— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148014
by Igor:
I also travel with a paper book. To read during the landing. When they require to turn off the electronics :) Or when the battery is running out in the phone.

One day, in a neighboring chair, a guy looked like me. I had a book in my hand "How to become smart", and he had a book in his hand "How to become rich". We looked at each other, and in each one’s eyes read the superiority.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148013
I went to Liverpool College of Arts. I thought it was very easy to write abstractions, and I planted spots of paint everywhere, and I was told that it was shit. I demanded "Prove!" and I was easily proven.
(John Lennon from an interview)

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148012
By Chups: Morning note from his wife: If you find eggs, put them in the refrigerator. They are cooked. I lost it" What to say? First day of the year =)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148011
It is not true. In 1832 of the 2187 cases I was explained and only in 355 were given.

Announcement: A man with a refined taste is looking for a girl 92.97 x 61.75 x 93.45. Not boring!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148010
xxx: I had a stack of hot water in the toilet at the floor level. Fuck, I sat forty-five minutes waiting for the sanitary. Water on the ankle (and above) throughout the apartment. And here I, probably the only time, the first floor, and that the water was not as hot as all the others (the legs boiled only 25 minutes later) and even because the hot stand was fucking (the cold water was ice and I’t be able to withstand it).

Yyy: Lifehack: You had to break through a cold water pipe to stand in the hot tub.

Zzzz: Here are the sanitary machines.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №148009
The author and his sympathetic: say, the author and alimony for both (and the girl and the child) paid, and for a couple! I took them somewhere for months, even to the sea. They sit and wait for applause. Allo, this is the least he could give a child, once a full paternity pulled on. And here and next is not the fact that she was not 2 months, and the whole year this child fed, drank, walked through clinics and kindergartens, and he was given a full, healthy, dressed and dressed child for 2 months, and he then returned. Homework is not a man’s business. Still, Sunday parents are some kind of kindergarten, neither the mind nor the heart. Of course, children do not grow up, but probably in our Rasha. As if the post-war years were still hungry and one man from the war has returned to the whole village. Directly feeding from enthusiasm, it turns out, it is necessary that the daddy does not walk under himself and even pays alimony. This author must at the grave of life thank the girl and her current husband for raising his child.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148008
A colleague has a root, his one-coach, with whom I have been booing for 10 years with a colleague at DR. They did not cross elsewhere. According to his passport, he is Oleg, but his friends call him the Borderman. A man is like a man, slightly dry in bodies, slightly brutal in communication. So it turned out that the last time we were only two smokers, the rest - who quit, who did not come, and here, we went to smoke together. At the fourth or fifth smoke, when the socio-political topics exhausted, went on to personal, the good 300 grams in the stomach contributed... I was for some reason 100% sure that he was a border guard, at least the former, once the clique was such... well, I started:

Are you still serving?

In the sense?

Are you not in the army?

- No-ye-ye, thief three times... I work in advertising... and not at all suitable for construction...

“Hmm, I thought you’re called the Borderman... so you at least ran on the border.

- Yes, no. It is my roof in the universe came off from the schoolroom. so I was diagnosed - border psychiatric disorders.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №148007
>> offer the former to divide 50 by 50 for ALL expenses on the child.

A child’s time is also divided by 50 by 50?

And let us! It is only not so that his mother at night feeds him, feeds home food, swims, teaches lessons, and his dad only leads to the park and the macdake. Let’s be completely honest! In the hospital order, butterflies change in turn, for vaccines and to the tooth to drive.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148006
Gerber87: Changed the toilet. They looked and chose. In one of the shops saw quite ordinary nothing apparently not remarkable toilet but with the price of 280 000 rubles. And on a very serious question "is it from what super material? Or is it Japanese with a bunch of equipment?" The seller whispered and with intonation as if explaining something to fools said "This is a NEW COLLECTION!".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148005
Karma and Jump

Removing your own response to mailers costs money. Burn in Hell!! to

Well, life is there. In the real world, sometimes words have to be answered.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148004
The Experts

Ukrainian woman beat her neighbor with two live goats
During the examination, the birds were recognized as "dumb solid objects".

You yourself are stupid. And what is hard is better to feed.
with UV. and pr. by GUSSI

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №148003
No, of course, if the child lives with the father, the same question to the mother. This happens much less often.

If the child lives with the father, the child is raised by the grandmother in 99% of cases.

[ + 17 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148002
and samurai.

I have been paying alimony for over 10 years. It is not allowed to communicate with the child.

I would like to - with checks to the court, establish a schedule of meetings with the child. So, or not much need, or in the court can find out that the alimony is very low.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148001
In the 7th class we had a drawing. And at first I liked it because I loved painting cars and buildings in three-dimensional space. And, given that my dad has an engineer and a good drawer, I thought there would be no problems with the subject.

It all started with the controls, when the guys, including me, had bad marks. My indignation had no limits. I have a “two” assessment. Please show the work of the girl Yana, who has a "five". I know and understand that there is no difference. W-o-o-o-b is the He showed two works to other classmates, among them were round excellences. They also saw no difference. Then I went to the school and asked for an explanation. First I stretched out my checklist to her, where she pointed out my wrong lines, sections, etc. Then I stretched out the sheet of Yana. When asked what the difference was, he got a very logical answer: in everything! And immediately, following me to my party, the lesson began.

At the age of thirteen, I didn’t go further and demand justice, but just stumbled and stopped giving proper time to the subject. And here, when for a quarter I get out "Trojan", a cool manager, dissatisfied with my result, is outraged: "Why are you so? I would be enrolled as Jan for additional drawing classes. There are only five of them!”

70 rubles per hour, as I remember. That was the price of the fifth. Probably, for a teacher from the periphery, there is nothing, and an increase to the poor salary. For my family, the money was small. And I would tell my parents that I need doping. At the end of the quarter, he would also get a positive mark. Only the injustice of my efforts completely deprived me of interest in further study of the subject. That’s how I loved what I was originally meant for. Thank you, teacher of drawing! I don’t remember your name 😀

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148000
I have been paying alimony for over 10 years. It is not allowed to communicate with the child. Guess how the child treats me. I do not know.

Do I have to worry about other people’s problems?

Do you really want to communicate with your child? The court determines the order of communication. They will set the days and hours that you will be obliged to spend with your heir. It is strange that you suffer so much from separation and do not know these elementary things (sarcasm). In fact, 90% of the "sufferers" are deeply delighted that their "fatherhood" is reduced to the payment of a small sum of money, and it is not necessary to drive this incomprehensible and unnecessary creature either into the park or to the skateboard. The main thing, closer to old age, do not remember that you had a child, and do not lie to another adult with manifestations of "father's feelings."

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №147999
I explain:

You can explain to me why if a man does not give more than he ought by law, he is a fool, and if a woman does not give more than she ought by law, she is a good man.
— — —
According to the law, each parent must not only maintain the child, but also participate in the upbringing. So if the father does not take the child to the kindergarten, to the clubs, to the clinic, does not sit in the evenings 3-4 times a week helping to do lessons and reading fairy tales for the night - then it is logical to add to the alimony money for a babysitter. And the woman and her salary, and time is wasted, and the father, according to the law, 2-3 thousand, and good!

No, of course, if the child lives with the father, the same question to the mother. This happens much less often.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №147998
Cool hack.
If you want to go to the United States and you are not given a visa, go to the DoS website and write out a visa for yourself.
The Russian Hackers

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147997
And my ex sends up to seven thousand for the child!

True, once every six months.

We can say that seven.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147996
I disagree with:

I fully agree that female contraception is much more difficult and harmful to the body, but agree...

Study the question before you write it. Apparently, you imagine taking hormonal pills as a one-off action, unambiguously guaranteeing a positive result (take it orally before association and drink it with water, and there are no problems). It is not so. Contraceptives are drunk courses with strict observance of the regime. And changing the balance of hormones in the body is a completely different order of intervention than wearing a removable, easily removable hood for a few minutes.

Both partners should take care of protection. Don’t wear a hood – don’t let it! Logic: it’s his fault because I didn’t wear it, and it’s harder for me to protect myself, so I have nothing to do with it, nothing better than logic: but I have something to do with it, I don’t have to give birth.
Responsibility for the consequences is always on two. Exception is one, but I beg you, but not again about it...
— — — —

Many women do not use oral contraceptives. Or do you really think they’re as useful as advertising sometimes describes them?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147995
I met a friend, the interrogations began and a friend was very surprised to say how I live myself in my almost 40 years (I divorced three years ago) in a private house with a car, etc.)At my interrogation, this subject rejoiced that he was married again, had two children, and so on. He is married for the third time in five years, each time he has a couple of children. That is, being married, this thick Casanova quickly finds a new lady, marries again and again produces a couple of homelessnesses. Family is the most sacred and important thing in life. and ah.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna