— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144794

This "sufficiency-attention" does not cause associations. Here only give girls still not "adequate-careful", and thus "macho". There was a girl who was given a handmade dragon by an “adequately-careful” guy. Everyone wrote out what an untouched gift this guy made, but wildly bleached in response to the question, "Did you give him after that or the guy was in vain?" Do you think why? Because I did not give, and I did not intend. It is on the words of the girls looking for attentive, adequate, understanding, etc. These are only words that are worth nothing, listening to them is more expensive. Actually everything is different.

Well you are a fool... But this is for the best, as long as you do, you can also find a good girl (although, which of you is a competitor...)))
The couple with the dragon and before that everything was fine, there are normal people, they have sex as desired, not for a gift.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144793
Apple has shown that advertising is the main thing. Face Unlock was still almost in Android 4.0, and then it was drunk out as no need for anyone. And now the apple makers did the same and... wow! by FICHA!
Well about the fact that "innovative" live photos, invented a few years ago, the essence is gifs, I am generally silent))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №144792
A friend told me about his student days:

“We had such a subject as geodesy. One of the coursework required the construction of geodesic curves on the rear points and the use of a special line.

For me, this work was not difficult, a maximum of half an hour. But here is why some girls didn’t give it. And I didn’t like to fuck, well, I didn’t get carefully. In general, an exchange was agreed: I do geodesy, and in exchange I draw the facade of the building.

Although I was happy, I felt a bite of conscience. I said a simple job, a maximum of half an hour, change it to a difficult one, with which the girl will argue a day, or even two.

I bring a ready-made plan to the girls, I go into their block (these are two rooms with a bathroom and a corridor) and suddenly I hear: "Here I have changed fine, I have drawn the facade in twenty minutes, and he has a whole day of geodesy."

So the exchange was fair :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144791
Nevertheless, it is really fun to read on the check: Dear customer, you were served by the cashier N15 Mag confectionery.
I’m squeezing my leg, brother, it’s not easy to rejoice in the morning.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144790
Vvv: A title in which everything is fine.
“Cinema Park” and “Forum Cinema” refused to show “Mathilde” due to threats from “Christian State” (terrorist organization permitted on the territory of the Russian Federation)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144789
For some reason it came to mind that "yeti" is a delicate abbreviation of what you heard "... to eat your mother!!!", pronounced by one of the first witnesses in the sight of a delightful creature, and more and more later versions are simply carefully drawn behind the ears.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144788
The guy does not give
The hungry man does not understand all the beauty. Do not try to explain anything to spermatoxicists. In principle, they can’t imagine that sex can be enough, that other affairs can be above the list of priorities, that sometimes you don’t want to spoil a comfortable relationship, for example with a colleague, for one evening, that after a regular partner on pills, who knows what and how you love, you want to battle with a rubber and a single-use girl, though cute.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144787
Intercepted at work: "Find out whose chest and chest chest".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144786
After reading the news:
Guy Ritchie filming Aladdin
Maxim: I can imagine how hard Jafar will die
Maxime : but we finally have a chance to see how Jasmine is touched!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144785
When AI comes in line with humanity, can it be called ‘iron’ or is it politically incorrect?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144784
Malefica: Every time I choose a character in a game, I feel the same "weird tolerant". Because the female characters there are represented only two options - a white blonde and a black brunette. I want light skin and dark hair. In short, I always play for the bearded uncle.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144783
XXX: Not in the dirt! No, do anything though.
Is there any milk in the pot?
Water has three states (excluding plasma): ice, water and steam. Also, milk has 4 states: milk, cream, cream, quinoa, cheese, oil, serum - some of these conditions are irreversible.
I think something is wrong with mathematics. I know 3 types of juices: apple, carrots, orange, tomato, mango.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144782
In the bathroom with my wife.
Without sex again? How can I bleed every month?
Oh wow. This is yours, honestly.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144781
<Rosa Kuznetsova> Grandma is ringing and speaking
<Rosa Kuznetsova> Is this YURA SANTEHNIK?? to
<Rosa Kuznetsova> I say: what???? to
<Rosa Kuznetsova> And she: THIS IS YURA SANTEHNIK fuck?
<Graf> say you’ve got the wrong number, and that’s Roxana, the wicked nurse

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144780
What can you open in a small town with a population of 50 thousand for 300 rubles?

Xxx: Beauty salon), terrible women, make beautiful women.

Zzz: In order to make terrible women beautiful, you have to open a bar.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144779
XX: Which book to get to know the universe of Warhammer?
Yyy: Heresy of Horus
XXX: With which of the 43 books to get acquainted with Vaha?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144778
New iPhone has a glass body

Now instead of replacing the screen, you need to replace the iPhone

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144777
Begin to understand non-verbal signals and then get a response: What did you think? I just got stuck, that’s obvious! How dare you, I am not! Oh, who are you at all, fucking foolish to think about sex with ME!!11!" A good advice, yes

Remember the classic:
How do you have such success with women?
– It’s simple, Cornet, I ask them – Madam, can you allow me to penetrate?
- Lieutenant, but you can get it by the mouth!
You can even penetrate!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144776
That is the last thing that Prometheus is. The pioneer is out.
"Oh you can breathe here!"
"This is a terrible creature, how happy I touch it!"
Are not all horror films like that? What are the screams in the basement? Oh, blood and intestines everywhere, I mean I’m on the right path.
zzz: Astral, New One, Old Strangers, Others, Curse 2. Very good, especially because of the atmosphere.
XXX is new? Will we go into the sewer and look for a maniac?

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144775
by OMG! I just saw a new saper in Windows 10 on the monoblock. Load for 15 seconds. and brake.

The PS OMG! Also in mode "Adventure"! And "Everyday tasks"

I realized he misses Sapphire! The multiplayer! And then - MMO by motives, with the story! And then the trailer movie will finally be filmed...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna