbolism of the Red Hat only Charles Perrault and brought, and the popular version of any "men" did not mean, but meant - in the direct text - brutal murder and eating. In Germany and France at the time of the birth of the fairy tale was a real ahtung with wild wolves, respectively, children should be intimidated in a form understandable to children.
In general, the popular versions are closer to Grimm, and Perro is too inclined to decorate everything with curtains.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134560
It was about six or nine years ago. Our dad often put a password on the computer to block us from accessing toys. And then one day, my younger brother and I managed to look at the length of the password and began to guess. On the third or fourth day of such a brute force, the brother who has been charged manually writes in the password entry window "danunafig".
And slowly shrinking, watching the loading of the wire.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134559
Spring in our country is very short. Winter, winter, and suddenly... autumn.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134558
I would say that the elderly are an indicator for society in general and the economy in particular. You can not even go into the details of the type of GDP and place in some rating. Just look at pensions.
The elderly in the country live normally - in the country everyone lives normally. This is a normal country. The elderly are living badly - something in the economy is not the case, since the country cannot or does not want to provide a person who has brought money to this country all his life, a decent old age. This is a fucking country. All is simple.

A normal person can fool what his country has GDP indicators or in what place the economy according to renowned analysts or how much his country in the world is afraid and what kind of army it has, if he knows that in old age he will be put on a whore (he is already in the past). It will soon die and all. And if it is not a fool and there is a possibility, then he will try to leave for a young country with a smaller scope, but where he will know that having worked all his life for this country, he will not need old age.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №134557
A little about life:
I was hit by a secondary truck today. Then I went out to meet me against traffic on the street with unilateral movement. Then, elsewhere, I ignored the impediment on the right and popped me in the forehead. He was stuck because he could not turn. He opens the window and cries:
I see you for the third time!! You, lady, are somewhat troubled!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134556
Anatoly Wasserman has a special jacket, in each pocket of which is a Nokia 3310.

The jacket was created on the occasion of the encounter with Chuck Norris and is absolutely impenetrable.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134555
I recently got the rights. I go home to the garage, my husband commands, standing in the gate:
Go out! → Taaak, yes, well, stronger... Rabbit, drive on yourself!! to
He finished the aircraft. If we land badly, we must take off.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134554
ShineSL: Let's play a bdsm game with you - I'll pull you up and the stop word will be the PIN code from your bank card? o.o

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №134553
Well... after surgery on my hip I have a luxurious scarring, and by profession I am a PLC programmer. Now when they joke about a shot in my leg, I can mysteriously smile and hit my shorts.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134552
If tomorrow’s apocalypse (war) you’re ready for it?
X: Do you have any plans for such a scenario?
Yyy: I know the nearest cemetery.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134551
The error came out:

Stories are told to children to form desirable behavior. Example: if you are going to walk in the woods with wolves (read, adult men) - the stomach gets heavy. Whoever is curious, self-discuss which fairy tale is what morality. But keep in mind, the above applies to natural folk tales, not edited for children's books.

In the fairy tale, the stomach was heavy in the wolf, so it is not clear who is more dangerous to walk in the forest.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134550
Review of the game in Steam
Agent Parasite
From the graphics in the game, people with vision -10 went crazy, not understanding why the glasses don’t work.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №134549
XHH: Dear administration, thank you for your wonderful website. I read it every morning and every time I see how lucky I am. Judging from the publication, I have the perfect family, golden children, colleagues – just cute strangers, and neighbors – the best of what you can wish. And the most surprising thing is that I could once doubt it.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №134548
in the database in the reference book: Main and Second
Must be blue.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134547
What is the smell in the kitchen? Something has burned?
Yyy: not burned, but just burned sharply

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №134546
The Institute. I enter the audience. I sit down and wait for the teacher. Then I remember that the teacher was me.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134545
Eefrit: I go out on the balcony, I look at the bull lying on the floor. Well, I do not smoke on the balcony, it is clear that the neighbors are uncultural. He threw out. The next day I go out, two bulls roll. I cried about myself, I went out again. A few days later, four bulls were found there.
Eefrit: Walk over me Lerney Hydra lives.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134544
All the problems of women from insecurity in themselves.
When a girl is educated correctly, she can organize her own life and knows the price for herself. If a man has too many complaints, she simply says to him, “Why torture each other?” Let’s get along" And it doesn’t even need to be said, this message is the motto of relationships that arise. And all OK. Infantiles, fools, chauvinists are sown off in the first month of dating.
Most girls are not educated that way. Chickens in their image and likeness infuse their daughters with patience and the cult of pants in the house. Better bad than yours. He does not drink. But not alone. and other cockroaches. And here she works, and invests at home, and is always guilty of something, not always good enough. And while he turns with friends after work on which he is not stressed at all, she is raising a new generation of tolerant and mommy's sons.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134543
When it comes to cleaning, it makes no sense to prove anything. This is the type of women who create difficulties for themselves and then themselves demonstratively and heroically solve them. They monitor the working household equipment. They wash the dishes before loading them into the machine and wipe them dry afterwards. They wash the floors exclusively on the four, heroically standing up and grabbing the backbone. They don’t buy ready farce, pasta, salt... only hand-made, only hardcore. They will reject anything that could facilitate their work. And they will demand from those around them gratitude and respect for the fact that they stumble to the blue. Because this is their only opportunity to be needed and useful and to put pressure on others. And all attempts to explain that such a sacrifice of oneself to the altar of the family is not only not necessary, but directly does not need to be perceived as a sting and as an assault on their "irreplaceability."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134542
I’ll show you the captain.
They came down from the ship, and Yoshia began to sneeze.
“Pikitan, where is Picitan? Show me the picket!
Here came out the captain of the heatboat - and this is a thin male of small height, in a sports suit, bald, although young, in general, reckless. Jojo, let me cry
“Daddy, you cheated, it’s not a picket! He is just the ship’s driver.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna