— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133839
Liilka: The child in the last few days began to take toys with him to bed at night. And on the one hand, I’m glad that he’s beginning to show attachment to things, that he’s developing his own arrangement ritual.
Liilka: On the other hand, I feel like I have a fire car, a cabbage pot and a screwdriver in my bed.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №133838
In the first trimester, she caused me a hysteria, which I called a vegetable tomato salad, because tomatoes are berries. In the third trimester, she asked me to jump from work to the store and buy her something with berries. Naturally, I could not miss such a troll and bought her a tomato paste.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133837
Asked the question: "Do the Dutch play hockey on the grass?", I understood that the wording of the question is not so unambiguous.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №133836
I go to work very early. The eldest daughter remains the boss. She asked her to check the fees for the school. Then I called from work and asked for a report.She said that they were collecting everything strictly according to the diary. The child took everything to school except the diary.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133835
You have had a tough childhood, once you are a sweetheart and sympathetic, herbivorous.
Have you read books about animals?
There is just written that a barley can eat (beaten in advance) even a snake.
Insects and small rodents.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №133834
One of my acquaintances rejected the thesis that words can’t solve anything.

Let’s call him Tolkien. He was struggling seriously with his wife. She eventually went to her mother with the words, "I will file for divorce myself." Staying in proud solitude, he thoroughly dressed himself in the first evening. And somewhere by the first hour of the night, I realized that drinking is a disappointment and you need a companion who can speak out. He called one of his former friends with whom heined a friendly relationship. Why did he call her, history is silent.

The former (let’s call her Lena) with a sleepy voice naturally refused to go crawling through half a city at the second hour of the night. Despite the friendly relationship. He hanged the phone.

Tolik was overwhelmed, but here from Lenin's number called back. A gentle man’s voice was presented by Maxim. He told Tolik that he had recently become Lenin’s husband. And he is very eager to know how scary his wife in the middle of the night drunk men call. He opened the Pandora’s box.

Tolik first diplomatically expressed his understanding about Maxim’s dissatisfaction. Then he described his situation. In general, word for word and dialogue ended in the fact that Maxim dressed up, got a bottle of some cognac from the stocks and went to bow to Toliko. In spite of Lenin’s protest.

Closer to dawn, their joint sitting gained a shade of Zen enlightenment. And they called both wives by loud communication, acting as each other’s lawyers.

And the potential divorce has strangely turned into a friendship between two young families.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №133833
We realised matkapital, entered a mortgage and bought the cheapest one in the new building. They decided not to rush to repair, remove and remove until the children grow up. A couple of times came to the object and met a new neighbor so to say. A normal man, too, bought a single for his growing son and also decided to give up until the outbreak of the mind will get. Since the market I have not yet monitored, I asked about the prices for the rent of apartments, the neighbor briefly explained why and told such a story. The next is from his words (C is a neighbor, Z is a woman).

I put the house on the site, the price made lower by 1000, as the house is new, in the huevo-kuyevo on the edge of the ground, the extreme floor, and so far all the repairs will be done in the coming year you can not shrink from the sounds of repairs from ALL sides. The discount is quite justified, and the market is now "on the bottom", so it is not the time to be greedy. In a few days I get a call from a woman.

Why do you rent an apartment so cheaply? ! to

Without intermediaries, the last floor. (See further on the list. and above,

Well, I don’t know in our house all the apartments rent for 1000-2000 more expensive, you what special? ! to

O O O O O. Well, give it for a mile, I will give it for that price!

It’s not good to start with neighbors.

My apartment will not play a role for you, I have it alone, not 30.

Are you not afraid that you will be beaten? ! to ? to ! to ? to ! to ? to ! to

C - Well now I'm definitely not afraid, your number has come to light, and the conversations I record all, so that in the event of a stumbling, I will know where the legs grow from!

It is a fox. He hanged the phone.

I haven’t seen his neighbor again, I hope he’s done it. Here is such a marasma already flourishing in the house, which is populated by 15-20 percent, let’s see what happens next. All are good!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №133832
I called the car salon. Until the call switched to the operator, music was playing. From the film "Beware of the car". In which the main character deals with stolen cars. I decided not to contact this room.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133831
They are ashamed to buy condoms in the pharmacy... but you don’t know anything.
Go to accounting with a bill of a thousand (!) Rubber products No. 2... Yes, listening to the jokes of accounting staff. And these jokes do not change from year to year - although they have long known that these condoms - "technical", the cheapest and unsweetened - are needed for the hermetic packaging of samples of bottom precipitation on the ship during scientific expeditions.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133830
I read about Lily-Rose Melody Depp.

The daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis.

Lily has a younger brother, Jack.

Jack the Younger?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №133829
The most common situation when you release a person who needs to get out at the next stop, and in your place someone who considers himself really clever (__!__) experience:

You took my place.

Have you seen yourself? It is useful to you!

It seems to me that at this very moment the man secretly received official permission from the Ministry of Companions to study this hammered creature.

Where did he get it – I don’t know, but the very fact that I had a tube of Dracos toothpaste in my hands no longer gave me peace. While the woman was sitting looking out the window, completely turning away from the people, the man very carefully, calmly and relentlessly pressed the content on her hat. Whether he had to go out at the next stop or not - it is not known, but looking at the clock, he went out. The bus accompanied him with different looks, but I looked at him as a man breaking this normality.

After the stop, the bus and I had to leave. The girl liked the phrase: “Woman, you have a toothpaste on your hat! “”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №133828
“Seller, what kind of fish you have in the ice glacier. It has almost half of the water.
Vodka is 60% water, but you are not upset.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №133827
When we had a practice in a psychiatric hospital, we conducted testing of patients. In this practice, I was convinced of the truthfulness of the opinion of a number of scientists, who believe that people with mental disabilities are not correct to perceive as "dominated" by nature, they simply perceive the world differently.

The test consisted of the following: if you call the test subject two words, he must say the one that unites them. Example: A plane and a train, connecting - transport; White and Red, connecting - color. A couple of words were simple, as in the example, as well as complicated, — to all pairs I could pick a defining word, but to one — a cock and a glass could not. I was a little stuck, I climbed to the mystery to my acquaintances, but the answers were not convincing. Most of the subjects also said nothing clear, in particular, remembered the specific response of one rabbit (from those who cut under the mental illness), the answer was - "The cockroach in the ass a glass was inserted." But there was one tested – a young man, 14 years old with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, who alone calmly and virtually without thinking, gave an adequate definition of the Cock and the Glass, besides that for some simpler pairs he could not give a definition. The cock and the glass are male.

Asked the patient what was the same in a cat and an apple, the answer was - bones.

Often different psychological tests put schizophrenics. And they compare them to the answers of “normal” people.

Among the “normal” there are also different groups. They concluded that the answers of schizophrenics to very many questions are unreally creative. Such an answer can only give a psychic, or a genius of creativity.

They asked different people the question: "What does a pencil and a shoe have in common?"

“Normal” people responded predictably. For example, they can be varied. Or – (more creatively) – shoes (sabo) can be made of wood. All the answers were predictable.

One schizophrenic man replied at once — and the shoe and pencil leave a mark.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133826
Signature to the blade of blades on AliExpress.
Read as if you were reading poetry.
Mayakovsky for example:

Extending the Brain
The Loop –
The wooden pen
A round shit!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №133825
So why not put all your efforts and effort on creating a safe option of smoking, removing the harm and smell, but leaving everything else?
The Chupa Chops.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133824
Apple has patented a standard paper bag with flexible pencil.
Stone: The next version without lunch. For those who are difficult to rebuild, the pen is extra $99.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133823
13th_ka7ahe4: All modern operating systems (nix family not included) are made for people who in the 90s in response to the proposal of "Press any key..." the first time, no doubt, cried on Power, and the second time... well, on Reset.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133822
You know that you can’t eat a lot of sweets?
and yes.
Why is?
Because the teeth and stomach will hurt. And the head. And the knees (already improvising the Faith). Something does not hurt. I need to eat more.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133821
I found this. I saw with my own eyes. How to live in America?! to
The vodka light. and 23 degrees. It freezes in the refrigerator.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133820
I hate Microsoft :)

He makes money for the bread.

XX: That doesn’t mean he’s doing the right thing. As the sale of heroin also allows you to make money on bread, but there are nuances

YYY: It is yes

xxx: It's like I worked as a rescue worker on the beach, and there were only floats on sale, which when soaked start to pull to the bottom.

XXX: I have a job for myself. On the other hand, it’s a fucking wrong thing :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna