— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №104114
They have a wild excess of manganese in the water in this Soviet and they are very brake!!! to
I thought I was a brake, my wife says I was walking as I slept, but these people even froze me with their slowness!
A whole settlement of people-slit with fairy inscriptions of the type "Soviet Zags" (i.e., there is an anti-Soviet one around the corner).
However, there are also pluses.
For example, after 8 p.m. you can’t buy beer.
But if the non-Russian seller said, "I said, I quickly sold my beer, I said, for nothing, did I go through your whole frog village to you in the barracks?" Don’t believe it, it will sell!
Because I am for him such a flash of the sun, an Egyptian deity from a flying pyramid, a black coat, a mole...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104113
Commentary on the video, where schoolchildren for a while decompose the Kalashnikov machine:
Be afraid of us, cows! We will dismantle all your weapons and you will have nothing to fight!!!and "

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104112
From eilin_o_connor:

And I thought about this: do you remember the vows you made in childhood to yourself or others on the topic of "I'm about to grow up - and..."? I remember two of them very well. First, I promised myself, when I became a full-fledged adult with pocket money, to buy as many rubber striped balls as I wanted. Obviously, I had some kind of injury associated with the balls, somewhere I was not bought something, although I could, but all the details of this sad event were erased from my memory. and clean. The determination towards this reckless purchase is all that remains.

Well, I can say that this item of childhood dreams is fulfilled. I buy as many balls as I want. That is nothing.

The second promise was about sleep. I swear to myself that I will never go to bed after lunch. I will not be at nine in the evening. Even at ten!

It was very dark, and in general, it also happened.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104111
My wife works as a designer, accordingly, the machine is always at the level.

I: So how did you get the brains?
It is 4GB...
I: and how? is flying?
She: Uh, chrome has stopped to thumb...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104110
I love the smell of rain.
Because the rain washes off itself.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104109
Talking to the girl, she is a quarter Jewish, which she does not forget to periodically remind and listen to in response to the corresponding subjects.

D: I was brought from Israel a flash, such an interesting one, in the form of a Lego man, cool, right?
I: So she is Jewish.
D: And what then? O_O
I: You can’t copy it.
D: ><

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104108
We are discussing with friends the inevitable but very annoying prospect of castration of the cat Sergei Ivanich.

Don’t worry, he won’t understand anything – he’ll wake up, but it’s too late.
This is why I fear you, women, you will wake up, but it is too late.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104107
AKR: How old is he?
I found someone to ask.
AKR: He is your brother.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №104106
Sex in marriage.
XXX is a problem. Everything is stimulated, nothing is felt.
Did you tell the doctor?
ZZZ: Doctor, I have a problem!
What is?
Coney doesn’t get me!
I have a salary of $15,000.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104105
xxx: quarreled with Vika, she wrote, went in the evening and castrated the cat.
XXX: There are two things.
xxx: First of all, I’m manly guilty of the cat and I’m unlikely to be able to redeem it.
XXX: And secondly, I'm somehow linked to quarreling with her again.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №104104
Now you are a budget smartphone, what do you see yourself in 5 years?
I want to be an enterprise server.
and oh! and ambitious! You don’t fit us...Next!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №104103
I have a son Hachiko.
Maxim: Written by Apelsin
Ivan: You are a beautiful man!
And now dance.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №104102
xxx: By the way, to the history of 15552, in our city, the sidewalks were surrounded by fences, leaving only windows for bus stops. So at one stop near my house, where the shops began to park right in this window. Even for hours sometimes. Noah, you have to fuck them. Whoever rides on a big jeep, then through the fence is not smooth.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №104101
And only those with yogurt have a chance?

I will not stand!
These mouthpieces think quoy, and choose "phytoniacs", with yogurt and a mandle figure.
Having brought this award-winning horse into constant use, our genius will start to complain that he wants a normal borsche, and she, the beast, doesn’t cook him at all.
Yogurt is fed. The Maldives :)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №104100
In Russia, the war of the TV with the refrigerator began.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №104099
For the new year, his wife had a wish, but Santa didn’t tell him.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №104098
The doctor says:
In order for your husband to recover faster, he needs to drink more and walk.
The Wife:
I wonder how he was able to get sick at all.! to

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104097
Ircmaan: I read in a book that men are given a fair number of flowers, and women are given a false number.
ZazaNapoli: This is all because a man is given a flower only on the grave…

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №104096
Why doesn’t my mom go to my boyfriend? We have been with him for a year.
YYY: Grandma does not want to become before time
Zzz: He doesn’t want him to put his flower in your vase.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №104095
by 19:58
My poor antivirus runs all night. However, while travelling through pornographic sites, he suffered much less than during the search for books for the course.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna