— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №134841
How to clean the thermometer? Write a simple booklet.
Not like a nutella in guests, but like a black caviar on a sandwich for a beloved aunt.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134840
The year 2002. My then boss bought a supported Volvo S40.
And then one day he goes to a car service for a breakdown.
Within five minutes he cried out:
Ready to leave.
What is that fast?
This is Volvo.
How much of me?
and 1000 rubles.
What is so expensive?
This is Volvo.

(Cc. ©¶©

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134839
You fucking give! Then they whispered "no cars - don't give birth!"Now "no parking - don't buy a car!"You will already decide there what else to think about in advance. Could it be before your own birth, and will there be enough oxygen for everyone and in case of doubts to drown on the umbilical cord, so that you do not get distracted?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134838
From the discussion of the article on GT "Spider Legend of Zelda through memory manipulation of the game".

This is the dualism of necrophilia. Fuck the bodies. Nothing and even pleasant. And when others are incomprehensible, and you constantly ask yourself "nahuya they do it";.

YYY: This is a little bit different. Imagine that a normal high-level enterprise proger is a type of classical wizard. Drawing high-precision pentacles on the floor, calling the demons on strictly defined days on a learned list of names, studying the walls with thickness from the fortress wall

YYY: Let’s say you’re such a magician. You want ice cream. Then you approach the street ice cream shop and notice that in the place of the ordinary seller there is some sort of shrinkage in a black bowl. Without giving this special importance, you ask for an Eskimo.

YYY: The swallow begins to crazyly whisper. Then the balloon strikes and sits on the ground in front of you. Then he spit into his shit, and there the portal to Hell opens, where the horned demons swallow each other in the ass under Ramstein. The spark jumps into the portal, takes one of the demons by the horns and puzzles about the nearest boiler until he falls out of his ass. Then he comes back and gives you this Eskimo and fifteen rubles.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134837
The Chinese did not allow Obama’s pool to take off.
How the Americans in such cases bump rights I know not to hear.
But we tried to fight this in the distant 95s. We even succeeded.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Victory came everyone, including Clinton.
The battle for the number of journalists from each pool at each point was not for life but for death.
not received.
Early on the morning of May 9, the intelligence: the Americans foolishly unpacked the badges, multiplied them on a color printer and again slammed, thus increasing the number of their journalists by almost three.
There was no time to understand the word at all.
The decision was made simple and purely Russian.
The employees of the FSO on the points were distributed scissors and given the team to count.
The declared amount to skip, the rest of the beidziki without talking cut.
What is characteristic - nobody even tried to scandalize.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134836
But plastic surgery - neither to the village, nor to the city, especially if the state of the body - you will not believe! And you once again offhegeate – we have very few organisms that require this intervention!

These are things of approximately the same order. A dishwasher is absolutely not an obligatory thing in the household, you can wash it with your hands. But it is more comfortable and it saves time. With plastic surgeries the same thing - well not giving a person a rest form of the nose, he went and corrected, began to live a little better. Not to mention the fact that plastic surgery is not just to correct the nose, remove fat, insert breasts. It is also, for example, to remove a scarring from a burn on the half-face, which does not require surgery, but life - the little bit - spoils.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №134835
I’m used to being sought.

YYY: clearly

To my heart is not so easy to pick the key.

YYY: I have understood. Stay away

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134834
XXX is:
I know that the battery in the car should not sit for a month of parking. Someone will burn him. Whether it is a GPS tracker, or alarm, or a subwoofer. I need to figure it out, it’s all short.

If the battery is more than 2 years old and it is not AGM technology, I allow self-driving due to the inevitable degradation of plates.

and ZZZ:
If the battery is less than 1 year, and it is according to the technology of the Podolsk battery plant, I allow self-discharge as a result of the inevitable degradation of production. Verified by myself.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134833
The Immaculate
Good to be anonymous. And in the house of Anna, and in the Europe of Anna. And only the neighbor Rosa Isakovna cries through the whole yard "Zdгааавствуйте Ханочка!" Hears his grandmother, oh hears ))))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134832
To the fact that my sister’s poppy is most likely to reproduce the sounds of her mobile phone and the screw of the opening entrance door her households are already accustomed. And since recently he has also adapted to emit the microwave timer sound, you can imagine how many times a day the sister has to run to the kitchen to make sure that it was the next "clash" of the evil bird!
^∆ ^

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134831
If you sometimes go down the stairs with your back forward, you can not only expand your neck and earn from your neighbors the reputation of a citizen with oddities, but it is also very good to load the usually semi-inactivated muscles of the back surface of the hip and lumbar. and c)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134830
and Shabran:

One company once guessed that you could change the version number, backup and layout of the buttons by releasing a new version of the software product, a little money on PR... and... the breakthrough version of the product once again captures the market.
Guess what company is it about?
Yes to anybody!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134829
The babies are very upset, they don’t want to do anything themselves! - the electrician crashed (he was closer to 70), in our time there was nothing of this, everyone himself - well, in this spirit, 10 minutes more reasoned.

I don’t want you to live, Masha, I want you to bite.
Such men are now full of the planet.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134828
He then sold his house.
Selling paintings and blood.
I bought it for all the money.
Rabbits, chickens and cows

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134827
In his youth he was injured after a fight. The mouth is all in blood, the arm is broken, a closed cranial brain injury. I lie on the couch, I hear the nurse calling a colleague, look at my socks without holes and my legs clean.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134826
<> with great power comes great responsibility (c)

<> but much more often, with a great force comes a great acceleration. It all depends on the appendix point (_!)

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134825
The fourth hour of night. They go to the station without eating dinner. We get out of the call and we all three get into the elevator. The doctor cuts 1. The elevator stands. The sanitary repeats the manipulation tighter with the same effect. I breathe and press 2. One floor can be walked down. The elevator went up. We froze and grumbled. They went down the stairs.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134824
Knowing 4 languages automatically adds the over-noise to forgetting the word you want in all these languages at the same time... (((

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №134823
I just barely embraced Kondraty - we sit with the child in the kitchen, we eat lunch. Suddenly I hear some noise in the room (no animals in the house). I go in, and there a radio-controlled machine runs around the room. by SAMA.

I first wanted to look for the phone of the Hunters for the guides, and then it came - a neighbor through the wall to his son bought the same machine and they play with it, and since the frequency is the same (27.145Mhz), they play two at once, without understanding :)

I will take revenge tonight ;)

[ + 22 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134822
(From comments to the Space Project)
You know how much Russian space technology is unknown as it turned out to be in China.
WOW: Xh, for example, the rules of punctuation?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna